reply to post by rebeldog
The smaller five pointed stars you refer to are specifically the BP Oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico and the other one is the AZ shooing
incident which were ritual sacrifices regardless of what anyone might say.
These two rituals are still active and while there is also the 911 ritual that I did not represent graphically because it then becomes hard to view
the map and make any sense of it with so many lines on a map and marked cites.
I contend and based on everything I have experienced and discovered, my findings show that on 11-22-63 the ritual clearly points to the existing N.
Pole that was accurate on the date 11-22-63.
To see another potential pole location did catch me by surprise, but with Comet Elenin or whatever is coming, the potential for a pole shift has
always been present even if no one began talking about it until probably late February based on my video. Now that we also have potential impacts,
this once again brings this location into consideration for whether it could also be a potential impact zone.
While it would be many years of ritual study before I would see the completed ritual master design, there are still many areas of this ritual that
still allude me, but I have derived the more important elements of the overall meaning by having found their own internal design elements that shows a
future N. Pole or perhaps an impact zone.
While I lean more towards a new pole location, I am merely selecting one the two options I feel this ritual design represents as a choice of
Take every major NWO incident, Waco, OK City, Columbia disaster, 911, Pentagon, Shanksville, Katrina, BP Oil Disaster, AZ shooting spree, Japan and NZ
Christchurch disasters were all part of this master ritual design which is still ongoing today.
While I realize it may difficult to comprehend all of the material I have just commented on, I would remind you that I'm not allowed by terms and
conditions to promote my own links to my own videos. Short of doing some You-Tube research, I am certain you will eventually come across my February
video that I feel better explains this whole ritual in greater detail than I can explain here within this limited thread.
I will in an effort to show you some more work from that project, consider the following photos that I feel will help you and others better understand
what that video project was all about back in February of 2011.
As I mentioned, the only missing ritual design not included in these photos is the 911 ritual which I left out for sake of space and so as not to
create a cluttered image on a map showing too many lines and cities.
Anyway thanks for the question, and to answer you simply, the inverted stars are the locations of the rituals that have been designed into the master
ritual plan.
I hope this helps a little. If you need more specific details about the video I produced to explain this ritual finding, you will have to message me
and I will provide the name of the video that will I feel better explain what these maps imply as it relates to the overall ritual.
Thanks again and I hope this helps. My apologies for not being able to size the photos without losing the detail that such maps make difficult.