posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by Amassuo
Specifically, information about what? N27RA? The crash is public knowledge. It is mentioned in Peter Merlin's timeline:
Area 51 Timeline
Anyone with a brain has scrubbed their website of the local newspaper account of the crash due to lawsuits from Righthaven. [I think even mentioning
the paper will get the post banned at ATS.] Basically Palay had a heart condition and hid it from the USAF. The plane crashed very early in the AM
south east of the TTR. So early the tower wasn't even open. Besides Palay, the plane was carrying employees of JT3. This was one of those Groom to
TTR flights. Not unheard of, but not very common either.
At most (probably any) airport, you can turn the runway lights on by clicking the tower frequency with your radio, so in theory if you have automated
weather conditions, you can land unattended. That is now against the rules at the TTR, but the DOE has landed there unattended. Is suppose you can
land without weather conditions. It just depends how much of a cowboy you are. These drug planes land without ground assistance all the time.