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Riot control methods - WWYD?

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posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 06:50 AM
I'm quite anxious about the prospect of England using water cannon and plastic baton rounds on our rioters. Simply due to past events where these methods have caused injury or death.... am thinking in particular about the OAP who's eye were ripped from his face after a water cannon attack. Also the indiscriminate nature of the methods.

OK so you may sit there and laugh and say "Can't take the punishment, don't do the crime" and I agree to a point but I also remember back in the 90's protesting against the Poll Tax and suddenly without much warning finding myself caught up in a rioting crowd. I had NO intention of rioting yet was treated by the Police the same as the idiots around me that I was desperately trying to run away from. I'm a peace-lover not a fighter.

Anyway, after some banter with friends and family last night I wondered why TPTB don't use back carried decontamination packs with the tanks full of an ammonium sulfide type substance... not as harmful to human skin but the same STENCH effect and mixed with a security dye. That way hopefully the stink will drive most of the rioters away and the dye (which takes days to wash off) will highlight who's guilty.

I guess this is where you either tell me this IS being used in some countries or tell me I am an idiot for thinking this way. I'm quite used to seeing peoples ideas attacked on here so I will brace myself LMAO!

So if my idea is pants... what would YOU like to see used and what do you think would be most effective?

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by yzzyUK

Notice how they said, "I had NO intention of rioting yet was treated by the Police the same as the idiots around me that I was desperately trying to run away from. I'm a peace-lover not a fighter."

I have this sneaking suspicion that if similar things start happening around the globe, the Polices will ALL act that way... and more so as things escalate until the blue beret backup arrives

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by CautiousObserver
reply to post by yzzyUK

Notice how they said, "I had NO intention of rioting yet was treated by the Police the same as the idiots around me that I was desperately trying to run away from. I'm a peace-lover not a fighter."

I have this sneaking suspicion that if similar things start happening around the globe, the Polices will ALL act that way... and more so as things escalate until the blue beret backup arrives

I don't understand what you mean. I was not a police officer. I was a 19 year old peaceful protester. I honestly wasn't there to riot. What do you mean by the police will ALL act 'this' way... what way?

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by yzzyUK

I believe there is no such thing as "peaceful protestor" anymore. anyone who opposes the heirarchy is a dissentor and is at best one false move from a rubber bullet or other "less than lethal" as far as something that does not wash off easily so these people can be identified later---- with all the cameras in the UK, and facial recognition technology, this will not be a problem.
adapt and overcome

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 07:51 AM
When people lose their humanity and become animals there are not a whole lot of choices as to how they are dealt with.You start with the least force and slowly escalate. Your animals are no different than ours or anyone else. Once they lose a voice and purpose, or begin to cause damage, they need to be rounded up and locked up.

All methods should be used. Gas, sting ball, rubber baton, and shock baton/shock shield.

The one single thing they dont have and need is a portable barricade system that can effectively close off roads rather than risk a wall of people to injury.

That unfortunately just doesn't exist yet, but having a truck that can drop them by driving in a circle and then pushing them to the center for collection would seem prudent and prevent a lot of injuries.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 07:54 AM
I think these less than lethal methods just promote rioting. If police shoot looters dead in the streets, there would be less looters, guaranteed. If a looter thinks they can go burn down stores, and steal TVs, and the worst thing that might happen is getting hit with a plastic bullet, or a water cannon, they won't stop.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by yzzyUK

Interesting question, yzzyUK. Though I would just mention that David Cameron has sanctioned use of water cannon, it sounds as though most police chiefs are against it for the time being, at least. ( Last resort ? )
Maybe they are expecting the destruction of property, and stealing, to die down in a day or two ?
Diversifying slightly, using any sort of potentially harmful weapon against rioters could be dangerous, in that it might up the violence / resistance by the rioters to a new level. And when it is all over, The state will be inundated by real and bogus injury compensation claims, because as we all know, the rioters will be very well versed in their "rights" ( Having completely disregarded their responsibilities to behave...)
Finally, plastic baton rounds might be better, targetted on the worst, specifically identified rioters. I think the water cannon is probably a bad choice, as it would be easy for young rioters to avoid, as they tend to move on to new ground very quickly, by all accounts.

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