posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 06:07 PM
I didn't realize I never replied to this thread. I think I wanted to, but didn't know what to say.
I'm still searching for truth, for answers. I wonder about a lot of things. At this moment in time, I believe that the earth has power, energy if you
will, that can effect us. I love earth. I want to be more connected to it (her) and the sky (god?) I don't know how to express what I feel. I say
hello to the sun in the morning and I love the stars and I say hello to them at night.
Is this religion? I don't know. I feel spiritually connected to nature though. So I guess that is what I am sure of at this moment in time.
I'm glad you made this thread. It has been interesting to read others' responses. I hope more post now, since I maybe woke it up.