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The truth about the English Riots

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posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 11:40 AM
I ask you all interseted in the truth and real reasons behind the civil unrest in England at the moment to take a few minutes to watch this, I myself am from Nottingham an area very much caught up in the riots. I agree with everything this guy says, what say you?

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 11:53 AM
The government can do whatever it wants, and there is no punishment.

The police can do whatever they want, and there is no punishment.

The media can lie about anything they want, and there is no punishment.

The corporations can rob anyone or pollute anywhere they want, and there is no punishment.

BUT if you dare to stand up and even so much as protest ???
You should be EXECUTED!!!

That is how retarded most people are these days. They are way hard core fascist.

We have 100% evidence that the UK is a Authoritarian Totalitarian Monarchy now. There is no freedom, only regulations and policies for you to follow.

Now get in line slaves.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 11:57 AM
These thugs have just lost all hope.

They are being named and shamed all over the interwebz....they think they had nothing before, hahaha, they will have nothing now.

These kids know nothing about government, politics or economics....even if they did its no justification to breaking into peoples houses while they sleep to loot them....or burning down houses!

I dont agree....these were dregs of society dragged up by their scumbag parents. They are doing it because they dont fear the law...nothing else.

Today they were handing out fines for the looters, and trying to excuse them with the same nonsense in the videos.

What they have done is inexcusable...and if they dont pay through the justice system they will pay in other ways

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 11:57 AM
Nah i don't agree...

these same punk kids are the ones going to bars getting wasted and watching pointless "football" games ..

why don't these punk kids get an education and go run for office ?

why don't these punk kids go and help educate there towns on voting for better politicial leadership ?

destroying there communities is not the answer

it calls for more goverment

more cameras

more control

its counter productive ...

all the poor shop owners who worked so hard to get where they are , what do they have to look forward too?

where there going to get the money to replace there inventory ?

violence has and never been the solution .

these punk kids expect things to be handed down to them on a plate ready to serve

reality doesn't work that way and these kids need to wake up and realize this is not the way for change .

It hurts the community

Breaks the economy

Thrashes tourism

Costs millions if not billions in clean up and security costs

who of course the tax payers will have to dish out ...

If they don't like the way things are ,, and they refuse to run for office them selfs or educate others

why not go to a place with no government for 20 + years?


the uk public at large are good lay obiding citizens who didnt ask for this type of "revolution" / looting while there not looking

they uk punks make me sick and i would never support there cause through this method . They are criminals trying to hide under the guise of revolution

kinda like suicide bombers hide under religion

or lying policiticans hide under patriotism and political correctness

its sick disturbing and only hurts us even more ...

all they did was give the government more of an excuse to get bigger fatter and shove the bill downt he tax payers and the future generations

thanks for nothing uk useless scum bags! (the bad ones of course)

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:00 PM
This is exactly what I expected to hear. despite what the MSM would have us all believe, the dynamic behind the London riots is exactly the same as what is behind the uprisings in the Middle East. It's not about wanting democracy, it's about wanting the basics. Despite the killing of the gentleman at the beginning of all this acting as the trigger, it was only the spark that is releasing tensions that have been building for years:

-- rampant unemployment especially among the youth.

-- cultural resentment

-- the knowledge that the elite are pillaging the country and nothing is done

-- the fact that the elite are 'out-of-touch' with the common man

-- government's inability, or more likely, unwillingness to level the playing field

-- the government's prejudicial missapropriation of public funds

-- hopelessness

It's only a matter of time before things get this bad in this country as well.. every day is a day closer.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

The government can do whatever it wants, and there is no punishment. The police can do whatever they want, and there is no punishment. The media can lie about anything they want, and there is no punishment. The corporations can rob anyone or pollute anywhere they want, and there is no punishment. BUT if you dare to stand up and even so much as protest ??? You should be EXECUTED!!!

Well then - oppose the government/police/media/corporations.
Lots (majority) of "Protesting" people in UK burn property of simple people and attack them.
This is as simple as it is.
I fail to notice scores of executed rioters, but i can see daily property destroyed and people robbed and attacked.
Truth is that some might be there for ideals and confront police only, but most are looters and rioters.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
The government can do whatever it wants, and there is no punishment.

The police can do whatever they want, and there is no punishment.

The media can lie about anything they want, and there is no punishment.

The corporations can rob anyone or pollute anywhere they want, and there is no punishment.

BUT if you dare to stand up and even so much as protest ???
You should be EXECUTED!!!

That is how retarded most people are these days. They are way hard core fascist.

We have 100% evidence that the UK is a Authoritarian Totalitarian Monarchy now. There is no freedom, only regulations and policies for you to follow.

Now get in line slaves.

Guess history does repeat itself. Can't wait for the King of England, when he's crowned, to start a war with France again

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:03 PM
That's one way of looking at it. But what caused it? After WWII the socialists took over. They decided to "get the rich!" whom everyone resented. The Chancellor of the Exchequer said he would tax the rich "until their pips squeaked," (Pips are devices on a coat of arms, usually diamond shapes) and he did. The inheritance tax is so onerous that no "rich" family can survive past three generations with their wealth. They were forced to give their large homes to the National Trust, which kicked them out. Only a very few survive. Longleat and the crazy Marquess and his wifelets being my personal favorite.

Meanswhile Great Britain turned into a welfare state. While there were no rich people left to create jobs, people went "on the dole" with an entire generation of young people and immigrants with no jobs and no prospects. Great Britain, a world power, fell on hard times. Their empire fell apart. They are left a shadow of their former self. Have you been there? It's old, dirty, and poor. People don't care any more.

Now that the spiral continues they find it necessary to cut the dole, and what happens? All those dependent on government for their livlihood consider it their "right!" to be on the dole, and to prove it, they're going to burn down the country, starting with the small business owners who actually work for a living and provide what little economic vitality there is left in that country.

What sense does it make to burn down a corner grocery store run by hard working Asian immigarnts? Is this "getting back at the Man?" Is this making government or the banks suffer? Or it it just too embarrassing to look at that Asian face and realize the guy can barely speak English, but he can do a better job of making a living than you can as a native because he doesn't expect the government to hold his hand when he goes potty?

As the family falls apart the government rushes in to create dependencies. It's that simple. Long Live Big Brother!

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:05 PM
hell yea! that guy in the video is awesome!

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by chaztekno

If this guy believes what comes out of his mouth then why did the rioters target small local businesses and working class people not much better off than themselves by looting and destroying their property not to mention forcing white people to strip naked in the streets and not the banks and large to mega corporation buildings? Thats when they lost their cause as far as I'm concerned.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:25 PM
I don't agree with the looting and distruction that is going on but I am affraid I have to agree with the guy on the video, this is not just about looting and running a muck, this has been brewing for years & years. I lived in the Tottenham/Woodgreen area I know what its like living there, the schools around these areas, I know what its like to have children who whilst not lawbreakers, unable to find employment & sinking into the daily routine of nothingness, with no hope of a future. If they are lucky enough to find jobs they are mostly low paid. Governments have no idea what these people are about, or how they live, coming from middle & upper class families most of them with their education handed to them on a plate, they dont know what it's like to have to struggle in daily life. I don't blame this on the parents this is societies problem with all of the political correctness gone mad.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:27 PM
Yeah, the guy in the video was great. I'm glad I watched it. It is definitely a sad time for the UK, and I hope that all of you on ATS and your families are safe.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:27 PM
Britain needs a revolution but this isn't it.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:32 PM
one of the first charged was a 31 year old teacher - liberating electrical goods

young kid without hope? or maybe governmental spin?

Sure there are disenfranchised kids - but lots of this is just opportunistic scrotes

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by schuyler
Great Britain, a world power, fell on hard times. Their empire fell apart. They are left a shadow of their former self. Have you been there? It's old, dirty, and poor. People don't care any more

I didn't want to comment on your highly generalised and insulting post, but I thought I would say this.

I live in Great Britain. Guess what? It has some of the most beautiful places on Earth (such as the Lake District), some of the best coast lines on Earth, some of the most architecturally-impressive towns on Earth (Oxford, Cambridge, Bath etc..), some of the nicest countryside, a clement environment, pretty villages and towns etc etc... It's still a "green and pleasant land" and people certainly still care.

Every nation has its crap holes, and I'm sorry if you've experienced a British one. But believe me, Britain has proportionately less eye sores than the USA, and the rest of Europe.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by nanny

Well I guess these looters and rioters would'nt survive the Great Depression when life was a whole lot tougher back then. There was no welfare benefits or Govt help in those days.

If the black Caribbeans don't like the living conditions in England.......they can always return back to their former "glory" of the Caribbean or further back to their true origins in Africa.

Most of those they have looted are small local businesses who are not all that much better off than themselves, and I fail to see what stripping white middle aged women and young boys have to do with their cause!

Perhaps they need to borrow a leaf out fo the book of the Egyptians in the first days of their Revolution. They set up camp with food and water, prayed, and demonstrated peacefully. Their hooligans were mostly Police in civil clothes.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 01:04 PM
The video man is 100% accurate as far the appalling behaviour of our governments, law and corporations other than government over some time now, too many career politicians, police and the like, and all far too cozy with big money, and creating a perceived 'them and us' situation

He is not entirely right about these poor kids syndrome, there is nothing to suggest so far that they are actually PKS, even one shopkeeper who was robbed in situ acknowledges that, he knew who he was dealing with.

There was definitely a conspiracy through the use of mobile and much for poor! If anything rings true at the present moment, it is probably as much to do with drug barons using their young lackys to disrupt and distract the rule of law, and making it easier for them to operate, as any other motives.

The idea that because all shenanigans by governments and banks and police, (who DO get away with criminal actions), is not so easy, to transmit down to all these young people, they have parents and siblings who may not see things the same way. And as an excuse for them to be lawless with violence, they only hurt one another, as in the gang culture.
No, this is a sinister situation, planned and executed..and looking at many of the scenes, there were plenty of senior minders on hand.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by seedofchucky

Every time I hear a regular Joe say something like this "Get an education and run for office." I laugh. Not at them but at the idea they present.

Let me tell you a quick story...

My parents are lucky, my dad owned a construction company before he had 2 stokes and 3 heart attacks (he a fighter my dad what can I say?
). My mom worked for Bristol Myers Squibb her whole career, she was management, together they pulled in about 350K a year, growing up I lived in the same house my dad built and lives in today, to build it he took out a loan of just under 900K, when the house was complete it was appraised at 2.3 million. This year the same house was apprised at just over 3 million. Growing up I did well in school and was lucky enough myself to get accepted to law schools all over the US and Canada, so I went. It took me 12 years of school to get where I am.

The point I'm trying to make is this... I come from a rich(ish) family, did great in school and made something of myself, yet I don't stand a chance of running for an sort of office short of maybe a town councilmen or at most mayor. Maybe it is just because I can see higher up the ladder than most people but politics and the powerful positions within are a closed door, by invitation only, game. End of story. How come people cannot understand this?

"Get an education and run for office..."

These words are really starting to ring hollow in the ears of people not born into a powerful family.


posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by FOXMULDER147

I would have to disagree.. Driving coast to coast through the US is more often than not a breathtaking sight..

Not saying that Britain lacks natural beauty or otherwise.. I guess it's all a matter of context.

As they say "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder".

On an on topic note: I really feel for the people of the UK right now. It is very sad what is going on and my heart goes out to the innocent bystanders falling victim to mindless violence in the name of looting. Besides what the man says in this video I have seen no evidence of this having any sort of Political agenda at all.. Personally I think it's just a bunch of kids looking for an excuse to pillage and create mischief..
edit on 10-8-2011 by DaMod because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

I agree, "rioting" is retarded. Stupid kids probably.
Or implanted actors/provocateurs. Whichever. Sucks either way.

I prefer to respect the property rights of other citizens, this is what freedom is all about.
Rioting is violence and violence is oppression and tyranny.

Rioting allows the circle of violence to continue, and then the noose gets tightened on the rest of us. It's a predicable cycle.

I think the media is painting it in a negative light, as usual, because they are pro-establishment and any type of uprising is anti-establishment typically. So I automatically expect their points of view to be highly skewed and provocative.

Also consider the ultimate absurdity of what they are actually doing in physical reality. They are out there throwing rocks at an imaginary "state" , and then the rock ends up hitting a real person who is now having their right to safety trampled.

This is what we want to end. Tyranny and violence.

There is a legitimate way to stand up and say no. Hurting people only makes things worse.

But you have to take a moment and realize what created this, and why it is happening. It is due to the policies of the "state", since it controls everything anyways because everyone lets it.

So this is a result of failed policies.

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