+5 more
posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 01:16 PM
Either only partially open minds and spirits, prejudiced ones, or outright skeptics- that's around 75% or so of what I've run into since I've come
here. Either they believe some things and refuse to believe in others despite all the hard evidence or just deny everything. "Wer all mah open
peoplez at?"
Trust me when I say this.. I know what denial is like. It happens when I don't want to believe something because it's awful. But, why do so many
people on here seem to deny great things- new positive possibilities that could change this world for the much better very soon? Are they all or even
half really just paid skeptics to keep the awesome possibilities down? You can say "Oh, well there hasn't been any proof" all you want. Of COURSE
there hasn't because it is OBVIOUSLY being confiscated, hidden, or paid of by the people who don't want us to KNOW. Is that so hard to
accept/understand, or am I really talking to a bunch of paid people who come here to spread unfaithfulness, untruth and hypocrisy? Therefore, is this
thread really just pointless? You can tell me "There are going to be skeptics. That's just how it is." or "ATS is a place for all community to
come talk about these topics." all you want, but that won't explain what I'm seeing here. Are so many people really this under control? There's no
way in hell they're going to make me lose faith in the things I see coming, but really.. they do hinder progress, if you know what I mean. "If
you're so knowledged, show us some proof!" You know, I would, if I could.. but one of two things are going to happen. Either I'll be arrested
because it was too good, or it will be so outrageous in some way like 99% of people will just say "HAH! That's such crap leik no way that's
happening!" simply because it's so amazing I 'MUST' be a hoaxer. Should there be an 'Above Secrets within Top Secrets' site. That's
secreception, you know. Yes. I went there.