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Cattle mutilations had nothing to do with aliens, said Gabe Valdez

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posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 08:25 PM
The thing that boggles my mind about the mutilations -- is why return the corpses?

If Aliens did it, -- well, its claimed that they can easily abduct several people and take them into the craft so taking a cattle or two shouldn't be an issue. And once they are done, why return it instead of jettisoning it out into space or vaporizing it as part of some recycling program?

Government sounds more likely but these are ranchers who sell their live stock. The government would have far less trouble having an ABC division running a few shell companies that act as middle men buying the stock and keeping a select few for testing while passing off the rest to the market.

Could it be wild animals or drug gangs? I don't know.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 10:39 PM
It is extremely obvious that the government is monitoring Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), since BSE is some serious fcucking stuff.

That is just science.....nothing mysterious.

The U.S. Government CANNOT simply use its own cattle, because the whole fcucking point is to monitor the nation's supply as a whole.

Gabe Valdez knew this, and did not want to create a scare which would turn people off of beef, which in turn would put ranchers out of business.

edit on 27-10-2011 by NotReallyASecret because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by Fastriver

Your posts are very interesting Fastriver. Why did Gabe say that Paul Bennewitz was right, and in the same tone say that he doesn't believe in aliens? It doesn't appear to me that he was saying Paul was wrong about the aliens, Greg said in an interview that Gabe had seen an alien image on Paul's computer screen before the Air Force got involved and around 10 years later Gabe publicly said Paul was 80% on the right track and he had backing from at least 5 different sources. The 20% had to do with locations. Gabe denied Doty and Paul had seperated a human base from the alien base. The fact is what happened to Gabe is mysterious as Chris O'Brien mentioned, it is a fact to tell us all that discussing Dulce is not fun anymore because once again it is shown that a secret is meant to be kept a secret, whether human base or alien.

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by Fastriver
People are too quick to go down the 'evil aliens' route without taking seriously other possibilities. Look at the origins of the 70s/80s 'evil aliens' myths. It's worth wondering why our 'evil aliens' were so regionally specific?

We know Bennewitz started the foundation of so-called 'evil aliens' but it has been investigated and determined that Bennewitz was a master genius of his art which was electronic physics. The actual frequencies were measured of the first alien implant discovered. The frequencies and scientific words that I do not have knowledge of have been measured for why abductees experience the negative effects from the implant. Paul didn't get the catscan of the world's first alien implant because he thought it was there, he knew for absolute sure that what was happening was real, and admitted he would never believe it if it happened to anyone else and not him.

Originally posted by PhoenixDown
The thing that boggles my mind about the mutilations -- is why return the corpses?

If Aliens did it, -- well, its claimed that they can easily abduct several people and take them into the craft so taking a cattle or two shouldn't be an issue. And once they are done, why return it instead of jettisoning it out into space or vaporizing it as part of some recycling program?

Government sounds more likely but these are ranchers who sell their live stock. The government would have far less trouble having an ABC division running a few shell companies that act as middle men buying the stock and keeping a select few for testing while passing off the rest to the market.

Could it be wild animals or drug gangs? I don't know.

A lot of people don't realize the extent of law enforcement officials who not only saw a few black helicopters some without sound, but had reports of "strange people" and saw orange UFOs hovering over a field, then flying into the ground the next day their being a bloodless cattle with it's legs straight up in the air. The real incidents are Not shown on any local news broadcast collected of the last ten years from any channel on cable tv. The real incidents brought television news cameras to film large balls of light having smaller balls of light exit them, hover over fields, and rejoin in speeds greater than 10,000 mph (which is like quicker than the eye) to the larger ball of light, the next day there being a cattle with mysterious examples of paranormal activity unlike any of the cattle mutes in the last ten years on tv or the internet and making the ones around Dulce appear to be that the active human portion of what we dealt with is possible. So it is not a question of UFOs abducting cattle and police forces that are unkown to ATS members who knew that something extraordinary was committing the act. The question is if aliens are evolved more than humans enough to sneak in an underground base, appear in a of couple lights, and set up a layout of projects that a human wouldn't be able to see with a telescope. I think they could have succeeded.
edit on 27-10-2011 by greyer because: spelling

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 11:58 PM
They arent just tesing cows. They are testing the AREAS they graze in. They take the soft tissue parts which easily store radiation and chemicals. I believe its due to monitoring something they are doing BELOW ground across the US and the World. Thats why they dont just buy a herd or 2 to test (mutilate)

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

Did it ever come through your mind, someone who wanted to cover it up has left the mask and other things, in most cases there is no track or any clues around the crime?

And while it is true that the real deal would be never on youtube, never someone would be showing pictures of it in public, just like that, if such thing really came to public, supressing it would mean it is real, while ignoring it would let people think it is fake.

People who die after telling things like Schneider, then all his 'artifacts' taken away from home, I dont know any to be killed for disinfo. If Schneider isnt enough, others highly repsected like Joe McMoneagle to say he's seen such creature in AUTEC, I'm sure there are some things real here, talk about denying everything FFS

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 06:33 AM
Shame about Gabe's passing as he was one of the only 'tangible' links to the whole Dulce fiasco as was Paul Bennewitz unlike fictional characters such as Thomas E Castello. Only Richard Doty left now from the start of the Dulce story if I remember correctly.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by Violater1

What Gabe may have heard was a similar type of helicopter, that was used to kill Osama bin Laden. Gabe was a real American Patriot, and history should regard him as one of the finest LEO's in our country.

Everything I've read about the guy shows courage and bravery. He wasn't alone in hearing an engine in the dark or seeing lights; maybe it was a heli based operation? The cattle had the powder on their backs (visible from the air?), radar chaff indicates aerial injection (parachute, drop-off?) and the glow-sticks could be for signalling to be picked up again. All signs of covert-ops.

It was dark stuff...whatever was going on.

@ Imtor - Instead of secret human agencies, you think it was aliens making it look like humans? Sure. Aliens.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by PhoenixOD
For years ive always said i thought it was the result of goverment testing for radiation contamination in cattle. Its the only reason i could come up with as to why the specific parts of the cows were taken. The just how they did the death without blood being split part is quite easy to explain as well.

Well ok but how was this radiation introduced into the cattle? And was the whole herd exposed and when. What about the farmers and ranchers? How would they not show signs of exposure being in such close proximity to the cattle?

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by NotReallyASecret
It is extremely obvious that the government is monitoring Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), since BSE is some serious fcucking stuff.

That is just science.....nothing mysterious.

The U.S. Government CANNOT simply use its own cattle, because the whole fcucking point is to monitor the nation's supply as a whole.

They could do this by taking samples at the slaughterhouse.

It would be much cheaper and everything for the DoA to just buy so many cows from any given herd for testing.....and not even have to tell the rancher the true nature of the testing. They could just tell the ranchers that this is part of regular testing for any number of know reasons.

This other idea makes it look like the government must come in, infect cows without the owners knowlege and then come back at some point late at night with strange craft and take organs out of the cow and leave its remains out on the range. If "they" are doing this isnt got nothing to do with rediation testing but some sort of big ol mind job as has been speculated.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 09:19 AM
One minute... On the internet reports of cattle, horses, sheep, foxes, and humans have all been mutilated the same way. I think a couple of months ago I saw some photos with the articles. There is also a utube video of a cow being taken by a UFO. Everyone suspects the gov testing for radiation first. But they don't need to mutilate cows, they can buy them with our tax dollars. I think the aliens need the hormones found in these animals. The animal's tounges were supposed to show toxins from the environment, I read that somewhere. It's too bad the animals remaining in the feilds can't tell the humans what happened. Someone should get one of those animal physic people to find out.
edit on 28-10-2011 by frugal because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 09:34 AM
Cattle behaviour: My grandfather had the dairy cow business sixty to twenty years ago. As a small child I would watch these animals down at the barn. Cows have herd mentality. This means at the first sign of trouble or unfamiliar noises they are going to run and make a lot of noise. Cows are shy but curious animals. Don't you think a noisy helecopter flying low over a herd of cattle in the dark is going to make alot of noise, alerting the farmer and neighbors. My grandparents lived way out in the middle of nowhere. Any noise was a big unusual noise. Farmers have multiple guns to protect their animals from predators and theives. Does anyone want to be shot for a cow tounge and privates when 1000 USD buys the cow? Hours from a major respectable hospital? Farmers are excellent marksmen shots, this is what they do for entertainment.... practice, practice, practice.

The question here is how far back in time do the cow mutilations occur? Before or after nuclear development?
edit on 28-10-2011 by frugal because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by Logarock

Originally posted by NotReallyASecret
It is extremely obvious that the government is monitoring Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), since BSE is some serious fcucking stuff.

That is just science.....nothing mysterious.

The U.S. Government CANNOT simply use its own cattle, because the whole fcucking point is to monitor the nation's supply as a whole.

They could do this by taking samples at the slaughterhouse.

It would be much cheaper and everything for the DoA to just buy so many cows from any given herd for testing.....and not even have to tell the rancher the true nature of the testing. They could just tell the ranchers that this is part of regular testing for any number of know reasons.

This other idea makes it look like the government must come in, infect cows without the owners knowlege and then come back at some point late at night with strange craft and take organs out of the cow and leave its remains out on the range. If "they" are doing this isnt got nothing to do with rediation testing but some sort of big ol mind job as has been speculated.

They can't do it at the slaughterhouse.

Prions are some weird shiit....

And they would want to isolate BSE before cows went to the slaughterhouse.
edit on 28-10-2011 by NotReallyASecret because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
@ Imtor - Instead of secret human agencies, you think it was aliens making it look like humans? Sure. Aliens.

I would say both, I just dont want to ignore something that leads to other beings with you know how much meterial there is about it, some fake, some coming frm credible sources that shouldnt be called fake. Since we are talking about mutliations here not 'Were ETs ever here', yes I think it is quite possible these could be done by high tech surgery methods not revealed for public (which makes no sense or makes sense if those who use it dont care about people receiving medical treatment of highest quality).

So no, I'm not putting some label 'aliens', but could be..

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 08:11 PM
I am one of Gabe's sons and I was with him at most of the mutilations that he investigated. Maybe I can help you with some of the questions that are on this forum. All the questions raised in this forum have been looked at by investigators. The question regarding why the government didn't just buy cattle was addressed early in the investigation. It was routine for nearly 10,000 steers to graze in the Dulce area every summer and then they would be sold at market in the fall. None of those animals were ever mutilated. The pattern that developed and studied seemed to follow a pattern of mutilated cattle that were from local herds that had generations of breeding and bloodlines in the area. An example of this is the Gomez cattle. The Gomez family homesteaded that area and the genetic line of those cattle went back for decades. That is one reason why the theory of the government just buying cattle and conducting tests never really panned out. It seemed like certain age groups and bloodlines were being singled out for whatever reason.

As far as Paul Bennewitz, the majority of information that he provided was true. Most people don't understand how smart Paul was. The information that he was being fed contained partial truths in order to divert his attention from Kirtland Air Force Base and it worked. The Air Force had to show him some things that were true in order to keep him preoccupied and focused on Dulce. The hard part for the majority of people is separating the fact from the bs that was fed to him.

All the evidence that was ever gathered points to human involvement in some form. It's hard to sum up all of the facts in a short post, but this is a small portion of the story.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by GVALDEZ
Welcome to ATS - although Mr Valdez has become associated with some strange subjects, his reputation was built on better things.

I've got a lot of questions that can't be answered so I'll just ask a couple. Why do you think the mutilations came to an end in the area? After Mr Gomez was forced to sell his pastures and cattle, did the buyers have any experiences of mutilation?

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 03:02 AM

Originally posted by GVALDEZ

As far as Paul Bennewitz, the majority of information that he provided was true. Most people don't understand how smart Paul was. The information that he was being fed contained partial truths in order to divert his attention from Kirtland Air Force Base and it worked. The Air Force had to show him some things that were true in order to keep him preoccupied and focused on Dulce. The hard part for the majority of people is separating the fact from the bs that was fed to him.

All the evidence that was ever gathered points to human involvement in some form. It's hard to sum up all of the facts in a short post, but this is a small portion of the story.

I'm sure people like Bennewitz could have truth in all they say, im sure even Schneider had some truth while not all he said, but hey skeptics know so much here, also ATS are the biggest experts so you should listen to them, they may not have been anywhere near any UFO incident, involved in military bases or in this thread mutilation incident but hey they know all. [/Sarcasm]

Yesterday I came across a Paul Bennewitz story that was stunning what a big mind game one can play with another and how much disinformation can be spread and how effective it can be. I actually learnt more about disinformation around what I read, the level of lies is on highest level I've ever seen.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

When ranchers sell their cattle at auction, they usually go straight to slaughter, so there is no way to track them to another owner. Although cattle have brands they do not have a title like a vehicle so ownership is very difficult to track. It is very common for cattle and horses for that matter to be sold and transported to Mexico for slaughter. They sold their land mostly because of family issues and business decisions. The cattle business is difficult and is not very profitable unless you have a very large herd, like 1000 plus animals. The Gomez herd was not this large and they lost enough cattle to mutilations that it wasn't very profitable. But that is a story that is best told by the Gomez family, not me.

As far as the mutilations stopping all of a sudden, there is no explanation for this. They studied weather patterns and it seemed that the mutilations would follow the jet stream. For example when the jet stream was farther north there seemed to be an increase of mutilations in Montana in Colorado. When it dipped into New Mexico, there seemed to be more mutilations in Dulce or Taos. That was the closest pattern they could establish to track the mutilations. Keep in mind they would have up to 4 mutilations in one night and then they wouldn't see anything again for months or years at a time. Patrolling cattle fields was not a high priority for the State Police when there was plenty of work to do handling other crimes like shootings, bar fights and accidents which included other routine police work.

This story goes back around 30 years. Maybe they gathered everything they needed in regards to research in that area. Your guess is as good as mine. There is no way to tell for sure.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 11:27 AM
I've put my thoughts on other threads before. I live in Alabama. Close to the biggest toxic dump in this country. About an hour north of me they have a lot of cattle mutilations. Within 20 miles of me the government burns old chemical weapons and disposes of old bombs. They tell us we are totally safe because of all the filters they use in burning these chemicals. The wind blows here coming mainly from the south. So it sure don't seem strange they are going north to get the cattle for testing.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by NotReallyASecret
They can't do it at the slaughterhouse.

Prions are some weird shiit....

And they would want to isolate BSE before cows went to the slaughterhouse.
edit on 28-10-2011 by NotReallyASecret because: (no reason given)

Thats fine but no one said anything about a certain herd of cows but cows in general appeared to be the meaning. And what radiation? Why would they be testing for radiation anyway? Thats why I asked if anyone knew where or why these cows would be checked in the first place.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by napayshni57

Thanks for sharing that.

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