posted on Apr, 4 2003 @ 01:19 PM
Hey, I never said I agreed with the Chinese, I just think it's an example of seeing the other the side of the argument.
Just who are we to judge on anything?
There is nothing more dangerous than a religious fanatic convinced he is right. This is what America is in danger of becoming. Remember, whatever you
think, we are all just a bunch of ants floating on a rock. What makes convinced you are right above any other Ideal? (I�m not saying anyone is or not,
trying to see a little deeper here, you know, points of discussion�?) What is the reality? I meet fundamentalist Christians all the time, and they are
always intent on you seeing 'the light', always 100% convinced they are right, that they are the chosen ones. I love tearing them to pieces, even
though I completely believe in God. What makes the western way of thinking 'we are right, and everyone should conform to these ideals' any different
to what the extremist Islamist think?
Examples of this kind of thinking exist all through history.
Which is one of the reasons why I love history.