WARNING: This is a restricted access domain. Your activity is being logged.
2052114 | wha? i didn't do anything
21864 | an eye for an eye
62313244 | warning
62014189 | comb
21864 | 55225
62313244 | deniedignorance
2052114 | by who?
2052114 | being logged by who?
2052114 | warning?
2052114 | access domain
2052114 | domain?
2052114 | domain?
2052114 | who is watching?
2052114 | watching me huh?
20713230 | WARNING: This is a restricted access domain. Your activity is being logged.
62313244 | WARNING: This is a restricted access domain. Your activity is being logged.
2052114 | IP
20242239 | moc.deinedecnarongi
2024224 | -5-
2024227 | the four
20242239 | captain
20242275 | captains
2024224 | the hunt
2024227 | g
20242275 | rings
2024227 | sgnir
2024227 | ?
212315108 | comb
212315108 | hair
212315108 | g
2052114 | IP
2052114 | this site is heaven
2052114 | where does the search begin?
2052114 | when does the search begin?
2052114 | the search
2052114 | search
2052114 | site of enlightenment
2052114 | enlightenment
2052114 | this is a site of enlightenment
2052114 | this is a domain of enlightenment
19216192 | Gravitron
161221180 | smirkey is lost. help!
161221180 | smirkey
19216192 | g
19828 |
2162247 | firepoker
19828 | 56800
19216192 | red
19216192 | truth
19216192 | colour
19216192 | sex
19216192 | tnemnethgilnefosniatpac
19216192 | captainsofenlightenment
19828 | tcoe
19828 | coe
19828 | stage
19828 | set the stage
19828 | ignorancedenied.com
19828 | g
19828 | what is this site?
19828 | what is this site
19828 | set the stage
19828 | I am 4
19828 | I am a captain of enlightenment
19828 | let me in
19828 | zsandmann
19828 | Smirkley
19828 | SethBullock
19828 | JCMinJapan
19828 | is ignorance denied?
19828 | wisdom
2052114 | this is a domain of enlightenment
8765 | denied ignorance
279205 | ...
8765 | tnemnethgilnefosniatpac
8765 | Captainsofenlightenment
279205 | captainsofenlightenment
279205 | captainsofenlightement
279205 | captainsofenlightenment
21151830 | the words are the kys
21864 | what is the key? the words are the key
21864 | what is the key?the words are the key
21864 | the captains of enlightenment must know what to say why did we hunt?
21864 | if you help the captains, will you be rewarded? wisdom is the prize
21864 | the old clues reveal some the new cluse reveal more
21151830 | stage
21864 | deep is gone one task remains
6163234 | tnemnethgilnefosniatpac
6163234 | log
6163234 | index
6163234 | list
6163234 | history
6163234 | deinedecnarongi
6163234 | the one place
21864 | the captains are one the captains know the words
21864 | the captains are found four captains must unite
2052114 | this is a domain of enlightenment
2052114 | what more is there to do?
2052114 | what is the key?
2052114 | is this ignorance denied?
2052114 | where can i deny ignorance?
2052114 | unite
2052114 | when does wisdom happen?
2052114 | How does four become one?
2052114 | What does it mean?
2052114 | where is wisdom?
2052114 | why did we hunt?
2052114 | where are the new cluse?
2052114 | where are the new clues?
2052114 | to deny
20520175 | when does wisdom happen to all?
21864 | Every old clue matters the old clues reveal some the new cluse reveal more
21151830 | deny ignorance
20520175 | how close is it?
20520175 | what is the goal?
20520175 | what is the truth?
19828 | there is more to do...much more
19828 | the words have deep meaning
19828 | what is the key?
19828 | is ignorance denied?
19828 | have you denied ignorance?
19828 | if you had denied ignorance, where would you go next?
19828 | the captains of enlightenment must unite
19828 | the captains of enlightenment must collaborate on denying ignorance
19828 | the captains of enlightenment need to devise their method
20520175 | how do i get access?
19828 | the captains of enlightenment must decide what the prize is
20520175 | how is access obtained?
19828 | the captains of enlightenment must lead the way
20520175 | show me the way
20520175 | history
19828 | the captains of enlightenment must choose the way
20520175 | list
19828 | the captains of enlightenment must look outward
20520175 | where is the first clue?
19828 | the captains of enlightenment must look inward
19828 | the captains of enlightenment must find the way
20520175 | ?
19828 | the captains of enlightenment must locate the prize
19828 | the captains of enlightenment must find the prize
20520175 | ignorance denied
19828 | the captains of enlightenment must know what to say
20520175 | denied ignorance
19828 | the captains of enlightenment must create the stage
19828 | the captains of enlightenment must set the stage
19828 | the captains of enlightenment must choose their friends
19828 | the captains of enlightenment will make all one
19828 | the captains of enlightenment will make four one
20520175 | is this the stage?
19828 | the captains of enlightenment will make one for all
19828 | the captains of enlightenment will deny ignorance
20182168 | void
20182168 | simon gray
20182168 | void
20182168 | tnemnethgilnefosniatpac
19828 | the captains of enlightenment
19828 | captains of enlightenment
19828 | captain of enlightenment
19828 | clue
19828 | what is the purpose?
13244 |
20182168 | 1
20182168 | super user
20182168 | master
20182168 | super user
132438 | warning
13244 | warning
132435 | convergence is near
132438 | the truth reveals
13245 | the lies expose
132435 | the lies expose
20182168 | ignorancedenied
20182168 | fire
13247 | the truth reveals. the lies expose.
20182168 | home
13247 | the words are the key
13245 | the words
132437 | you must think of the goal
132437 | books
13247 | knowledge
132435 | where is the wisdom found?
13245 | one task remains for captains
132436 | yek eth era sdrow eth
132436 | the captains are found
132437 | find the rings
132435 | four become one
132435 | one becomes many
171410196 | captiansofenlightenment
171410196 | history
171410196 | list
171410196 | minion
68255 | question mark
68255 | thecaptains
68255 | the truth
19828 | zsandmann
20182168 | convergence
20182168 | convergence
20182168 | convergence
20182168 | mount rushmore
20182168 | g
20182168 | logged
20182168 | 4 of 1
20182168 | graysimon
6163234 | dashcat
6163234 | smirkley
6163234 | captain
6163234 | modsiw
6163234 | logged
20182168 | 1234
20182168 | 4321
20182168 | go rin no sho
20182168 | miyamoto musasui
20182168 | deggol
20182168 | tnemnethgilnefosniatpac
20182168 | truth
20182168 | hturt
20182168 | t
20182168 | 23-5-1970
22151739 | smirkley
21151830 | hecen
20182168 | .com
20182168 | wizdom
20182168 | modziw
20182168 | 25
13244 | four become one
20182168 | 64
000000000 | you will need the four ring words
20182168 | 4fo1
20182168 | hturt
20182168 | gninraw
20182168 | 1
20182168 | 9
20182168 | deinedecnarongi
22151739 | create the stage
22151739 | knowledge
22151739 | enlightened
22151739 | enlightenment
22151739 | deep
22151739 | hamuurabi
22151739 | hammurabi
22151739 | smirkley
22151739 | jcminjapan
22151739 | seth bullock
22151739 | what is the key
221521245 | find the wisdom
22151739 | what is the key
22151739 | helenheaven
22151739 | -5-
22151739 | the truth reveals. the lies expose.
651970 | history
68255 | SmirkleySethBullockJCminjapanSzandman
68255 | SmirkleySeth BullockJCminjapanSzandman
68255 | Bahamas
20181060 | ring
20181060 | hunt
20181060 | ring
221521245 | find the path
221521245 | Find the path
221521245 | Find the path.
221521245 | find the path.
221521245 | deinedecnarongi
221521245 | moc.deinedecnarongi
221521245 | moc.deinedecnarongi
221521245 |
221521245 | id.gif
68255 | yelkrims
22151739 | the truth reveals. the lies expose.
221521245 | 4
221521245 | four
221521245 | 4 become 1
221521245 | all become one
22151739 | the truth reveals. the lies expose.
221521245 | What is the word?
221521245 | what is the key?
221521245 | What is the key?
22151739 | the truth reveals. the lies expose.
22151739 | yelkrims
22151739 | yrotsih
62193 | Honolulu
62193 | Tokyo
62193 | Buenos Aires
221521245 | What is the key?
221521245 | modsiw
221521245 | wisdom
221521245 | deny ignorance
221521245 | ecnarongi yned
22151739 | eulc
22151739 | sdrawkcab
22151739 | rorrim
2413221 | captiansofenlightenment
2413221 | tnemnethgilnefosniatpac
22151739 | napajnimcj
22151739 | kcollubhtes
221521245 | tnemnethgilne fo sniatpac
221521245 | g
221521245 | golg
221521245 | gold
221521245 | god
221521245 | God
221521245 | 1
221521245 | 2
221521245 | 3
221521245 | 4
221521245 | 1234
221521245 | all
22151739 | ecnarongiynedlliwtnemnethgilnefosniatpaceht
22151739 | ?yekehtsitahw
22151739 | llarofenoekamlliw
22151739 | llarofenoekamlliwtnemnethgilnefosniatpaceht
22151739 | enoruofekamlliw
22151739 | must unite
22151739 | etinutsum
22151739 | the search has begun
211623146 | ecnarongiyned
22151739 | the search has begun
22151739 | tnemnethgilnefosniatpac
22151739 | tnemnethgilnefosniatpacsmirkleyjcminjapansethbullockzsandmann
22151739 | wisdom is the prize
22151739 | the key
22151739 | the words are the key
22151739 | cluse
211623146 | list
211623146 | history
211623146 | history
211623146 | history
211623146 | yelkrims
22151739 | the words are the key
22151739 | wisdom is the prize
211623146 | What is the prize?
22151739 | four are not yet one
22151739 | four
22151739 | yekehterasdroweht
22151739 | enlightenment
22151739 | become enlightened
22151739 | modsiw
22151739 | modsiw
22151739 | wisdom is the answe
22151739 | wisdom is the answer
22151739 | wisdom
22151739 | the key is wisdom
22151739 | wisdom is the key
218821 | To admit ignorance is to exhibit wisdom.
22151739 | wisdom found
22151739 | to find wisdom
22151739 | wisdom
22151739 | wisdom gained
22151739 | deny ignorance
22151739 | ignorance denied
22151739 | ignorance is denied
22151739 | deinedecnarongi
22151739 | moc.deinedecnarongi
22151739 | deined ecnarongi
22151739 | deined ecnarongi
22151739 | i.d
22151739 | information
22151739 | I want a life
19828 | much more
19828 | how did we deny ignorance
19828 | how did we deny ignorance?
211623146 |
211623146 | findtherings.com
211623146 | I am a Captain of Enlightenment.
211623146 | Ignorance is denied.
211623146 | deinedecnarongi
211623146 | I have denied ignorance.
20519220 | search
211623146 | 1+1+1+1+1=1
211623146 | 20 12 2012
211623146 | the search begins
211623146 | captains
211623146 | moc.deinedecnarongi
211623146 | moc.sgnirehtdnif
20519220 | abovetopsecret sub domain
211623146 | uramm
211623146 | I must set the stage.
211623146 | Seth Bullock has denied ignorance
211623146 | Seth Bullock has denied ignorance.
20519220 | a book of 5 rings
20519220 | the4
20519220 | Honolulu
20519220 | Los Angeles
20519220 | New York
20519220 | Buenos Aires
000000000 | this is where the captains should use their ring words
20519220 | Cairo
20519220 | the book of the void
20519220 | enlighten me
20519220 | im here to be enlightened
20519220 | where is enlightenment?
20519220 | is this enlightenment?
20519220 | what are the captains supposed to do?
211623146 | look outward
211623146 | where is wisdom?
211623146 | give me some help here
20182168 | william
20182168 | swindon
20182168 | wiltshire
20182168 | SN3 3EJ
20182168 | Gray,Simon
[email protected]
20182168 | close
20182168 | 1 Sackville Close
20182168 | restricted
20519220 | captainsofenlightenment
20182168 | www.ev1servers.net
20519220 | why is my activity being logged?
20182168 | denied
20519220 | what is the first clue?
20519220 | where are the new cluse?
20182168 | 691742
20182168 | 6917168
20182168 | UK
20519220 | where are the spheres of colour?
20182168 | 6917168
20182168 | ignore
20182168 | erongi
20182168 | in
20182168 | out
20182168 | nl
20182168 | tuo
20182168 | 4rings
20182168 | earth
20519220 | Sydney
20519220 | Tokyo
20519220 | Bankok\
20519220 | Bangkok
20519220 | Karachi
20519220 | Mosacow
20519220 | Bangkok
20519220 | Moscow
20519220 | where is smirkley?
20519220 | do you have smirkley?
20519220 | where be smirkley?
2152299 | ignorancedenied.com
2152299 | log
2152299 | list
2152299 | gol
2152299 | 4
2152299 | four
2152299 | captains
2152299 | help
2152299 | found
2152299 | found
2152299 | About working offline
2152299 | smirkly?
2152299 | smirkley?
2152299 | hello smirkley
2152299 | yelkrims
2152299 | simon?
2152299 | hello
2152299 | ring
2152299 | Honolulu Los Angeles New York Buenos Aires GMT Cairo Moscow Karachi Bangkok Tokyo Sydney
20182168 | gmt
20182168 | Administrator
20182168 | 0000
20182168 | girlfriend
20182168 | police
20182168 | 01
20182168 |
20182168 |
20182168 | ancedenied
20182168 | index
20182168 | id.com
20182168 | id
20182168 | id.com
20182168 | family
20182168 | jack nicholson
20182168 | Head Honcho
20182168 | help
20182168 | England
20182168 | 17297
20182168 | 21111111
20182168 | 2121111111
20182168 | ignore
20182168 | five
000000000 | here is the grand convergence
20182168 | five
20182168 | five
20182168 | postdata
20182168 | Victor Harris
20182168 | Go Rin No Sho
20182168 | groundwaterfirewind
20182168 | groundwaterfirewindvoid
20182168 | A book of 5 rings
20182168 | beginner
20182168 | !
21517251 | captainsofenlightenment
21517251 | captain
21517251 | captains
1713538 | What am I looking for?
20171863 | I know what this site is
20171863 | The four
20171863 | Sun
20171863 |
20171863 |
20171863 | -5-
20171863 | list
20171863 | history
20171863 | summerian
20171863 | upload
20171863 | 313131
20171863 | 131313
20171863 | sphere
20171863 | pyramid
20171863 | all seeing eye
20171863 | hammarubi
20171863 | yom kippur
20171863 | clue
20171863 | clue please
20171863 | 1st clue
20171863 | who are you?
20171863 | Who are you?
20171863 | What are you?
20171863 | Where am I
20171863 | password
20171863 | Simon
20171863 | Simon Gray
20171863 | smirkley
20171863 |
20171863 | Carrinho de m�o
20171863 | leap once
20171863 | once pale
20171863 | once pale
20171863 | once pale
2118782 | history
2118782 | who has the first ring?
2118782 | where is the first ring
2118782 | where is smirkley?
2118782 | where is the first captain of enlightenment?
2118782 | tnemnethgilfosniatpac
2118782 | where is the first captain of enlightenment?
2118782 | the first captain of enlightenment
2118782 | tlk
2118782 | 664449
2118782 | 685143
2118782 | omega1
2118782 | tlk
2118782 | 66226
2118782 | smirkley
2118782 | starlinestiranglecircle
2118782 | tltc
823170 | tlk
22226222 | tlk.gif
22226222 |
823170 | tlk
8168131 | tlk
1281131 | the lost kingdom
1281131 | the lost kingdom
1281131 | new york
1281131 | set the stage
1281131 | the lord knows
68255 | time life knowledge
132439 | tlk
13247 | tlk.gif
13245 | tlk.gif
132438 |
13244 | egypt
13244 | new york
000000000 | the 4 symbols represent the ring words
1281131 | the lord knows
20519168 | tlk
20182168 | Narnia
20182168 | the Proud Parent of Narnia
20182168 | ainran
20182168 | the Proud Parent of Narnia
20182168 | *AllOoooo
20182168 | green yellow red
1281131 | the lord knows
1281131 | what is this symbol?
1281131 | truth
1281131 | zsandmann
1281131 | nnamdnasz
1281131 | nnamdnasz
1281131 | napaJniMCJ
1281131 | kcolluBhteS
1281131 | yelkrimS
1281131 | nnamdnasz
1281131 | jjjjjjjjjj
1281131 | Smirkley
1281131 | SethBullock
1281131 | JCMinJapan
1281131 | zsandmann
1281131 | captains of enlightenment
1281131 | captains of enlightenment
13245 | stone
13244 | rock
132439 | rising sun
20519168 | tlk
132439 | land of the rising sun
13244 | The Land of the Rising Sun
132438 | Tokyo
132438 | New York
13245 | Pharoh
132439 | four shall become one
13245 | one of the four
1281131 | to learn knowledge
20519168 | location bound
1281131 | mtlk
1281131 | a
1281131 | it should be line 50
1281131 | this is a mystery
132436 | one of the four
13247 | the words are the key
13245 | yek
1281131 | this is a mystery
13245 | yek eth era sdrow eth
132437 | convergence
132436 | convergence is near
132439 | What is MTLK
132436 | MTLK
132438 | mtlk
132435 | kltm
132438 | KLTM
1281131 | this is a mystery
1281131 | this is a mystery
1281131 | this is a mystery
2024224 | KLTM
20242239 | KLTM
1281131 | 947843
62314157 | mtlk
1281131 | 947843
21316207 | "captains of enlightment"
68255 | the lizard king
68255 | 947843
21316207 | moscow tokyo los angeles karachi
22151739 | to learn knowledge
61017130 | Go blow your nose!
61017130 | Stick it up your door knob
61017130 | Skeptic is a qweero!
22151739 | truth lies key
61017130 | Spring is a SUPER COOL DUDE We REALLY like him!
61017130 | Spring is a SUPER COOL DUDE We REALLY like him!
22151739 | truth lies key
61017130 | WeREALLY like Springer
61017130 | Springer ROCKS!
61017130 | Springer is COOL
22151739 | the lock key
22151739 | the lock key
22151739 | the lock key
22151739 |