posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 04:15 AM
This might seem lame, and personally I wouldn't look at this post unless I could relate but... hear me out.
Since Friday I have had a very very bad headache. Now i am not someone who gets many headaches at all. Very rarely will I, simple advil always kills
it and I am fine. But this one is so very bad, and so it seem to fit the description of a migraine.
That being said, i went to a friends house and in conversation someone came by and claimed to have the very same, which then spurred everyone but one
(who medicates everyday anyway) to have had a very very bad headache in the same place.
Just now I was listening to the coast to coast broadcast from 8-4-11, and in the introduction George highlights a super mass x-flare hitting earth
Friday...which got me thinking. Idk, Is anyone else feeling the same frontal lobe headache?
Solar Flareedit on 7-8-2011 by UnitedSatesofFreemasons because: