posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 08:20 AM
It's easy for Alex Jones to sit back and relax and not take credit for any of the articles that he presses on his website. But he's defended the
Tea Party numerous times. He defended them when CNN linked them to terrorism earlier
( and in his article about the rise of the new right, the
MSNBC documentar,y he claims that the tea-party is anti-establishment
( He thinks they're a group of normal American citizens, rather than
the regular group of Republican voters who are usually concerned about these issues, who are duped into voting for the Republican party time and time
again because they think they'll be different. His rhetoric is little different from those on the right, as, his right-hand man Joseph Watson uses
rhetoric that matches Rush Limbaugh, calling Chris Matthews a communist who worships Saul D Alinsky.
Of course, Alex Jones knows the real truth behind the Tea Party, and he knows that the Tea Party movement is not the same as it once was
( It used to be a movement full of concerned
citizens against the budget and spending problems and big government and fascism in Washington. But now it's been hijacked by both party as a
political tool.
So, given the fact that the tea-party movement has now been taken over by the Republican voters and that it's not as unique as it once was... why
does Alex Jones still defend it so much? Why does he pretend that it's still the anti-establishment movement that he saw a few years ago? Why so
defensive, Mr. Alex Jones?