posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by JimOberg
This webpage - - is html not a pdf document and it should be easy to edit the text of the article.
However, if that same article or information is mirrored on another link and it's a Pdf document then I can certainly understand why you would "balk"
at the editing idea.
Since I may not be aware of all the parameters involved in fixing something like that, I can't really offer any solutions because I would just be
making guesses and speculating. And Jim just so you know, this anomalous McDivitt info really isn't a major issue for me and I won't be holding your
feet to the fire about fixing it, I just thought the world might run a little smoother if it was somehow corrected. I'm sure you'll do what's
necessary so good luck with it
edit on 12-8-2011 by easynow because: (no reason given)