posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 07:53 PM
Originally posted by Enlightenme1111
reply to post by SigilOfLux
If aliens can indeed travel the stars and come here, then they have the technology to wipe us out in an instant. There wouldn't be any war, trust
Well, maybe - but it`s not that easy. Why would they want to do that? Possible reasons to wipe out a race:
1. You want their resources - if so - bombing devastation might not be an option. Nuclear residue from our nuclear facilities or maybe even their
weapons, contamination, damage to the eco system would make it useless.
2. You see the race as a possible threat in the future - resources not needed. Only thing is that space is huge and we seem to be far from being a
threat unless we create a black hole near other intelligent life or valuable resources.
To issue number one, a virus would be the best solution. But if you have all that tech, why not use the race as slaves for the work you need instead?
If so, studying our biology and psychological/emotional responses would be smart. Abduction would be a good solution, erasing memory as far as
possible and putting the specimen back in place so that no suspicion is raised. On the other hand, if you were curious about a specimen, you would do
the exactly same thing for scientific purposes, like we do to other species.