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It's 3:16 pets are FREAKING out

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posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 04:22 AM

Something happened outside my house last night and it reminded me of this thread. Last night I was awake at around 1am and getting ready for bed. I always go to sleep around then, I stay up playing games and watching TV Shows. As i just got into bed and turn the light off I hear this massive loud bang from outside! At first I thought maybe a Cat, but the noise was very loud. So i lay there thinking it was nothing and try to sleep. 10 seconds later another few banging noises! So now im thinking wtf is going on... All of sudden dogs start barking and even all the birds are awake and making noise. The weird thing was it wasnt just the dog behind my fence but all of them in the area. I could hear heaps of them barking, even dogs from ages away were barking. The birds were all awake and started making alot of noise. So I got up and turned on the outside lights. I hear more noises coming from outside but I cant see anything... I stay near the window thinking about what it could be and why all the birds were awake and all the dogs still awake and barking. I decide to go back to bed and turn the lights off, maybe if someone was outside, or if it was cat, its now gone... Then.... I walk into my room, turn the light off and i hear something outside my window! As i walked near my window I hear this weird sound pass my window! As if something just walked right past my window! It was a noise like a weird squeaking crossed with a duck, hard to decribe... but it didnt sound natural at all! I could hear the noise it was making and could hear it as it walked past my window. I stood there for ages thinking of what the hell it could of been... No birds can fly past my back window or near it as we have shade cloth up over that area. After all this happened the dogs kept barking for another 30mins and the birds were still awake. Was super weird!!! and weird that all the birds were awake at 1am! I ended up going to sleep around 2am.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by nitestrider
. . . As i walked near my window I hear this weird sound pass my window! As if something just walked right past my window! It was a noise like a weird squeaking crossed with a duck, hard to decribe... but it didnt sound natural at all!

Interesting events and a quick note of thanks for posting it. It may be a bit prejudicial on my part, but I much prefer to read events posted by a member with 8 posts in 2 1/2 years compared to one that makes 147 posts and 3 threads on their first day of membership. It must mean something that you feel it worthy of posting.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 02:25 PM
I just wanted to say that I'm sorry you lost Heidi. That made me sad. I hope you are doing okay. HUGS!

I have to say I'm a fan of the threads you create (like the weird noises thread and this one) so I hope you feel better soon so you can keep us updated.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 02:29 PM
Glad you sound like you are doing OK StealthyKat. ....I still don't understand why the reaction by the other animals nearby? Didn't you say other dogs were barking as well? Maybe I am remembering wrong. For the record I am quite sure you are not crazy. Looking forward to you pics/video

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by glad_to_be_His

Thank you! Yes I'm ok....just needed a little time....yes, the other animals on the street were barking. I'm really at a loss to explain may just be a coincidence that Heidi died right after that. I am going to make a post in a few minutes with some video I took as soon as the sun came up that morning. I think something else was going on besides Heidi passing away. Be back in a few (finishing uploading to you tube)

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 08:47 PM
Ugggh....never enough time! I have 2 videos uploaded and not much time before I leave for work, so I'll post them, and I'll explain what they are when I get up tomorrow. Just a quick comment on the vids....clear skies when I went out....we heard that noise (maybe it was going on that nightand the animals heard it and I didn't)....4 or 5 silver jets making a grid in the clear skies....contrails spread out and in a very short time, the sky was cloudy with strange looking clouds (and this was when we started hearing the noise again....if you look closely, the "bubble clouds are completely stationary while the others fly by. In the bubble clouds there were small points of light almost like stars glittering.......and NO..... I'm not saying they ARE stars or that the world is coming to and end LOL! full screen.... You can hear the strange sound again....though it was much louder in person and I was disappointed the camera didn't pick it up better.

ETA: Notice in the first video how there are straight angles to the "clouds" was bizarre to see first hand....I have some photos I took to which show the sky literally divided in half of light and clouds....a perfect line down the middle.... Oh....also have some showing odd "waves" or ripples in the clouds....some of the recordings are shaky and wavy, but it was not me shaking....just like the last time, my camera starts making that annoying "whomp" noise....and then the video get shaky. I took video just the night before and the camera did NOT make that noise at all. It only seems to do it while I'm recording that sound. Maybe a coincidence....I don't know.....I'll post them first thing tomorrow...Have a beautiful night everyone....Kat

edit on 8/18/2011 by StealthyKat because: (no reason given)

edit on 8/18/2011 by StealthyKat because: (no reason given)

edit on 8/18/2011 by StealthyKat because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by StealthyKat

About those videos... I find it surprising and annoying that all these people that were posting before are nowhere to be found. They have nothing to say about the videos? Strange. I do. The second one says it's private: what's up with that? Why put it on here if we can't see it. The first one, yes I hear a strange noise, what is it? What's up with the triangle area in the sky ( left side). Is something there? Is it what's causing the noise. The noise is pulsating... Do you hear the HUM also? I have posted many times about that just to get it out of my system, but it really hasn't resulted in any answers as to the cause. I believe we are in the end days and these are just the symptoms of that. Some of us are just more aware than others. We are like watchers, waiting for something to happen, because we feel something will happen. Or, we are just bored to death with our lives so we make something out of nothing...

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 02:57 AM
I've not abandoned you by any stretch - you've been in my mind and heart since your loss... My problem is my ISP and having a tough time getting online. I was fortunate enough my ISP settled into allowing me to post my Etna video. But that's beside the point.
Point being? I've been thinking about you so much and truly hope you've found peace. So many years of love between you two - she wouldn't want you drifting into despair. But, we already talked about this in U2U so I'm repeating myself, and as always repeating my love and support of you - even when I'm not online.
Be well and take care!
love and hugs

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by silo13

Thank you Gracie....I understand, and I know where your heart is! I have been AWOL and so much going on I am just today trying to catch up. I'm so far behind and much reading to do! I am doing fine now though. As you know it just takes some time. Regarding the thread...I am really starting to believe that the strange sounds and animal behavior could be realted. They may hear it at times when we can't. I just found many new uploads on youtube with these bizarre sounds people are hearing. I just posted them on my thread here check it out....have you heard of anyone hearing it in Italy? The latest have been in Russia....people are hearing it all over the world....I haven't a clue what it is, but I am so intrigued by this....

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by LoveyLadybug

Thank you! Yes....the dogs on my street outside were barking like crazy......sooooo I don't know. I have another thread about these odd sounds people are recording, and I am really starting to think maybe all this is related. After all, animals can hear much better than us. So I still don't know what it was all about. Check out these recordings

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by LoveyLadybug

Hi Lady Bug....and thanks.....the above reply was for you too
Let me know what you think when you can listen to them ok?

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 01:57 PM
Anxious to check out the recordings.

Just wanted to case anyone may find it interesting or helpful....that we felt the earthquake here and as soon as I realized what happened I checked my fish (the one's that I mentioned earlier in this thread for their odd behavior) and they were doing the same weird stuff. Completely hiding under the ledge of the pond and swimming madly back and forth, mostly as a school. So odd. Now they are fine.

-I realize I am maybe overly observant of my fish but hubby won't let me have a dog

edit on 8/25/2011 by glad_to_be_His because: excessive use of smiley

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 01:57 PM
double post
edit on 8/25/2011 by glad_to_be_His because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by notknowing

I have no idea what the noise is....but I have heard it 3 separate times. The "triangle" was there shortly after I heard it one the sky was the second video (that odd sound is my camera...I have no idea what was causing that), those odd clouds started just building up right after the triangle cloud....there were the bumpy clouds, with the remants of the "triangle " clouds, racing past them. Check out my other thread about the weird noises, here's a link to the last few pages, where I posted a compilation of the sounds being heard all over the's really wild!

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