posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 01:06 PM
Nobody denies that humans are capable of creating any number of arbitrarily complicated crop circles- some teams even do this for a living:
You can hire these people to create logos, arbitrary graphics, shapes, anything...
So as far as I can tell, any given crop circle
could have been made by people.
Yet the true believers claim that despite these appearances, some circles are actually made by nonhuman intelligences such as aliens or planetary
consciousnesses... even though there is no
prima facie reason to postulate such exotic forces at work to explain these crop circles.
It's as though I looked outside my window and saw the chainlink fence on the other side of the street, and though I know humans can create chainlink
fences, and I've witnessed humans putting up chainlink fences, and I understand how and why they make chainlink fences, I decided that this
particular chainlink fence
must have been put there by aliens... Why? Because when you look real close, the way the metal is knotted together
is a little different and I can't explain that. Obviously aliens.