posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 09:24 PM
I was going to suggest the same as many on this thread have already done.. Namely, to choose a topic that will automatically get you lots of
stars/flags, good ones at the moment are ones that question God,Religion/Obama or post a video of an alledged alien/ufo sighting and ask for
'expert' advice, since they always gets lots of attention..
But your not after stars/flags right?, so best advice I can give is this.. Find a subject that interests you, take the time to research it, write it
up and then share it. So you only get a couple or so replies/flags for all the time you spent on it, what matters is that you did all this regardless.
In creating the post you gained knowledge from the research you did, which in turn helps you to further your own research in areas of your particular
Trust me, quality, well researched threads here are never forgotten, the 5 second, ten-a-penny ones are.