posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 02:31 PM
This dream starts off with myself at a university classroom. Everyone seems friendly. Everyone is socialist. Which confuses me in my head. Since in
real life I'm a capitalist. Students were flown from different states and countries. We're asked about random definitions to words like Capitalism and
word that I forget starts with an 'L'. I get bored and talk to a cute girl for about a few minutes. Get bored of her then decide to take a nap while I
watch television. Everything of T.V. represents cartoonist destruction and happiness. Something bad happened but something good came out of it. When
I'm waking up the class is talking with a group of people leaving. I can see the skies getting darker, swelling, and becoming violent. I'm finally
awoken to get ready to follow the class for some reason. I keep forgetting stuff like my shoes and what not. Finally I'm with my class going through a
door that leads to people scattering to get inside! Two cheerleaders where directing people. I lost my class again but met up with them soon! Myself
and three other students where in one room. We saw the posters on the wall represented weapons such as spears and swords. Making fun of using them on
people. Then! A large twister started to forum from the sky and ground level. Seeing a loud destruction of the class room we came out of! During the
event we prayed. I was the only person praying loudly. "Please HaShem save us from the tornado. For if you do we'll be thankful!" I kept saying that
over and over. But also looking out the window over my shoulder. Watching the tornado and seeing a barricade with what looked like evil people behind
it. They we're not effected at all by the tornado. Then I saw the tornado approaching. Quickly I grabbed two of the guys praying! Even choking the one
on my right. But the tornado just went around the class room and went to the next room. Like the Tenth plague with the Hebrews in Egypt. It roared one
finally roar, tore a roof of next to us, and then the sunshine like a blessing from Heaven. We're all accounted for and meet our classmates. I hear
one the students mentioning the university starts with a 'S' and that people are flown in all the time.
Well I just had this dream and it was awesome!!! Everything! I mean the people, the symbols, the tornado! What are your thoughts about this dream?
edit on 8-8-2011 by ManOfGod267 because: (no reason given)