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A strange thing I did as a child

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posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 11:16 AM
My mom tells me that when I was between 2-4 years old, she would wake up in the middle of the night and find me sitting in front of the television in a trance-like state. This was back in the day when programming went off the air late at night so all you would see on your television after that was static-y snow. She said I would be awake, but like I was focused/concentrating so hard I would be unresponsive. She said that sometimes, I would also take everything (EVERYTHING) out of the refrigerator and line everything up around me in a circle on the floor. She said I never ate any of the food, though. I just put it around me while I was staring at the TV. Has anyone ever heard of a kid that age doing something like that? I think something paranormal was happening to me, but I don't know what. I also have a strange memory from that age. I remember sitting in a rocking chair, on a rooftop, in the middle of a thunderstorm. It seems absolutely ridiculous, I know, and of course it never happened, but it was so real...hard to explain. Oh well. ...any ideas?

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 11:23 AM
I think it was nothing more then sleepwalking.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by AM47240

reminds me of an X-files episode where a boy is receiving messages through the static on the TV. much like you described, staring for hours entranced, cept he was also writing stuff down. Think it was aliens as it was the X-files.

Strange story indeed. If you merely remembered it, I'd say it didn't actually happen, but your mother telling you of these things lends credibility. Strange indeed.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 11:30 AM
You probably watched too much Poltergeist.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by Viking9019

Sounds like sleepwalking to me as well.

I would do similar things as a young child. My mother told me that sometimes she would wake up in the middle of the night and find me in the kitchen taking things out of cabinets and drawers and just putting them on the counter. I would leave all the drawers and cabinets open and would just go back upstairs to my room and go back to sleep.

She said she and my dad tried to wake me up a couple times but I would start throwing fits haha. So they just ended up letting me do my thing and go right back to sleep.

I have a couple weird/random "memories" of things that I am not certain of actually happening as well. They are of when I was very young - maybe 2 or 3? But I can't be certain of whether they are actual memories or old dreams.

Interesting OP though.. kind of creepy haha

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by AM47240

That is sleepwalking alright.

When we were young my sister used to do it all the time. She did some strange things also like move stuff around the house.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 11:54 AM
Sleepwalking or not, I'd be a little creeped out if I woke up to find my child just sitting in front of a tv in a trance watching that staticy snow. I have a friend who, if you touch her or make a slight noise while she's sleeping, she sits up real fast, eyes wide open and she screams like a mad woman. It lasts for about 10 seconds. I found this out when she use to sleep over when we were teenagers. I was cold in the middle of the night and grabbed an extra blanket that was at her feet. She sat up and screamed. Scared the poop outta me!

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posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by phishyblankwaters

I tend to believe that I must have been communicating with something on the other side, just because I've been doing that for a while (not with a great deal of skill, mind you). When I was 16, a psychic told me that I would communicate with the dead and that I have a good deal of psychic ability myself, so I bought a deck of tarot cards and started using them and I was amazed at how I could make predictions with the cards and how they would actually happen (even though it always seemed to scare the people I would read for). Anyway, as I got more and more into doing readings, I began trying to communicate with spirits during my readings also, and found that I could actually make contact and communicate pretty often. At any rate, I wonder if what I was doing as a kid might have been a precursor to this. Another strange thing is that I was born precisely at the same time as my mother was having an out-of-body/near-death experience. So I wonder if that might affect all of this as well. Just didn't know if other children had done this, and I've always been curious.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by AM47240

Sleep walking
My cousin faithfully EVERY night Makes 4 Glasses of chocolate milk, leaves them on the counter andd goes back to bed... Sometimes he even pulls leftovers out and places them on a plate.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by Shawny2222

Oh that does sound scary!!! I'd worry about her health if a person woke her up like that too many times. I wonder if she suffered from PTSD or some other anxiety/panic disorder...

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:07 PM
I used to have a similar thing happen to me on a regular basis when I was about 5 or 6. I didn't sit infront of the box with food around me though.
I used to hallucinate (sorry for the spelling) most nights and my Mum would try and talk to me but I wouldn't respond. Like I wasn't there if you know what I mean.
I can remember everything used to get really big and far away. The roof would move upwards and the walls would move outwards. It was very frightening.
On other occasions I would be seeing a different world or a vision. Like a dream but I would be awake and my Mum would be trying to calm me down. I can remember bits of this vision (or whatever it was) but I could never remember the end of it. What I can remember of it is me, sitting in a strange machine. Very tall and with two long chunky metal legs. It was one of many machines arodund the area. The area being vast grassland with daisy flowers everywhere. Then something would happen and everything would turn dark. The machines around me would start falling over.
The weird thing is I can remember that much but the rest is gone. These visions would be exactly the same each time and would only last a short time.

Sorry if this doesn't answer any questions and also if this should be a thread of it's own. This is my first post and I just thought I would share this here.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:17 PM
Posted twice.
edit on 10-8-2011 by SilentE because: Posted twice.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:22 PM
Could be sleepwalking. Could also be a form of childhood epilepsy. My son had partial seizures for many years. Unlike the full-blown seizures that wrack and shake the whole body and typically cause a loss of consciousness, partial seizures affect only a portion of the brain (hence the name) and can be behavioral in nature.

My son did some very strange things, mostly nocturnal, including sitting up in bed, swinging his arms and repeatedly yelling, "I'm the President of the United States;" pooping in the middle of my office floor, and transporting invisible objects with large sweeping motions.

Many neurologists believe that patterns -- such as the ones found in video games, wallpaper, strobe lighting, or the "snow" on your tv -- can induce seizures in individuals who are prone to them. I wouldn't worry too much about it, or read too much into it. Most people hwo have such episodes in childhood simply outgrow them.

On a lighter note, having had a baby via natural childbirth I can tell you most emphatically that it's an "out-of-body experience!"

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by AM47240

I have heard of this on Poltergeist.

They're Here!!!!

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 04:43 PM
Interesting OP, my girlfriend is a sleeptalker and we talk very often while she is "asleep". Sometimes she knows it's me, but on many occasions she thinks I'm someone else and even talks about me. She also has "time-shifts", sometimes she is at her former work and describes events that took place during that job and about her former colleagues. She even was in the future once during one of her "sleeptalks" and told about something that hasn't come true jet, but there is still a chance that it will.
From time to time we even make love while she is asleep, sometimes she's really begging for it. She really enjoys it but she doesn't remember a thing about it, even when she wakes up 30 seconds after we're done. She is in the know about that and doesn't mind me counteracting.

We talked a lot about it and she told me she was a sleepwalker as a kid. It seems that she is in some sort of hypnoses, every time she is amazed how I know all these things about her.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by AM47240

"Go into the light Carol Ann, go into the light."

Says the tiny lady at the bedroom door.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by Shawny2222

That reminded me of something that happened around 1989.
One night I was sleeping, next to my hubby.
My son who was 7 at the time came into my room in the middle of the night. I half woke up but when I looked at my child I didnt see him I saw a strange man instead. I screamed, my husband who was sleeping soundly next to me sat up and screamed and the poor kid who had had a bad dream and just wanted comfort screamed and ran out of the room.
We were all confused. What the hell?? I told my husband that I didnt see Dale I saw a strange man. Then I went to my sons room to sooth him because he didnt know what in heck was going on. We did all laugh about it afterwards.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by graceunderpressure

On a lighter note, having had a baby via natural childbirth I can tell you most emphatically that it's an "out-of-body experience!"

I agree although I would say its a "get it out of my body " experience.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 05:24 PM
Reply to post by AM47240

Actually, she recently discovered that she does suffer from PTSD. She had a very abusive, psychotic father. He even tried to choke her to death in public! Thankfully, her and mom and sisters got away when she was 12.

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posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 05:39 PM
As a kid (5-6) I grew up in a fairly nice Florida subdivision called Indian Summer Village. I guess it was built on or near Indian grounds because it's where I was first introduced to the occult. The subdivision was flanked by a huge golf course which I always dreamed of exploring through in my sleep. Across the street was a church that held an annual carnival with house of mirrors and all that jazz.

One day after coming home alone from elementary school I remember going to my room and finding a toy. This toy was not there when I had left that morning and I had NEVER seen it before. Nobody was home either and my parents were at work that day so i found it quite odd.

It was one of those car dashboard toys that has a little plastic windshield with the road visible. When you turn it on the road is suppose to pick up speed behind the plastic cover. Well here's the deal, it wouldn't turn on and I became very mad. I checked the batteries which were overly corroded and rust-like. I slammed the little car dashboard toy and BAM the little road behind the plastic screen picked up speed. It whirred and picked up speed until the road was nearly going too fast for the toy to handle and then there it went. I heard a simultaneous loud crashing noise in the kitchen as the little road gave out.

I went into the kitchen and all of the cabinets were WIDE OPEN and so were the drawers. All of the silverware was sprawled out on the floor and I got the eeriest feeling and took off to my aunts condo down the street.

Needless to say I was scared of being alone in the apartment and my parents eventually moved for other reasons. I also remember having my first episode of sleep paralysis there in that apartment.

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