posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 06:23 PM
Gee whiz!
Sounds harsh, but she obviously didn't care about you the way she said she did. You do not need someone like that in your life - I don't know her,
but the fact that she not only runs into a new relationship that quickly [ex boyfriend or not], but she rushes to post it on Facebook? Good riddance.
Keep yourself busy. I know people are going to tell you to get drunk, sleep with lots of other women, all that jazz... Just keep yourself busy doing
things you genuinely enjoy. Within a month I guarantee you won't be thinking about her anymore. Take up a hobby, watch good movies, get out in
nature, even if you're just taking walks. Interact with people - old friends, family, and even smiling at strangers will do. Better yourself - don't
waste time giving this girl another thought, because rest assured she's not thinking about you or your feelings. Learn a new skill you can put to use
and feel good about.
Just do not get yourself into a rut. Don't sit at home feeling sad - it's hard, but try to not even let that negativity get into your head. You have
to know you'll be fine. That's where surrounding yourself with others comes in - they'll distract you and take up time you would otherwise be
wasting wondering what went wrong. It's over, time to move forward now, and you can do it. Tomorrow will be better, and everyday after that. It only
gets better - you just have to try and fill up that time with things you can feel good about until one day you've literally forgotten about her and
you're ready to meet someone else.
I wish you well and you've got my support, buddy.