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Who is Behind The Riots in Britain?

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posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by SurvivalInstinct
By the's pretty convienent that none of the bodies of that helicopter crash can be identified.

Were they all buried at Sea?

Back on topic.

I know what you mean about this whole thing being orchestrated, but it could just as well be MI5 involvement. They have recruited from ethnic minorities and they would blend in perfectly.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 02:57 PM
Same people who are creating all the race riots in the US. The Elites are using Propaganda to incite violence. Divide and Conquear is the goal.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by Shelbee

i just heard a guy from manchester reporting to the B.B.C. that there seems to be leaders directing orders to the rioters, he said they were saying things like "10 more minutes the police will be here soon".

now i have no idea if this is true, i am just passing on what i have heard on the news from a member of the public reporting on what he was seeing and hearing. it is also likely he was mistaken.

but if true, it would seem this 'sleeper cell' idea is not to far fetched. althought currently i do not believe it to be the case.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 03:09 PM
It is laughable to suggest that this is organised in any way, much less the US behind it. Some people on here are complete numptys.

This is being done by sub-iq level scum-class thugs. No more than that. No doubt largely made up of muslim idiots that would love to see Britain crumble into the ground to be replaced with some backward religious maniac society.

Britain is paying the price for welcoming these fools with open arms all these years. Now they think they can run the place and put up offensive 'sharia' zones on a whim. One idiot gangster with a gun gets shot and these animals take that as a cue to smash the place up and destroy the lives of ordinary hardworking Britons in the process.

Anyone who backs these thugs or makes excuses for them is a complete idiot. I hope the police decide to get very heavy handed with these fools and stove their hot little heads right in.

This nonsense is exclusively English and will remain so, I guarantee this will NOT spread to Scotland. It's people overall are just a lot more civilized than the English. That and the fact it has not been infiltrated by bad elements from overseas.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by angus1745
It is laughable to suggest that this is organised in any way, much less the US behind it. Some people on here are complete numptys.

This is being done by sub-iq level scum-class thugs. No more than that. No doubt largely made up of muslim idiots that would love to see Britain crumble into the ground to be replaced with some backward religious maniac society.

Britain is paying the price for welcoming these fools with open arms all these years. Now they think they can run the place and put up offensive 'sharia' zones on a whim. One idiot gangster with a gun gets shot and these animals take that as a cue to smash the place up and destroy the lives of ordinary hardworking Britons in the process.

Anyone who backs these thugs or makes excuses for them is a complete idiot. I hope the police decide to get very heavy handed with these fools and stove their hot little heads right in.

This nonsense is exclusively English and will remain so, I guarantee this will NOT spread to Scotland. It's people overall are just a lot more civilized than the English. That and the fact it has not been infiltrated by bad elements from overseas.

LOL - of course - the Scottish are so level headed and such a serene, tranquil nation of people.

I think Longshanks might argue with that point of view.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 04:51 PM
I was watching sky news this morning and they were saying how the yobs should get treated as terrorists.
Think about that, if there is any conspiracy going on, it's right there.....

My opinion atm is that it's plain and simple anarchy.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by Dr Cosma

It would be much simpler if it is.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by Dr Cosma

i am unsure if they should be labelled as such, but some of these thugs sure do act like terrorists, a terrorist is not just somebody who is middle eastern and wears a suicide vest.


noun 1. a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism.

2. a person who terrorizes or frightens others.

3. (formerly) a member of a political group in Russia aiming at the demoralization of the government by terror.

4. an agent or partisan of the revolutionary tribunal during the Reign of Terror in France.

adjective 5. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of terrorism or terrorists: terrorist tactics.


1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.

2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.

3. a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.

these street gangs match alot of things so it is no suprise they can easily be called terrorist, and i think to some people they are, especially those who have to suffer their violence day in day out and live in fear as a result.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by Talon666
I 100% agree, this is just another distraction that the US is doing to divert the attention of what is really happening in the world. i have already read somewhere the US police force has been stationed in the riot areas to control the situation, if you look back at the many riots in the past, the US has never gone to "control the situation" this is indeed a special case.

it is clear that this is a diversion of some sort, either from:

1) loss of the AAA credit rating
3)war in iraq
4)death of the seal team 6
5)stargate at yamen
6)ufo and aliens

the US have done this way too many times in the past, and this time it is not going to slip us!
something very big is happening and this is a very big distraction! all eyes are on London riots right now all media attention has been diverted.. sh*ts bout to hit the fan!

Can you point me to a source re the US police being active in UK? That is totally unacceptble. On another thread about the riots a member posted that someone she had spoken to had heard police with American accents.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 06:07 PM
LOL @ anyone believing the US can somehow control the actions of chavs

You obviously have no clue about the UK if you believe that

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by jameshawkings
reply to post by Dr Expired

As the poster Recollector just posted in another thread, he sums it all up very well!

Objective : Martial law in Europe and US (will see why will be that shortly).

Problem : riots
Reaction : ppl ask army or organize themselves to defend against rioters
Solution : martial law.

I posted in the 90+ pages long thread about London riots same thing, with diferent words.

Soooo...the economy is about to callapse (and it will).People will riots beacuse shortnes of good, high prices, unemployment, etc.
In order to be READY before those riots, the governments must have martial law installed BEFORE riots occur.

Soooo...undercover ops in London, make police look like they can't handle, the people ask army in the streets, install martial law.When the real S will HTF, the martial law will ALREADY be in order.

Those mindless riots will start in EU soon (Paris, Berlin, Rome, Madrid, etc), and those countries govt. will also make police weak and also install martial law.
Then will come US.

Then...the real collapse will happend...but the armies will be ALREADY in place.

Nice work, you gotta admit it.
edit on 9-8-2011 by jameshawkings because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-8-2011 by jameshawkings because: (no reason given)

They are also prepping the public to consider anyone who riots - even those who do so for valid reasons and who choose to target valid government institutions - will be considered thugs and terrorists.

Meanwjhile, the country is held hostage and enslaved to years of debt by a handful of international ganster banksters to the tune of billions of pounds, many of whom also live in England as immigrants.....but hardly a peep of outrage about that.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by SurvivalInstinct
For the ill educated! Look at the past 70 years...Britain, who is the country that saved your arses? Who do you think did that? Pearl Harbor did, with your Churchill begging FDR to help. Who do you think allowed Pearl Harbor to happen? Who is your ONLY ally? I would expect more common sense from some of you, honestly. Do any single one of you really think that America doesn't know about race riots? Wake the F'k up's disturbing enough without idiots chiming in. do some research... can't write a book on ATS for you, at some've really got to get a clue! If it were not for the CIA you would be speaking German right now. CIA finger prints are all over NYC 911 and London 7/7 and if you can't see what is building up deserve what you get.
edit on 9-8-2011 by SurvivalInstinct because: (no reason given)

I understand from my daughter who studies history that in fact it would be the Americans who would have been speaking German since shortly after the war if Independence where English was voted by your forefathers as the American language by a mere 3 votes.....looking for a link. Found a link....stand slightly wrote your new laws in English and German, no vote taken but decided just to use English. But to date the US has no OFFICIAL language, and that is official.
Oh how different both WW would have been then!
edit on 9-8-2011 by angelchemuel because: Found link

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 06:24 PM
i again propose that this is an exercise, an experiment , that they will import wherever they choose. modern terror
on the cheap, using local degenerates.
a guy with some seed money and a cell phone.
recruit your mob .pick your targets.and in 3 days the populace is
prime for martial law. .if not clamoring for it.
nothing in these times is" just random" .. a series of events are unfolding.
in a flash.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by angus1745

i have to disagree. they are organized,planned, criminal enterprises, they terrorize.
they will spread easily, -in a flash.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by Dr Expired
Guys sorry to be a damn nuisance because im sure youve all got better things to do than answer this post, but ive been without proper pc access for 48 hours and my tellys broke and im waiting from some dude from sky to come and sort it.
How did this violence looting thing start? does anyone know who is behind it, the last time i saw this sort of stuff was when i was up london in march, does anyone think its a particular group. Please dont anyone feel they have to give me a long explanation its just that this has come out of no where for me.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by Dr Expired

I am currently situated where there are riots and I can tell you that the kids involved, probably can't even pull a sentence together, never mind all this cover up stuff!

Listen to this interview and hopefully your views will change:
"Showing the rich we do what we want"

It is mindless violence and should the riots persist near to where I live, I will be participating in a citizens clean up alongside the police!

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by Theoretician
reply to post by Dr Expired

I am currently situated where there are riots and I can tell you that the kids involved, probably can't even pull a sentence together, never mind all this cover up stuff!

Listen to this interview and hopefully your views will change:
"Showing the rich we do what we want"

It is mindless violence and should the riots persist near to where I live, I will be participating in a citizens clean up alongside the police!
So basicallly its the have nots against the haves, if these are kids, then they need to grow f**king up. Compared to what others have in other countries yknow bla bla bla.
I had a friend who won a holiday in Goa and when she came back she said to me "sian, i wish id taken two boxs of pens out there for the kids theyd have loved them" pens for gods sake.
Quit wining you bunch of t**ts, things aint good at the moment but if you can pay your rent (which as a single parent my glorous council give me 450 quid a month to pay my rent that makes me feel so damn luckyr r, if youve got enough money to eat beans on toast for tea, then yourlucky sod.
Sorry to upset any anarchists, i bloody hate the bankers,and i would love to see certain things happen to them. But i dont wanna "anarchy in the uk".
And as for the rich, if theyre self made good for them, dont they pay something like 48 percent income tax or something.
And if anyone one of you wanna verbal "discussion" bring it on cos ive got PMS and im a nasty bitch when im like this..
Boys and girls I just wanna bit of peace is that much to ask?

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 07:20 PM
Angus, I was right with you until the Scottish thing.
I once knew a scott that could hold a conversation by only using the F-word and C-word... with different hand gestures ( this takes real talent). He also beat a reclining chair up for daring to dump him out of it after he had been drinking and needed a sit. Rude chair.

Poor Brits.. seriously.. I didnt expect this to happen with you all first. I was sure it would occur here in the US first. We have had pockets of the same thing you are experiencing that arent making much news around here, but nothing like what youre going through. Im sad to hear it and I fear we will also have our own issues mirroring the severity of yours soon enough. Race and class issues seem to go hand in hand here. One difference, we are mostly armed citizens. I should hope that the rowdy thugs here recognize that fact.

Id heard that American made baseball bats were selling like hotcakes in London today. Maybe the conspiracy is that the US govt prompted the riots so the bats would be sold.. thus boosting our economy so we can rule the world. As likely a story as the one in the OP anyway.
All jokes aside.. arm yourselves with bats, pipes, croquet mallets.. oyster forks.. . whatever.Apparently the zombie apocalypse has begun... just a little different sort of zombie. Rather than crying out for brains, theyre crying out for trainers and Ipods. Theyre zombies either way... little to no brain activity and insatiable lust for things that cause them to lose their humanity.

I still cant believe some of you are engaging in the US versus UK childishness.. .. and who did what and who has a larger penis nonsense. I have to say it.. GROW THE HELL UP. That bs has no place in this conversation. People are being injured, burned out, economy damaged, futures destroyed.. and all you can do is whine about the US ruling the world ( when we cant even manage to balance our checkbook) or who did what in WW2...

Please stay safe and defend yourselves from this disgusting behavior.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by Zamini

So its ok to vilify and slander members who start threads for expressing an opinion?
Your post was grossly insulting cowardly and plain wrong.
This is a conspiracy site, not a news site.
If the truth is to be dug, you would find that the majority pf the rioters are indeed from ethnic backgrounds, its there on the TV, can you see?
Iam not against immigrants nor Islamists, only those who riot and loot and burn down old British buidingds that withstood wars.
Your post was full of comparing me to a mass murderer, do you feel a big man?
Trying to vilify and ridicule a fellow member instead of arguing the topic content, like 99% of other members manage to do, just diminishes your credibility, not the person you have personally attacked in such a slanderous and non acceptable manner.
Yours is the worst ever reply to a OP I have ever read.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 02:57 AM
"Utter nonsense no one in the UK has to steal to feed their family-that it why the benefits system is skint,due to the amount of claimants coming from abroad.They steal to get new nikes,iphones,drugs etc.Surely you don't need nikes,iphones & drugs to live. "
I'm sorry to tell you this but YES there are people who do have to steal to feed their family(or themselves), just because you haven't seen them doesn't mean they dont exist. And who mentioned benefit claimants coming from abroad? I'm talking about people born in Britain.

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