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Pure Racial Hatred, 7 White Teens Vs. 1 Black Man (caught on tape)

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posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:51 PM
Biohazard back in 93'. And nearly 20 years later it all continues right down to the last line of this song. This Racism really has got to stop. The problem is the parents of these people and the media.

Fascism, the epitome of ignorance
Listen up, I'll give you a for instance
People go hating for the color of skin
Won't they learn they'll never win
Play into the hands of the media vultures
We must learn to unite our cultures
Violence constantly tears us apart
Show the world that we've got heart


Blood is spilled on black and white
Different colors, why do we fight
Face the facts, stone cold sober
Black and white and red all over

Thousands die and kill each other
Someone rapes and stabs their mother
I think it's sick to count the death toll
On and on the media rolls
Drive by shootings, homicide
Nobody cares about the mother who cried
A family's grief stepped on by ratings
Understand why I keep hating

It makes no sense for us to be pawns
In the chess game that the media plays

If the streets are where you run
There you die, why? Find yourself a way out

Black and white and red all over

Ruling out the positive and any hope for peace
This will only kill morale, paper sales increase
This s*** has got to cease

Black and white and red all over

Believe half of what you read and half what you see
Put two and two together and you'll have reality
Can't you see my reality?


Turn on the TV and what do I see
Killing, murder and blasphemy
Rape, arsan, robberies
People die of incurable disease
Crashes, bashes, people on crack
Scandal, war and heart attack
Always strife in the middle #ing east
If war sell papers why don't peace?

edit on 9-8-2011 by Nola213 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by ProphecyPhD

I don't think it will do us any good to start comparing news stories to see which racial group gets the most attacks/racism. All that will do is detract from the lesson we should all be learning from this story, which is that racism still exists. In my opinion, racism will always exist to a degree, because there will always be ignorant people out there who want to cause trouble for others. The thing we should be concerned about, as a society, is that we watch out for racism, and do whatever we can to stop it wherever we can, by educating people and by "denying ignorance".

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:52 PM
Oh how I'm sick of these blacks beating up whites and vice versa threads...everybody on this planet is racist in one way or another so just get over it

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by newBodyoldSoul
I'll just say, living in Texas, this is still like the Jim Crow south at times. I live in Austin, which is highly liberal, so I make it off ok out here. When I'm traveling to say Houston and I stop in a small town, you would've thought the devil himself showed up. I get followed in stores, harassed, been called a n*gger, all the while I'm a respectable young male. I don't sag, I wear my hat forward, hell, I wear Sperry's most of the time. Being black in America will always have its connotations, you can't deny the truth.

Are you trying to say that Christian conservatives are more racially motivated? Give me a break!!!!!! I'm sorry for your troubles, but maybe I'm just not in the kind of neighborhood where this happens. In fact, I've never seen people being treated like this, except in Hollywood trash films.
edit on 9-8-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

Part of the problem is people like you who try to trivialize or minimize the problem. The guy tells of some of his life experiences and you blow him off.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by tom502
Attacking anyone is terrible, for any reason.
And while this attack is terrible, and the attackers should get a harsh charge, I'd like to see public hanging come back. The truth is black racial terrorist mob attacks against whites happen at an alarming rate. And to show the anti-white racism of the system, the attackers are hardly ever convicted of a hate crime, yet the honky attackers are always quick to get that charge. We have a recent local attack where I live. This old sick guy on chemo, was beat down by a mob of black racial terrorists, and now the guy in in a vegetative state. And remember Reginald Denny? And look at all the white bus drivers that are attacked by BRT's(black racial terrorists), and that young white kid that was set on fire. And the Jena attacks, where all the supporters of the BRTs came to praise crime and glorify hate, and the media played it like it was the honkies fault. If we had a nation that gave a darn about it's people and safety, there's be special BRT squads to squash this scourge in the nation.

Why must so many in this thread turn this into a "black people do stuff too" thread? I don't understand why you can't just comment on the OP?? People of all races do the same stuff because we are all HUMAN!!

The point of this thread is the story in the OP, not any other story. If you have a story that you want to post START A THREAD. Please don't try to hijack mine.

This thread is about the story in the OP!!

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by D_Mason
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

Part of the problem is people like you who try to trivialize or minimize the problem. The guy tells of some of his life experiences and you blow him off.

I did not blow him off. I merely challenged his concept that it is only liberals who treat black guys well. In fact didn't I tell him I'm sorry for his troubles.
So, let's put this all in perspective shall we? Liberals( translate Democrat) use blacks and minorities to achieve goals. People LIKE YOU trash anyone who challenges this bogus agenda.

See here is HIS quote demeaning anyone not liberal

I live in Austin, which is highly liberal, so I make it off ok out here.

edit on 9-8-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:00 PM
If I was in charge, oh boy, their punishment would be very very harsh.
I would sentence them to the same death that man went through.

Pure insanity, I don't know what else to say...truly disgusting.
I would love to get my hands on them kids, I swear It would be such a horrible scene it would make what actually happened look like a mickey mouse cartoon.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by ProphecyPhD

"Why must so many in this thread turn this into a "black people do stuff too" thread? I don't understand why you can't just comment on the OP??"

Unfortunately you opened the door for all that.

You asked the question.

"Show me when you ever see this happening to a white person?"

Which is just ignorant imo. It happens to ALL people. No matter what race you are, there are gonna be people (I use the term people loosely) that are gonna hate other people just because of thier skin color.

I mean aren't we past all that yet?

Your question lit the match that started the whole argument.

You derailed your own thread unfortunately, knowingly or unknowigly, you did.

Bottom line is people are people no matter what thier skin color, and there are bad people, of all races right now that haven't EVOLVED enough yet to look past skin color and see others just as human beings and judge them on thier acts, and not thier skin color.

edit on 9-8-2011 by Nola213 because: ProphecyPhD's messages and quotes by him/her are in quotes and italics.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by DaveNorris

Originally posted by ReVoLuTiOn76
That sucks, but if it were to happen to a white guy...same thing, except it wouldn't be such a big deal.

its a very tragic event, and racism should not be around in this day and age.
saying that, he does have a point, if it were the other way round it would still be murder but the words 'racist attack' would not make any headline

Maybe you two should PM each other and write a thread together, sounds like you might get some stars and flags for that. Meanwhile that has nothing to do with the OP.

Not even a RIP for the dead

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by Turkenstein

That's like asking "which racist black person was running around assaulting only whites?"

A young man was killed in one incident. This is beyond "mere assault". This is murder. You want to compare a murder to assault? Go ahead, but you have to pick someone that's dumber than me.

Even though all attacks based on skin color stem from some racist ideology, the attack itself can differ in veracity.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by Nola213
reply to post by ProphecyPhD

"Why must so many in this thread turn this into a "black people do stuff too" thread? I don't understand why you can't just comment on the OP??"

Unfortunately you opened the door for all that.

You asked the question. "Show me when you ever see this happening to a white person?"

Which is just ignorant imo. It happens to ALL people. No matter what race you are, there are gonna be people (I use the term people loosely) that are gonna hate other people just because of thier skin color.

I mean aren't we past all that yet?

Your question lit the match that started the whole argument. You derailed your own thread unfortunately.

Bottom line people are people no matter what thier skin color, and there are good and bad people ,makes no difference what race, right now that haven't EVOLVED enough yet to look past skin color and see others just as human beings and judge them on thier acts, and not thier skin color.

I have addressed that comment several times but you people seem to ignore that over and over. Why do you feign to argue? Get over it. Im sorry i said that and wish i never did. I can't delete it. Lets move on. 50 different people have said the exact same thing you are saying now.

Did you not read the thread.

Stop beating a dead horse people!!

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by kaiode1

Well, I can tell you from my own experience as a white male, cops don't treat us sweet. At least not here in AZ, I don't know what part of the country you're in, but things can vary region to region. Here, a good majority of the cops are hispanic, as well as white and black cops. They seem to all be buddies though, and have the 'us vs. them' attitude in regards to pretty much anybody they decide to pull over.

As far as your mom's case. If what you say is true, then I side with you guys, and find it outrageous that she would be charged for defending herself. I'm not going to side with the white guys because the same colored light bounces off their skin as mine, a-holes are a-holes and they come in all shades. You didn't say though why they were pushing her friend around, were they trying to rob them?

As far as the perceived racial inequality in the system, I think it's more about locking up poor people who can't afford their own lawyers. There are plenty of whites, and hispanics in prison too, the thing they all have in common is poverty and desperation. It would be alot easier for ALL of us to achieve a good quality of life, if the system wasn't bought and paid for by the elite 2% of the world population that have managed to obtain the vast majority of the wealth. They WANT us to hate each other, to focus our energy on hating other poor people instead of the ones who are perpetuating the system meant to keep the hate alive.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by ProphecyPhD

Ur asking for is with that avatar of yours

Dno what's up with ATS and "color differences" atm..

It's almost as soon as someone mentions the word "black" or "white" in a thread the thread is doomed to turn into a flamefest..

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by D_Mason
To be prosecuted as a hate crime, there has to be evidence that the crime was indeed racially motivated. A group of white guys can beat down and murder a black guy, and if they aren't saying any racial slurs, or were caught by witnesses stating before hand, how they hate n!ggers and were gonna kill one, or afterward saying similar things, it will be hard to prosecute as a hate crime.

It seems a lot of white Americans don't understand this. If you are robbed of your iPhone and wallet by a group of black youth, that in itself, isn't a hate crime. Now if they called you a crackafied piece of sh!t honkey, and stated that they hated the minimally melaninned pale skin that wraps the innards of your body, while they were beating and robbing you, and there were witnesses who could testify to that. Then it would be prosecuted as a hate crime. There has to be something that shows there was intent to cause harm based on your ethnicity.

edit on 9-8-2011 by D_Mason because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-8-2011 by D_Mason because: (no reason given)

I see your point, but while legally so, I don't agree. I think lone white victims are singled out because they are white, whether it's to rob, rape, or beat down or kill, often in a mob type attack, because they percieve whites to be weaker, and less likely to resist, usually not carrying a gat, an "easy target", plus, one they can take out their ingrained racial hate out onto, since honkey has the life of golden slippers, and all they got is to slang rocks.

I mean this to describe the BRTs(black racial terrorists) that make whites their victime.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorusI did not blow him off. I merely challenged his concept that it is only liberals who treat black guys well. In fact didn't I tell him I'm sorry for his troubles.
So, let's put this all in perspective shall we? Liberals( translate Democrat) use blacks and minorities to achieve goals. People LIKE YOU trash anyone who challenges this bogus agenda.


I didn't trash anything. i stated that you seemed to trivialize. I know that all Conservatives aren't racist, and I know that there are probably liberals who don't like minorities, but you would be foolish to try and suggest that it isn't mostly people with the traditional conservative, moderate to right wing set, that are the vast majority of racists against minorities in this country.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:20 PM
Anyone who reads this thread and does not condemn all 7 of these teens actions are racist.

If you read this thread and try to compare the story to something a "black" person did, you are racist.

If you read the OP and try to justify it in ANY way, shape or form....... you are a racist.

ATS is 80% Caucasian and any type of thread that focuses on Africa or African-Americans tend to bring out self hating, vile ideology spewing bigots. I say "self hating" because (i assume) they are human and they hate their fellow humans to the point of wanting to murder them fro the most idiotic of reasons.

We have many longtime lurkers on ATS and many more daily casual visitors. Just as i can not erase my posts neither can you
i enjoy bringing you to the forefront and exposing to the world who is who.

Deny Ignorance People!!

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:21 PM
Let me say this when it comes down to a riot of race all yall pussified people that take up for the blacks so much when it comes down to a race riot do u think that black guy is going to care how much u took up for them u are just making the whites look weak

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by ProphecyPhD

Well unfortunately once a thread is derailed, it's Derailed. That's the meaning of the term.

I'm sorry your thread went south, but it was your own doing. You live you learn ya?

I'm sorry if I added to the de-railment, but I read the first couple pages, then felt the need to post the Song by biohazard that came to my head.

Then when I refreshed the page I saw your question asking why can't people stick to the OP? Really you should be asking yourself that question.

Again sorry the thread got derailed, and that I added to it.

Anyway moving on thoughts on the matter is I'm just dumbfounded that even with a half black/half white President this country STILL hasn't evolved passed the point of racism. This spiritual evolution to learn not to be racist, to end racism altogether is paramount for our world to survive.

I think about the Ronald Reagan speech where he talked about how quickly we would come together as Human Beings if we were attacked by an outside Alien threat. But really do we need all that in order to see past a persons skin color? Racism is terrible and the media is pushing it again, it sells papers. But really violence is terrible period.

If there's a bright side we can all be happy in the hopes that natural selection and spiritual evolution and interacial breeding will put an end to racism and violence altogether over the next couple thousand years, and we will all be nicely tanned and peaceful, and enjoying the sun, haveing a good time with our neighbors.

peace to you all.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by ProphecyPhD
We have many longtime lurkers on ATS and many more daily casual visitors. Just as i can not erase my posts neither can you
i enjoy bringing you to the forefront and exposing to the world who is who.

Deny Ignorance People!!

So... this thread is not to discuss what happened. Rather it is about the membership of ATS.


Thread closed.

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