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In four years, are more votes cast for the Presidency, or American Idol?

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posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:20 AM
Well, I had to find out, and I'm sure you're also curious!

Apparently there was an article on this in 2006, as well as many others.

In 2004, over 63 million voted for an American Idol, more votes for one person than any single President in history. Since American Idol is on every year, and the voting numbers are only growing, it is safe to assume that American Idol tallies over five times more votes than the Presidential Election every 4 years.

To be fair, people can vote multiple times, and aren't faced with the same requirements to vote for American Idol as the President.

I had a question, and it's answered now. It's pretty much the answer I was assuming to begin with, and I wanted to share the results with you.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by sbctinfantry
As if you have to ask , i take it you do not know USof a tv , we the US are in more tuned with" you got talent" or the "House wife" so with that I will tell you if the voting was to take place on the same day as who will win the next American Idol, it would be hands down the pres election 1, AI 350, 000,000 viewers yes I would be the one and only one to watch the Pres election , why, because some one need to.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:03 AM
Are these 63 million unique voters or 63 million votes? How many of the voters are of voting age? I ask because you can vote as many times as you want for American Idol and I don't believe there is an age limit.

The fact that people will pay to vote multiple times for AI while not voting for President is absurd.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:07 AM
Well, all I have to say is you kind of indirectly answered your own question, in your own question. The American people are simple more involved with entertainment than anything else.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by PhantomLimb
so it is and so is the USofA we the people have done this , we let it happen. Values and a mans word are nothing now, you say AI, hell kitchen, Fox, ugly something? or CSI you have just about everyone attention, say something about Values, money or politics, you done cleaned out the room. No we have no faith no morels and no respect any more TV video games and who will win are all we care about any more. You wonder why we are in the shape we are in, look at what is on TV and what is being watched.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by PhantomLimb
Are these 63 million unique voters or 63 million votes? How many of the voters are of voting age? I ask because you can vote as many times as you want for American Idol and I don't believe there is an age limit.

The fact that people will pay to vote multiple times for AI while not voting for President is absurd.

From my OP

"To be fair, people can vote multiple times, and aren't faced with the same requirements to vote for American Idol as the President."

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:37 AM
I'm not surprised by this at all.

It's part of the great "dumbing down" of America. This phenomenon has been written in best selling books like "The Dumbing Down of America."

Our educational systems have been underminded. Our schools are no longer the institutions of learning that America once took pride in.

It's all by design, my friend.

Keep the populace distracted and disinterested....

All part of the plan.

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