The Canadian Arrow X-Prize entry has completed several critical tests and is nearing a launch date:
The Arrow looks like a classic Flash Gordon spaceship and is considered one of the major conetenders for the prize. Its sleek, V-2 style body has
already been a hit at many airshows around N America.
I followed this project some weeks ago, and it seems quite daring to say the least. It is a bona fide rocket as opposed to a rocket propelled plane
as the Spaceship One. That alone makes is a lot riskier. Not sure if there was any test flight. The web site says they are still finalizing the design
of the rocket. I don't understand how can this still be happening just weeks before the manned launch. Unless this is an expensive and romantic way
to committ suicide.
The Canadian Arrow isn't in the running for the Prize(unless something horrible happens) It's between SpaceShipOne(Of course) and WildFire mk1(The
Da Vinci Project) The Canadian Arrow team is playing it safe and are looking foward to the XPrize cup in 2005.