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racist comment by Forrest4Three

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posted on Apr, 3 2003 @ 02:04 AM
In my readings here it came up to me that most pro-war militants on this site are racist, at least to the extent where foreign lives matter less...

Is that a fact in america also, or are the pro-wars we have here of a particular fascistoid type ? (kkk, nazi, etc...) ?

posted on Apr, 3 2003 @ 02:33 AM
"America likes to trace their roots to Ancient Greece, thasts a lie"

WTF, can you tell me who in America likes to trace their roots to Ancient Greece. Most seem pre-occupied with being Irish American or Italian American. Who are these Athenian/Spartan/the rest Americans?

ahhh, cheers xaos

[Edited on 3-4-2003 by cassini]

posted on Apr, 3 2003 @ 05:26 AM
cassini, I think he was more talking about how we like to trace all of our knowledge back to Greecian Philosophy, Science, Math and other advancements. He was trying to say that most of these advancements were taken frome africa.

And Mr.E that wasnt a general statement "Africa was the Best thing to happen to America." It was an educated one. Where would America be without Africa? And where would Africa be without America (or any other "civilized nation" for that matter? America would not have had free labor. They would not have all of the advancements to come from africa and they wouldnt have any african resources.

However on the other hand, where would africa be without meddeling from european nations? They would not be a war-torn continent. South Africans and other Africans would not have been forced to live through apartheid. If they had just a trading link rather than forced labor then the Africans would be quite advanced. Instead, due to countries like Britan, France, Italy and The Netherlands they had to work for white masters and had their entire political, social and economical structure completely destroyed. If the whites hadnt forced the tribes together, tribes that had warred for centuries then there would be no problem today.


posted on Apr, 3 2003 @ 05:51 AM

A totally non-issue thread, here, where both sides were allowed to show their ignorance and ethnicentric distortions of "fact".

This board has degenerated, and I fear will continue to do so until most all the members are grunting and picking fleas off one another.

posted on Apr, 3 2003 @ 06:39 AM
Entirely true, Thos -except for "unbelievable'. You do believe this is possible on ATS - admit it.

posted on Apr, 3 2003 @ 07:55 AM
*Munch* *Munch*



posted on Apr, 3 2003 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by xaos
cassini, I think he was more talking about how we like to trace all of our knowledge back to Greecian Philosophy, Science, Math and other advancements. He was trying to say that most of these advancements were taken frome africa.

Do you consider Saudi Arabia to be Africa? Because that's where the matematics came from. "Man is the measure" and "all things in moderation" did not come from Africa. As for science, that was to come later...not from Africa...

Originally posted by xaosHowever on the other hand, where would africa be without meddeling from european nations? They would not be a war-torn continent.

Oh just wait folks, it gets better...

Originally posted by xaosIf the whites hadnt forced the tribes together, tribes that had warred for centuries then there would be no problem today.


There would be no war-torn continent but they had been warring for centuries?

Furthermore, check how most slavetraders got their slaves, at least initially: they bought them form warring tribes! Slavery existed in Africa long before it did in Europe or America!

You LOSE! GOOD DAY SIR! (That's what's up, Doc)

posted on Apr, 3 2003 @ 09:28 AM
What I meant by the tribes being forced together is that, sure they had been fighting for a long time, but not on the scale that they do now. They had had small skirmishes, tribal warfare, but nothing on the scale of what we see today. We have forced them into "democracy" before they were ready, raping their environment and leaving them with "civilized government." When the british came in they mashed all of the tribes (yes they had warred for centuries, running up to the borders, stealing cattle, not completely wiping out entire villages with AK-47s) together, tribes that were enemies, tribes with different customs, different languages, and expected them to work together. If they had been able to form their own countries, based on anceient boundaries rather than being forced to live in a country defined by the colonial boundaries, there would not be so much of a problem. If they had been able to make their own governments rather than follow the government system dictated by colonial governers then there wouldnt be so much of a problem. Sorry for the mistatement, of preeminent one.

So if your so intelligent great victor, what good has the western world done for Africa?


posted on Apr, 3 2003 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by xaos
*Munch* *Munch*



lol *finds banana* ooooooooohhh... *chomp**chomp*

Ah... TC, Estragon, how is this "degenerate?" Because it means that the non-mod members have an opinion on something besides government coverups, screw ups, and tactics? Or science? Please elaborate.... You seem to be bitter about something... or preoccupied.

Why does it seem that to you we should not discuss the idiocy, bigotry, and just plain foolishness of other members? You never complained about the topic on FM. So why do you suddenly turn tail and say this one is wrong? Hm...? I find this interesting...

To get back on topic, it seems to me that those who trace America's governmental roots back to Greece have another thing coming. Africa used tribe councils in the smaller, less developed areas for years, and yet people still claim that Greece started it.... Pure ignorance on these people's parts, am I right?

Signing off,

posted on Apr, 3 2003 @ 04:58 PM

i was jokin by the way, others should hang too. wink wink

posted on Apr, 3 2003 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by xaos
They had had small skirmishes, tribal warfare, but nothing on the scale of what we see today. We have forced them into "democracy" before they were ready, raping their environment and leaving them with "civilized government." When the british came in they mashed all of the tribes (yes they had warred for centuries, running up to the borders, stealing cattle, not completely wiping out entire villages with AK-47s) together, tribes that were enemies, tribes with different customs, different languages, and expected them to work together. If they had been able to form their own countries, based on anceient boundaries rather than being forced to live in a country defined by the colonial boundaries, there would not be so much of a problem. If they had been able to make their own governments rather than follow the government system dictated by colonial governers then there wouldnt be so much of a problem. Sorry for the mistatement, of preeminent one.

So if your so intelligent great victor, what good has the western world done for Africa?


Well, thank you for a reply (and semi-explaination) but I still think your thinking is flawed. First off the African tribes had already had a chance to make their own nations (before europeans came) and there were still "small border skirmishes" including the Moor conquest of Spain, the wars with the persian empire, the inter-tribal war and the only reason there was limitation was because they didn't have the technological advancement of "sophisticated" weapons. If they had had AK-47's early on, you can bet they would have killed each other even more.

I respect that we can have an intelligent conversation and realize our mistakes..or clarify our thinking, but I think that Africa was not "the best thing to happen to Western society" (who cares who came up with the tribal system?) nor the end all for Continents...It is just as flawed as anywhere else. And yes Europe contriuted to screwing over Africa, no denying, but Africa screwed itself over as well...just like every other continent...Africa's still not stable, just like Asia's still not stable, just like South America's still not stable, just like Oceania is still not stable, Just like Europe (at least eastern Europe) is still not stable, just like North America still has some issues (granted not quite as horrible but if you've ever been to rural Mexico you can't think everything's perfect here. Just like there is some stability's the Human condition: to screw over and be screwed over in a search for meaning...anyone who says Africa or any continent is sub-human or super-human is not only racist, but just plain wrong.

Equality sucks, don't it?

posted on Apr, 5 2003 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by Mokuhadzushi
In my readings here it came up to me that most pro-war militants on this site are racist, at least to the extent where foreign lives matter less...

Is that a fact in america also, or are the pro-wars we have here of a particular fascistoid type ? (kkk, nazi, etc...) ?


I'm pro getting rid of Saddam. But I'm black...

posted on Apr, 5 2003 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by Mokuhadzushi
In my readings here it came up to me that most pro-war militants on this site are racist, at least to the extent where foreign lives matter less...

Is that a fact in america also, or are the pro-wars we have here of a particular fascistoid type ? (kkk, nazi, etc...) ?

I am pro war for reasons I have waxed poetic on in other threads. Am I callous towards killing foreign peoples? I wish it could be otherwise, but in war, people die, there is no way around that. Should we somehow cut the enemy a break and ensure that US forces die on a somewhat equitable level, to make things fair? Such an idea is beyond absurd.

Yes I am pro war, although I dont consider myself right wing (I do admit to being conservative though). As for my ethnicity, I have challenged Illmatic67 to identify it in other threads... I still wait for someone to take a guess. And, I would LOVE for you to justify that I am somehow racist....

posted on Apr, 5 2003 @ 09:46 PM
Dragon, do you love me so much to beg me to guess what you are? I DON'T CARE, save the questions for Regis or for someone who actually cares because I don't.

and UP, WTF are you talking about? My name is all over the Origins of the slave trade post. How can you say I havent said NOTHING in that post?

posted on Apr, 5 2003 @ 10:24 PM

Illmatic67 and abstract_alao, there is something that I don't understand.

Forrest4Three did that remark for the first time the 3-24-2003. Check the topic : CLICK .

Both of you were posting on this topic, but you didn't say ANYTHING.In fact, nobody but me sayed something. And now, you're complaining.

You were blind but now you aren't blind anymore, that's it ?

I sent him a U2U saying that what he said was an ignorant statement. Then he replied with the statement that is posted at the begining of this thread.

I posted this a while ago and i'm supprised at all the replies. I'm not trying to start nothing i was just mad ass hell when he sent me that. So if he truly believes that then he shouldn't be ashamed of what he said to me.

posted on Apr, 6 2003 @ 12:46 AM
Dragon, do you love me so much to beg me to guess what you are? I DON'T CARE, save the questions for Regis or for someone who actually cares because I don't. Posted by Illmatic67

Well, the answer to your unspoken question that you have been unable to bring yourself to ask is posted in the thread regarding the civilizations of Africa.

Do I love you? As much as any other human I guess. I am however disappointed and sad for you. You are filled with an interminable rage against everyone, and you blind yourself to your true potential. I just hate to see someone who could be a great person squander thier energy on hatred.

posted on Apr, 6 2003 @ 01:34 PM
well dragon are u asian? I'm just guessing

posted on Apr, 6 2003 @ 07:44 PM
well dragon are u asian? I'm just guessing Posted by Abstract_alao

Actually I am about 75% Cherokee, although I am sometimes mistaken for Hispanic.

I kind of explained a few things for Ill in this thread.

posted on Apr, 7 2003 @ 02:56 AM

Originally posted by Nans DESMICHELS

posted on Apr, 7 2003 @ 05:01 AM
hmmm... "mustard" interesting insult.

I know someone who calls people palm trees when shes angry. As is "you stupid palm tree"


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