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[RINGS] Words on

page: 1

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posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 07:21 PM
WARNING: This is a restricted access domain. Your activity is being logged.
2052114 | wha? i didn't do anything
21864 | an eye for an eye
62313244 | warning
62014189 | comb
21864 | 55225
62313244 | deniedignorance
2052114 | by who?
2052114 | being logged by who?
2052114 | warning?
2052114 | access domain
2052114 | domain?
2052114 | domain?
2052114 | who is watching?
2052114 | watching me huh?
20713230 | WARNING: This is a restricted access domain. Your activity is being logged.
62313244 | WARNING: This is a restricted access domain. Your activity is being logged.
2052114 | IP
20242239 | moc.deinedecnarongi
2024224 | -5-
2024227 | the four
20242239 | captain
20242275 | captains
2024224 | the hunt
2024227 | g
20242275 | rings
2024227 | sgnir
2024227 | ?
212315108 | comb
212315108 | hair
212315108 | g
2052114 | IP
2052114 | this site is heaven
2052114 | where does the search begin?
2052114 | when does the search begin?
2052114 | the search
2052114 | search
2052114 | site of enlightenment
2052114 | enlightenment
2052114 | this is a site of enlightenment
2052114 | this is a domain of enlightenment
19216192 | Gravitron
161221180 | smirkey is lost. help!
161221180 | smirkey
19216192 | g
19828 |
2162247 | firepoker
19828 | 56800
19216192 | red
19216192 | truth
19216192 | colour
19216192 | sex
19216192 | tnemnethgilnefosniatpac
19216192 | captainsofenlightenment
19828 | tcoe
19828 | coe
19828 | stage
19828 | set the stage
19828 |
19828 | g
19828 | what is this site?
19828 | what is this site
19828 | set the stage
19828 | I am 4
19828 | I am a captain of enlightenment
19828 | let me in
19828 | zsandmann
19828 | Smirkley
19828 | SethBullock
19828 | JCMinJapan
19828 | is ignorance denied?
19828 | wisdom
2052114 | this is a domain of enlightenment
8765 | denied ignorance
279205 | ...
8765 | tnemnethgilnefosniatpac
8765 | Captainsofenlightenment
279205 | captainsofenlightenment
279205 | captainsofenlightement
279205 | captainsofenlightenment
21151830 | the words are the kys
21864 | what is the key? the words are the key
21864 | what is the key?the words are the key
21864 | the captains of enlightenment must know what to say why did we hunt?
21864 | if you help the captains, will you be rewarded? wisdom is the prize
21864 | the old clues reveal some the new cluse reveal more
21151830 | stage
21864 | deep is gone one task remains
6163234 | tnemnethgilnefosniatpac
6163234 | log
6163234 | index
6163234 | list
6163234 | history
6163234 | deinedecnarongi
6163234 | the one place
21864 | the captains are one the captains know the words
21864 | the captains are found four captains must unite
2052114 | this is a domain of enlightenment
2052114 | what more is there to do?
2052114 | what is the key?
2052114 | is this ignorance denied?
2052114 | where can i deny ignorance?
2052114 | unite
2052114 | when does wisdom happen?
2052114 | How does four become one?
2052114 | What does it mean?
2052114 | where is wisdom?
2052114 | why did we hunt?
2052114 | where are the new cluse?
2052114 | where are the new clues?
2052114 | to deny
20520175 | when does wisdom happen to all?
21864 | Every old clue matters the old clues reveal some the new cluse reveal more

21151830 | deny ignorance
20520175 | how close is it?
20520175 | what is the goal?
20520175 | what is the truth?
19828 | there is more to do...much more
19828 | the words have deep meaning
19828 | what is the key?
19828 | is ignorance denied?
19828 | have you denied ignorance?
19828 | if you had denied ignorance, where would you go next?
19828 | the captains of enlightenment must unite
19828 | the captains of enlightenment must collaborate on denying ignorance
19828 | the captains of enlightenment need to devise their method
20520175 | how do i get access?
19828 | the captains of enlightenment must decide what the prize is
20520175 | how is access obtained?
19828 | the captains of enlightenment must lead the way
20520175 | show me the way
20520175 | history
19828 | the captains of enlightenment must choose the way
20520175 | list
19828 | the captains of enlightenment must look outward
20520175 | where is the first clue?
19828 | the captains of enlightenment must look inward
19828 | the captains of enlightenment must find the way
20520175 | ?
19828 | the captains of enlightenment must locate the prize
19828 | the captains of enlightenment must find the prize
20520175 | ignorance denied
19828 | the captains of enlightenment must know what to say
20520175 | denied ignorance
19828 | the captains of enlightenment must create the stage
19828 | the captains of enlightenment must set the stage
19828 | the captains of enlightenment must choose their friends
19828 | the captains of enlightenment will make all one
19828 | the captains of enlightenment will make four one
20520175 | is this the stage?
19828 | the captains of enlightenment will make one for all
19828 | the captains of enlightenment will deny ignorance
20182168 | void
20182168 | simon gray
20182168 | void
20182168 | tnemnethgilnefosniatpac
19828 | the captains of enlightenment
19828 | captains of enlightenment
19828 | captain of enlightenment
19828 | clue
19828 | what is the purpose?
13244 |
20182168 | 1
20182168 | super user
20182168 | master
20182168 | super user
132438 | warning
13244 | warning
132435 | convergence is near
132438 | the truth reveals
13245 | the lies expose
132435 | the lies expose
20182168 | ignorancedenied
20182168 | fire
13247 | the truth reveals. the lies expose.
20182168 | home
13247 | the words are the key
13245 | the words
132437 | you must think of the goal
132437 | books
13247 | knowledge
132435 | where is the wisdom found?
13245 | one task remains for captains
132436 | yek eth era sdrow eth
132436 | the captains are found
132437 | find the rings
132435 | four become one
132435 | one becomes many
171410196 | captiansofenlightenment
171410196 | history
171410196 | list
171410196 | minion
68255 | question mark
68255 | thecaptains
68255 | the truth
19828 | zsandmann
20182168 | convergence
20182168 | convergence
20182168 | convergence
20182168 | mount rushmore
20182168 | g
20182168 | logged
20182168 | 4 of 1
20182168 | graysimon
6163234 | dashcat
6163234 | smirkley
6163234 | captain
6163234 | modsiw
6163234 | logged
20182168 | 1234
20182168 | 4321
20182168 | go rin no sho
20182168 | miyamoto musasui
20182168 | deggol
20182168 | tnemnethgilnefosniatpac
20182168 | truth
20182168 | hturt
20182168 | t
20182168 | 23-5-1970
22151739 | smirkley
21151830 | hecen
20182168 | .com
20182168 | wizdom
20182168 | modziw
20182168 | 25
13244 | four become one
20182168 | 64
000000000 | you will need the four ring words
20182168 | 4fo1
20182168 | hturt
20182168 | gninraw
20182168 | 1
20182168 | 9
20182168 | deinedecnarongi
22151739 | create the stage
22151739 | knowledge
22151739 | enlightened
22151739 | enlightenment
22151739 | deep
22151739 | hamuurabi
22151739 | hammurabi
22151739 | smirkley
22151739 | jcminjapan
22151739 | seth bullock
22151739 | what is the key
221521245 | find the wisdom
22151739 | what is the key
22151739 | helenheaven
22151739 | -5-
22151739 | the truth reveals. the lies expose.
651970 | history
68255 | SmirkleySethBullockJCminjapanSzandman
68255 | SmirkleySeth BullockJCminjapanSzandman
68255 | Bahamas
20181060 | ring
20181060 | hunt
20181060 | ring
221521245 | find the path
221521245 | Find the path
221521245 | Find the path.
221521245 | find the path.
221521245 | deinedecnarongi
221521245 | moc.deinedecnarongi
221521245 | moc.deinedecnarongi
221521245 |
221521245 | id.gif
68255 | yelkrims
22151739 | the truth reveals. the lies expose.
221521245 | 4
221521245 | four
221521245 | 4 become 1
221521245 | all become one
22151739 | the truth reveals. the lies expose.
221521245 | What is the word?
221521245 | what is the key?
221521245 | What is the key?
22151739 | the truth reveals. the lies expose.
22151739 | yelkrims
22151739 | yrotsih
62193 | Honolulu
62193 | Tokyo
62193 | Buenos Aires
221521245 | What is the key?
221521245 | modsiw
221521245 | wisdom
221521245 | deny ignorance
221521245 | ecnarongi yned
22151739 | eulc
22151739 | sdrawkcab
22151739 | rorrim
2413221 | captiansofenlightenment
2413221 | tnemnethgilnefosniatpac
22151739 | napajnimcj
22151739 | kcollubhtes
221521245 | tnemnethgilne fo sniatpac
221521245 | g
221521245 | golg
221521245 | gold
221521245 | god
221521245 | God
221521245 | 1
221521245 | 2
221521245 | 3
221521245 | 4
221521245 | 1234
221521245 | all
22151739 | ecnarongiynedlliwtnemnethgilnefosniatpaceht
22151739 | ?yekehtsitahw
22151739 | llarofenoekamlliw
22151739 | llarofenoekamlliwtnemnethgilnefosniatpaceht
22151739 | enoruofekamlliw
22151739 | must unite
22151739 | etinutsum
22151739 | the search has begun
211623146 | ecnarongiyned
22151739 | the search has begun
22151739 | tnemnethgilnefosniatpac
22151739 | tnemnethgilnefosniatpacsmirkleyjcminjapansethbullockzsandmann
22151739 | wisdom is the prize
22151739 | the key
22151739 | the words are the key
22151739 | cluse
211623146 | list
211623146 | history
211623146 | history
211623146 | history
211623146 | yelkrims
22151739 | the words are the key
22151739 | wisdom is the prize
211623146 | What is the prize?
22151739 | four are not yet one
22151739 | four
22151739 | yekehterasdroweht
22151739 | enlightenment
22151739 | become enlightened
22151739 | modsiw
22151739 | modsiw
22151739 | wisdom is the answe
22151739 | wisdom is the answer
22151739 | wisdom
22151739 | the key is wisdom
22151739 | wisdom is the key
218821 | To admit ignorance is to exhibit wisdom.
22151739 | wisdom found
22151739 | to find wisdom
22151739 | wisdom
22151739 | wisdom gained
22151739 | deny ignorance
22151739 | ignorance denied
22151739 | ignorance is denied
22151739 | deinedecnarongi
22151739 | moc.deinedecnarongi
22151739 | deined ecnarongi
22151739 | deined ecnarongi
22151739 | i.d
22151739 | information
22151739 | I want a life
19828 | much more
19828 | how did we deny ignorance
19828 | how did we deny ignorance?
211623146 |
211623146 |
211623146 | I am a Captain of Enlightenment.
211623146 | Ignorance is denied.
211623146 | deinedecnarongi
211623146 | I have denied ignorance.
20519220 | search
211623146 | 1+1+1+1+1=1
211623146 | 20 12 2012
211623146 | the search begins
211623146 | captains
211623146 | moc.deinedecnarongi
211623146 | moc.sgnirehtdnif
20519220 | abovetopsecret sub domain
211623146 | uramm
211623146 | I must set the stage.
211623146 | Seth Bullock has denied ignorance
211623146 | Seth Bullock has denied ignorance.
20519220 | a book of 5 rings
20519220 | the4
20519220 | Honolulu
20519220 | Los Angeles
20519220 | New York
20519220 | Buenos Aires
000000000 | this is where the captains should use their ring words
20519220 | Cairo
20519220 | the book of the void
20519220 | enlighten me
20519220 | im here to be enlightened
20519220 | where is enlightenment?
20519220 | is this enlightenment?
20519220 | what are the captains supposed to do?
211623146 | look outward
211623146 | where is wisdom?
211623146 | give me some help here
20182168 | william
20182168 | swindon
20182168 | wiltshire
20182168 | SN3 3EJ
20182168 | Gray,Simon [email protected]
20182168 | close
20182168 | 1 Sackville Close
20182168 | restricted
20519220 | captainsofenlightenment
20182168 |
20519220 | why is my activity being logged?
20182168 | denied
20519220 | what is the first clue?
20519220 | where are the new cluse?
20182168 | 691742
20182168 | 6917168
20182168 | UK
20519220 | where are the spheres of colour?
20182168 | 6917168
20182168 | ignore
20182168 | erongi
20182168 | in
20182168 | out
20182168 | nl
20182168 | tuo
20182168 | 4rings
20182168 | earth
20519220 | Sydney
20519220 | Tokyo
20519220 | Bankok\
20519220 | Bangkok
20519220 | Karachi
20519220 | Mosacow
20519220 | Bangkok
20519220 | Moscow
20519220 | where is smirkley?
20519220 | do you have smirkley?
20519220 | where be smirkley?
2152299 |
2152299 | log
2152299 | list
2152299 | gol
2152299 | 4
2152299 | four
2152299 | captains
2152299 | help
2152299 | found
2152299 | found
2152299 | About working offline
2152299 | smirkly?
2152299 | smirkley?
2152299 | hello smirkley
2152299 | yelkrims
2152299 | simon?
2152299 | hello
2152299 | ring

2152299 | Honolulu Los Angeles New York Buenos Aires GMT Cairo Moscow Karachi Bangkok Tokyo Sydney
20182168 | gmt
20182168 | Administrator
20182168 | 0000
20182168 | girlfriend
20182168 | police
20182168 | 01
20182168 |
20182168 |
20182168 | ancedenied
20182168 | index
20182168 |
20182168 | id
20182168 |
20182168 | family
20182168 | jack nicholson
20182168 | Head Honcho
20182168 | help
20182168 | England
20182168 | 17297
20182168 | 21111111
20182168 | 2121111111
20182168 | ignore
20182168 | five
000000000 | here is the grand convergence
20182168 | five
20182168 | five
20182168 | postdata
20182168 | Victor Harris
20182168 | Go Rin No Sho
20182168 | groundwaterfirewind
20182168 | groundwaterfirewindvoid
20182168 | A book of 5 rings
20182168 | beginner
20182168 | !
21517251 | captainsofenlightenment
21517251 | captain
21517251 | captains
1713538 | What am I looking for?
20171863 | I know what this site is
20171863 | The four
20171863 | Sun
20171863 |
20171863 |
20171863 | -5-
20171863 | list
20171863 | history
20171863 | summerian
20171863 | upload
20171863 | 313131
20171863 | 131313
20171863 | sphere
20171863 | pyramid
20171863 | all seeing eye
20171863 | hammarubi
20171863 | yom kippur
20171863 | clue
20171863 | clue please
20171863 | 1st clue
20171863 | who are you?
20171863 | Who are you?
20171863 | What are you?
20171863 | Where am I
20171863 | password
20171863 | Simon
20171863 | Simon Gray
20171863 | smirkley
20171863 |
20171863 | Carrinho de m�o
20171863 | leap once
20171863 | once pale
20171863 | once pale
20171863 | once pale
2118782 | history
2118782 | who has the first ring?
2118782 | where is the first ring
2118782 | where is smirkley?
2118782 | where is the first captain of enlightenment?
2118782 | tnemnethgilfosniatpac
2118782 | where is the first captain of enlightenment?
2118782 | the first captain of enlightenment
2118782 | tlk
2118782 | 664449
2118782 | 685143
2118782 | omega1
2118782 | tlk
2118782 | 66226
2118782 | smirkley
2118782 | starlinestiranglecircle
2118782 | tltc
823170 | tlk
22226222 | tlk.gif
22226222 |
823170 | tlk
8168131 | tlk
1281131 | the lost kingdom
1281131 | the lost kingdom
1281131 | new york
1281131 | set the stage
1281131 | the lord knows
68255 | time life knowledge
132439 | tlk
13247 | tlk.gif
13245 | tlk.gif
132438 |
13244 | egypt
13244 | new york
000000000 | the 4 symbols represent the ring words
1281131 | the lord knows
20519168 | tlk
20182168 | Narnia
20182168 | the Proud Parent of Narnia
20182168 | ainran
20182168 | the Proud Parent of Narnia
20182168 | *AllOoooo
20182168 | green yellow red
1281131 | the lord knows
1281131 | what is this symbol?
1281131 | truth
1281131 | zsandmann
1281131 | nnamdnasz
1281131 | nnamdnasz
1281131 | napaJniMCJ
1281131 | kcolluBhteS
1281131 | yelkrimS
1281131 | nnamdnasz
1281131 | jjjjjjjjjj
1281131 | Smirkley
1281131 | SethBullock
1281131 | JCMinJapan
1281131 | zsandmann
1281131 | captains of enlightenment
1281131 | captains of enlightenment
13245 | stone
13244 | rock
132439 | rising sun
20519168 | tlk
132439 | land of the rising sun
13244 | The Land of the Rising Sun
132438 | Tokyo
132438 | New York
13245 | Pharoh
132439 | four shall become one
13245 | one of the four
1281131 | to learn knowledge
20519168 | location bound
1281131 | mtlk
1281131 | a
1281131 | it should be line 50
1281131 | this is a mystery
132436 | one of the four
13247 | the words are the key
13245 | yek
1281131 | this is a mystery
13245 | yek eth era sdrow eth
132437 | convergence
132436 | convergence is near
132439 | What is MTLK
132436 | MTLK
132438 | mtlk
132435 | kltm
132438 | KLTM
1281131 | this is a mystery
1281131 | this is a mystery
1281131 | this is a mystery
2024224 | KLTM
20242239 | KLTM
1281131 | 947843
62314157 | mtlk
1281131 | 947843
21316207 | "captains of enlightment"
68255 | the lizard king
68255 | 947843
21316207 | moscow tokyo los angeles karachi
22151739 | to learn knowledge
61017130 | Go blow your nose!
61017130 | Stick it up your door knob
61017130 | Skeptic is a qweero!
22151739 | truth lies key
61017130 | Spring is a SUPER COOL DUDE We REALLY like him!
61017130 | Spring is a SUPER COOL DUDE We REALLY like him!
22151739 | truth lies key
61017130 | WeREALLY like Springer
61017130 | Springer ROCKS!
61017130 | Springer is COOL
22151739 | the lock key
22151739 | the lock key
22151739 | the lock key
22151739 |

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 07:28 PM
There are really clues in here! Look at the posts by 000000000
000000000 | you will need the four ring words
000000000 | this is where the captains should use their ring words
000000000 | here is the grand convergence
000000000 | the 4 symbols represent the ring words

That poster number doesn't fit the algorithm that has been used in case of others.

[edit on 17/8/04 by gravitron]

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 07:34 PM
Yeah, the four symblyes equal places I think.

The two rectangles is new York (twin towers)
The pyramid is Cairo (egypt)
The Sun is China (land of the rising sun)
The 4 circles i have idea about

It seems Smirk is dead tho.

62314157 | sun
62314157 | towers
62314157 | pyramid
62314157 | four

[edit on 17-8-2004 by AnonymousPoster4]

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by AnonymousPoster4
Yeah, the four symbols equal places I think.
The two rectangles is new York (twin towers)
The pyramid is Cairo (Egypt)
The Sun is China (land of the rising sun)
The 4 circles i have idea about

Um mm: Japan is the land of the rising sun.

I agree that the 00000000 clues look like real clues. But, these words are supposed to be secret and hidden. If we put them in, then it is not secret and hidden... hmmm But, what if they are not supposed to be hidden any more? What is this is a ploy by -5-? What if -5- is monitoring this. He has the other 3 words..... what if he does it faster? Does something happen? I guess he does not want them entered from previous postings, but why do they want the words? He could have left the one and dug a hole. He wants the words for a reason. Maybe they have something to do to stop the words from working. If they do, then they are probably ready for it. They only need the last word...... Then they are off. We are not even sure what to do if we put in the word, what if they beat us?

As you can see, too many questions and puzzles. Safety must be first.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 12:35 AM
And what about this?

201115188 | JCMinJapan I come for you
201115188 | I have the ring I am it's rightful owner
201115188 | anuejkwt ua swls
201115188 | captainsofenlightenment

Is this a real threat from 5 or a player messing around?

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 12:52 AM
I have the list of words here:

I am going through them now. But, it seems that the FAKE Clues have been deleted.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 01:05 AM
I was reading this thread and the four circles put me in mind of England,
Avebury, the largest known stone ring in the world.
Stone Hedge, Piccadilly Circus or circle I don�t know about the other two, but just me sticking my nose in

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 01:09 AM
lets get a few things straight, it wasn't me. i've just logged on for the day and it really looks like i would say something like that. it would be petty to try and insult someone over things from the past that niether of us had any influence over.
With that sorted out, JC (all captains, just said JC coz he is talkin ATM) don't you think the point of this is to locate smirkley? isn't he our biggest threat to success as Cromline doesn't have his word yet? Seeing as he has yours and not smirks, it wouldn't be so bad to enter you word into ID as he has your word and it could help lead us to smirkley before its to late.

Ultimately it's up to you.

[edit on 18-8-2004 by Nosferatu Zodd]

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by Nosferatu Zodd
With that sorted out, JC don't you think the point of this is to locate smirkley? isn't he our biggest threat to success as Cromline doesn't have his word yet?

I agree. We are trying to find him now. and putting our effort to that.

Seeing as he has yours and not smirks, it wouldn't be so bad to enter you word into ID as he has your word and it could help lead us to smirkley before its to late.

Have tried the words.... they do not work. The last rings riddles said:

the first of thine words empowers the four
the second shall shatter the philistines
the third is an embrace of absolute meaning
the fourth is thine key of all and all of thou shall be

We must need his to empower the 4. There may be more out there to help us. Not sure what to read into everything.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 01:36 AM
cool, we are totally stuffed
(Words didn't work)
Nice memory BTW JC, about the riddle.
So smirkley is the key huh? how could we find him?
obviously we don't have to venture into the physical world and locate him but there would be only one other way to get information from the locating of smrikely. It would be if he has a representation somewhere on the net and we have to find it and put it into ID?
but what would make any particular post/Identification mark of smirkely's stand out?

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 01:47 AM
000000000 | you will need the four ring words
000000000 | this is where the captains should use their ring words
000000000 | here is the grand convergence
000000000 | "the 4 symbols represent the ring words"

Okay captains, i'm not asking for your words ok, just lets get that straight, or if you think saying anything here could endanger your words, please don't post but if you wanna explore another possible avenue, please feel free.

the quote "the 4 symbols represent the ring words" on the ID page, is it true? can our three captains (ATM) associate thier words with a symbol? if so i bet that the circle or ring that binds them is SMIRK (reached conclusion thnx to JC)I bet we have to find some sort of connecting value between the four places/objects/words on the ID page and smirkley

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 02:00 AM
Nosferatu Zodd I don't understand what you meant by this?

lets get a few things straight, it wasn't me. i've just logged on for the day and it really looks like i would say something like that. it would be petty to try and insult someone over things from the past that niether of us had any influence over.

Did I miss a post? Did someone accuse you of something?

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 02:06 AM

Originally posted by dashcat
And what about this?

201115188 | JCMinJapan I come for you
201115188 | I have the ring I am it's rightful owner
201115188 | anuejkwt ua swls
201115188 | captainsofenlightenment

Not directly, but those statements could make me seem like a jealous 12 year old girl. If it was me.

[edit on 18-8-2004 by Nosferatu Zodd]

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 02:22 AM
But if you had posted those words NZ you would be banned by now because the Admin is able to tell who is posting at d.i. It never crossed my mind that you posted those words.

I'm just trying to figure out if Gravitron posted that stuff or if we should consider those phrases a clue.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 02:50 AM
Hey i wasn't implying anything either and you are right, i probably would have been banned by now, didn't even think bout that.
No clue there, just someone taking bored or annoyed to another level at a guess. but you can't discount anything for what it appears to be.

Lol the number 2052114 is me, this was before i went to bed lastnight

It's at the very top.

[edit on 18-8-2004 by Nosferatu Zodd]

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