posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 04:22 AM
Something happened outside my house last night and it reminded me of this thread. Last night I was awake at around 1am and getting ready for bed. I
always go to sleep around then, I stay up playing games and watching TV Shows. As i just got into bed and turn the light off I hear this massive loud
bang from outside! At first I thought maybe a Cat, but the noise was very loud. So i lay there thinking it was nothing and try to sleep. 10 seconds
later another few banging noises! So now im thinking wtf is going on... All of sudden dogs start barking and even all the birds are awake and making
noise. The weird thing was it wasnt just the dog behind my fence but all of them in the area. I could hear heaps of them barking, even dogs from ages
away were barking. The birds were all awake and started making alot of noise. So I got up and turned on the outside lights. I hear more noises coming
from outside but I cant see anything... I stay near the window thinking about what it could be and why all the birds were awake and all the dogs still
awake and barking. I decide to go back to bed and turn the lights off, maybe if someone was outside, or if it was cat, its now gone... Then.... I walk
into my room, turn the light off and i hear something outside my window! As i walked near my window I hear this weird sound pass my window! As if
something just walked right past my window! It was a noise like a weird squeaking crossed with a duck, hard to decribe... but it didnt sound natural
at all! I could hear the noise it was making and could hear it as it walked past my window. I stood there for ages thinking of what the hell it could
of been... No birds can fly past my back window or near it as we have shade cloth up over that area. After all this happened the dogs kept barking for
another 30mins and the birds were still awake. Was super weird!!! and weird that all the birds were awake at 1am! I ended up going to sleep around