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Pure Racial Hatred, 7 White Teens Vs. 1 Black Man (caught on tape)

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posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by MikeNice81
reply to post by Wyn Hawks

i seriously doubt that the thoughts of the alleged murderer had anything to do with the DA saying it was a hate crime... the young man's words prior to the assault and murder, as well as afterwards, prove that his actions were racially motivated

His actions were motivated by racist thoughts. Punishing those thoughts does nothing. He will still have those thoughts. Others will still have those thoughts and act on them.

In America you are supposed to be free to think as you please. In my opinion hate crimes laws serve no purpose other than to make certain thought processes illegal. It opens the door to regulating other forms of thought. We have seen this come in to the developemental stage.

It has been widely published that the TSA and Homeland Security are working on ways to track the thought process of people in airports. If your brain shows certain activities that may mean you are having overly agressive thoughts they want to know. Why, because an agressive thought is a pre-terrorism indicator. So, if you are thinking of how you would like to shove your foot in your bosses rear, it would mean extra security searches and possibly being banned from your flight.

I know it sounds off topic to some. Here is the thing. It works on the same principle. It punishes people for thoughts that occured inside their brain. It does not actually address the behavior of the person. It addresses their mental process.

If they wanted to add on extra charges they easily could have gotten him for conspiracy. They could have hit him with murder one and just locked him away untill he whithered up and died. Instead they want to attack his thought process to appear harder on crime. They aren't actually addressing any problem or helping prevent crime through the law. They are pandering to emotions while paving the way for the judicial usurption of the basic American idea that every man is free to his own beliefs, thoughts, and conscience.
edit on 9-8-2011 by MikeNice81 because: (no reason given)

i actually agree with you 100% on this point. I have never looked at it like that. You are very smart and that is indeed something to think about

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by kaiode1
So there ya go. Unless all the cops were women, or all the cops were black (or hispanic or asian), then there's no way that could be considered a hate crime.

Oh, well perhaps your misunderstanding is that I'm arguing against that definition, not just you in particular. If some bully sees somebody else, of the same color and sexual preference, as a weak "nerd" so to speak, and ends up beating that person to death...what else is that crime based on, other than 'hate'?

Unless of course you have some special definition of the term that you made up yourself. Then by all means share, because we don't seem to be on the same page with this one.

Um, how bout the actual definition of the word 'hate':

hate   /heɪt/ Show Spelled [heyt] Show IPA verb, hat·ed, hat·ing, noun
verb (used with object)
1. to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest: to hate the enemy; to hate bigotry.
2. to be unwilling; dislike: I hate to do it.

Don't pretend as if this sort of thing hadn't been going on for years.

Yes, police brutality has been going on for years, against whites as well. It's a classic symptom of authority. Do you really think they are super sweet to white people? I can tell you they're not, since I'm white. They view all of us as potential arrests, and there is an us (police) vs. them (us, the people) mentality among cops, many times you can clearly feel how low the cop sees you as. Once we're able to effectively make race a non-issue all together, most people will get along. But, when these sensational headlines draw lines in the sand like they do, it pits people against one another based on race, regardless of the story itself.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by cj6
reply to post by ProphecyPhD

Because the guys were white they got off easily.

Oh really? Did the clip reveal their sentence? No.. it didn't so nice assumption.

But lets be completely honest ppl, if it was 7 black guys beating and killing a white man they would all get the death penalty or at least life in prison.

Instead of lashing out with a hollow fact like this maybe you should tell me where I can find that statistic.. unless you make them up in your head.

Stop being ignorant to the truth, this country is and always will be racist.

Again.. please stop making false facts up in your head because you obviously are being a little biased maybe? Or maybe sympathasizing a little..

Hate crime laws in the U.S.A

No one really disagrees that in the current culture and climate many black men and women feel superior to whites, and a crime committed by such an individual with said mindset against a white person could clearly have been be motivated by racism. Therefore, this individual approach has been preferred over a blanket broad brush approach of past perceived ancestral sufferings, and feelings of inferiority and/or superiority of groups that encompass thousands of individuals over hundreds of years.

edit on 9-8-2011 by 31Bravo because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by 27jd

Originally posted by SaturnFX
If you are a danger to society because of how you see people physically, and the justice system is meant to lessen the chance of you being a danger to society, then clearly the punishment that fits the crime is to remove the offending sense...

I have to strongly disagree. Many people see people with a couple nice things, and simply can't resist the urge to rob and kill them for those things. Aren't they just as much a danger to society? Violence, is violence. Motive should be irrelevant. You, like others, seem to be suggesting there should be tiers placed on violence and murder based on your personal feelings about racism. It's not illegal to be ignorant, so there shouldn't be any additional charges placed on violence done because of ignorance, rather than greed, or jealousy, etc.

You may be right. I just really hate racial attributes. I hate crimes of braindead idiots in, I tend to become unreasonable towards potential solutions.

Got to admit though, that would certainly get the attention drawn towards racially motivated crimes...its one thing to think about going to jail for awhile and joining up the local _____ (insert color choice)____ power groups there, its another to be, don't stab that dude, else I will go blind...

But ya, I guess no need to move towards savage behavior in order to cure savage behavior...

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by MikeNice81
reply to post by Wyn Hawks

His actions were motivated by racist thoughts. Punishing those thoughts does nothing. He will still have those thoughts. Others will still have those thoughts and act on them.

...his punishment (if convicted) will be based upon his ACTIONS, not his thoughts...

Originally posted by MikeNice81
In my opinion hate crimes laws serve no purpose other than to make certain thought processes illegal. It opens the door to regulating other forms of thought. We have seen this come in to the developemental stage.

...imo, r&d and applications of such is not a factor in this case... however, thx for pointing out how such might be used as a distraction and/or an attempt to lessen the actual PHYSICAL crime...

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
You may be right. I just really hate racial attributes. I hate crimes of braindead idiots in, I tend to become unreasonable towards potential solutions.

I'm certainly not immune to that myself. Being a father, I have strong personal disgust for crimes against children. I have been called a monster for the things I would do to pedos if their punishment were up to me. I would commit a hate crime against them, because I hate them.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by ProphecyPhD

It's simple.

Racism in these days, if it can be proven, deserves forced labor. Preferably in the neighborhood populated by the race they hate.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by 31Bravo

I believe later in the thread someone did list the ruling. They did not get murder they got hate crime and aggravated assault if I remember correctly?

These are kind of shameful rulings... it is obviously murder.

On the other hand the charges for other hate crimes I have seen lately have not been that great either (that I can recall). Usually the Black on White-- the justice system and media are afraid to call it what it is a "hate crime" in most situations.

I believe the closest person to call those Fair mob attacks racially charged was a Black law enforcement guy. I say guy because I forget if he was a Chief or a Sheriff. Now I love that he has the balls to say that, BUT on the other hand I feel sorry for him because there is always backlash for speaking the truth. "Uncle Tom" connotations etc.

I think when more people stand up and grow a pair you will have less racial crime. If you make something "uncool" people will not do it.. assuming I understand the dimwitted psychology behind these a-holes.

People have to get drilled with "we are part of the human race thing" instead of "DIEversity" stuff. It is hard to undo 40 or 50 years of that kind of education though. I think it is great different cultures bring different things to the table, but when you are drilled with every injustice a people has done (IN THE PAST) it seems that some folks take it to heart. No one can show a group or race of people that has done no wrong on the Earth. Every group of people has done something awful on this planet at some point or another. It is time to get over it and have some common goals as human beings and stop doing silly things. Get everyone educated, have no starving people maybe get off of this rock and explore space? How about taking our planet back from a ruling elite? Who is really your enemy? Human priorities are interesting.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by MikeNice81
reply to post by Viking9019

You know what, I wrote a really long scathing reply to this post. Then I realized that it would fall on deaf ears. All I can say is that I am glad you do not represent the majority opinion.
edit on 9-8-2011 by MikeNice81 because: (no reason given)

Mike, your post was really well thought out for one thing because you saw past all the racial stuff into the real agenda, which is sort of Orwell1984/Minority Report oriented. I agree with your analysis of it. Since I was a teen I have been observing the Orwellian tendencies, especially the last 10 years when the Internet has been used to spy on people's surfing habits and behavior, when they want to control the Internet to control people, when RFID and biometrics has been introduced also as ways of controlling behavior and tracking people's movements. Cell phone towers can now be used to track people's whereabouts. How about black boxes in cars, and even devices which can control the speed of a car or its braking mechanism separately from the operator. These things are all coming into being to support the coming One World Totalitarian Communist govt.

Anything racially motivated can be used to support the NWO as well. They use racial divide as a tool. It's called race warfare, and used by Marxists the same as class warfare.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by ProphecyPhD

Originally posted by ReVoLuTiOn76
That sucks, but if it were to happen to a white guy...same thing, except it wouldn't be such a big deal.

When does this sort of thing happen to a "White Guy"

Seriously? Columbia, sc a month or two ago. Group of local black kids beat the crap out of a white kid. Boy almost died. Our blacks sheriff said it was not a hate crime. Don't be naive dude.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by ReVoLuTiOn76
reply to post by ProphecyPhD

UUUUUUUMMMMMMMM, maybe everyday? Just like the gun-avatar guy said, there are racists in every race...DIVIDE AND CONQUER, working better than ever.

its more like working together is better than fighting forever?

divide and conquer will only destory everything! think about it

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by 27jd

Do you really think they are super sweet to white people?

To be quite honest? Yes. My mother (who is black) is on trial right now for spraying two white males with mace who were attacking her. She stood up for a friend that they were physically pushing around, and when they started to approach my mom, she sprayed them in self defense. My mom now has two cases of assault for defending herself against her attackers and is no longer allowed to carry mase or pepper spray. And no matter how many witnesses testify that she's innocent, and no matter how many times the prosecution contradicts themselves, the judge and the jury still see my 5 foot 2 inch black mother as guilty for hurting two 6 foot tall white males. Regardless of whether or not it was self-defense. Even when the defense asked one of the men why he got sprayed the dumbass told on himself and said "because i would've hurt the bitch if she didn't." But it was completely ignored. I believe that all that matters in this court case is the color of her skin. So yeah, since I've got firsthand experience I would say that cops treat whites a little sweeter.

I've also got a friend named joe who is caucasian. My friend joe likes to sell drugs, and got caught with three ounces of marijuana on him, and a scale. So the cops had him on two offenses. Possession with intent to sell. He got off scott free, and it amazes me because I've seen blacks tried for the exact same thing and even if it was a first offense, given hard time. I'm left to wonder if my friend would've been treated the same if he was a black male.
edit on 9-8-2011 by kaiode1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:32 PM
Damn that's sickening! That piece of crap deserves everything he's going to get, when his sentencing eventually comes up! There was no need to run the guy over, especially after the beating he'd just received!
On the other hand, blacks are no better when it comes to ganging up on lone white guys because of race! These damn civil rights lawyers have been quite successful when it comes to keeping atrocities commited by blacks on whites, out of the news. It seems there's no shortage of "civil rights lawyers", and it's my belief that if a lawyer is no good at anything else, he can always join the legal fight against the rights of whites! I aso believe most don't give a damn about the person's rights nearly as much as they do about the money to be made off them!

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by kaiode1

LOL!! I love the onion. Such strong messages being convey through comedy.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by ProphecyPhD

LOL!! I love the onion. Such strong messages being convey through comedy.

Yes, the onion is our last hope for real, unbiased news! They always tell it like it is, and always in truly hilarious ways.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by ElectricWizard
reply to post by 31Bravo

I believe later in the thread someone did list the ruling. They did not get murder they got hate crime and aggravated assault if I remember correctly?

These are kind of shameful rulings... it is obviously murder.

On the other hand the charges for other hate crimes I have seen lately have not been that great either (that I can recall). Usually the Black on White-- the justice system and media are afraid to call it what it is a "hate crime" in most situations.

I believe the closest person to call those Fair mob attacks racially charged was a Black law enforcement guy. I say guy because I forget if he was a Chief or a Sheriff. Now I love that he has the balls to say that, BUT on the other hand I feel sorry for him because there is always backlash for speaking the truth. "Uncle Tom" connotations etc.

I think when more people stand up and grow a pair you will have less racial crime. If you make something "uncool" people will not do it.. assuming I understand the dimwitted psychology behind these a-holes.

People have to get drilled with "we are part of the human race thing" instead of "DIEversity" stuff. It is hard to undo 40 or 50 years of that kind of education though. I think it is great different cultures bring different things to the table, but when you are drilled with every injustice a people has done (IN THE PAST) it seems that some folks take it to heart. No one can show a group or race of people that has done no wrong on the Earth. Every group of people has done something awful on this planet at some point or another. It is time to get over it and have some common goals as human beings and stop doing silly things. Get everyone educated, have no starving people maybe get off of this rock and explore space? How about taking our planet back from a ruling elite? Who is really your enemy? Human priorities are interesting.

Absolutely right
I agree.. I'm not a racist person at all we're all on this dirt ball together, so why are we fighting? I will never know.

It's sad that a lot of whites walk on egg shells so that they aren't the racist ones, I say approach it the way it is and don't tippy toe around anything. Any murder of a race is horrible, and the person committing that crime white/black/purple whatever should get the same punishment.. if the AMERICANS can't handle that then I don't know what to tell them.. (by the way notice how I used americans as a label and not a race.. because that's how it should be).

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by NEWclearMind

Originally posted by ProphecyPhD

Originally posted by ReVoLuTiOn76
That sucks, but if it were to happen to a white guy...same thing, except it wouldn't be such a big deal.

When does this sort of thing happen to a "White Guy"

Seriously? Columbia, sc a month or two ago. Group of local black kids beat the crap out of a white kid. Boy almost died. Our blacks sheriff said it was not a hate crime. Don't be naive dude.

I honestly regret writing that sentence. That ONE sentence is what everyone seems to be focusing on. 50 different people must have answered that question. I am not racist or naive, can you people say the same thing?

Racial violence and murder against people of color especially african-americans in the United States is WELL documented. That is all i meant by that statement. It is relatively new and not at all common for it to be the other way around.

I am a proud member of the best (imo) race on Earth....... The Human Race!!

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:45 PM
Attacking anyone is terrible, for any reason.
And while this attack is terrible, and the attackers should get a harsh charge, I'd like to see public hanging come back. The truth is black racial terrorist mob attacks against whites happen at an alarming rate. And to show the anti-white racism of the system, the attackers are hardly ever convicted of a hate crime, yet the honky attackers are always quick to get that charge. We have a recent local attack where I live. This old sick guy on chemo, was beat down by a mob of black racial terrorists, and now the guy in in a vegetative state. And remember Reginald Denny? And look at all the white bus drivers that are attacked by BRT's(black racial terrorists), and that young white kid that was set on fire. And the Jena attacks, where all the supporters of the BRTs came to praise crime and glorify hate, and the media played it like it was the honkies fault. If we had a nation that gave a darn about it's people and safety, there's be special BRT squads to squash this scourge in the nation.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by ReVoLuTiOn76
That sucks, but if it were to happen to a white guy...same thing, except it wouldn't be such a big deal.

its a very tragic event, and racism should not be around in this day and age.
saying that, he does have a point, if it were the other way round it would still be murder but the words 'racist attack' would not make any headline

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 12:47 PM
To be prosecuted as a hate crime, there has to be evidence that the crime was indeed racially motivated. A group of white guys can beat down and murder a black guy, and if they aren't saying any racial slurs, or were caught by witnesses stating before hand, how they hate n!ggers and were gonna kill one, or afterward saying similar things, it will be hard to prosecute as a hate crime.

It seems a lot of white Americans don't understand this. If you are robbed of your iPhone and wallet by a group of black youth, that in itself, isn't a hate crime. Now if they called you a crackafied piece of sh!t honkey, and stated that they hated the minimally melaninned pale skin that wraps the innards of your body, while they were beating and robbing you, and there were witnesses who could testify to that. Then it would be prosecuted as a hate crime. There has to be something that shows there was intent to cause harm based on your ethnicity.

edit on 9-8-2011 by D_Mason because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-8-2011 by D_Mason because: (no reason given)

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