posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 03:09 AM
Are Timothy Leary and Robert Anton Wilson working for the CIA, even in death?
This post is in the Secret Societies section because it deals with the Illuminati.
I must admit firstly that I do believe I have been the victim of a mind control or a discrediting plot due to many factors I may/may not get into, but
the main symbolism behind this plot dealt with the Illuminati.
I would like to call your attention to this video, How to Operate your Brain by Timothy Leary. In the first few seconds of the video he admits the
video is intended to be an experiment suggesting, “This is an experiment in mind formation, information, forming, controlling, operating your brain
and your mind.” There are many different assumptions you can infer from that first statement, I am not suggesting that this is overtly a mind
control psyops but that it can be used in conjunction with other technologies to make one believe they are being mind controlled, in order to A)
discredit them and B) make them paranoid/insane.
Robert Anton Wilson suggests in his book that the Illuminati are an organization that is in contact with beings from Sirius. Timothy Leary endorses
his book with the added mentioning of interstellar neurogenetics. Now, when someone is led to the idea of the Illuminati. For instance, in the psyops
I was exposed to, they led me to believe the Illuminati was a malevolent organization that wished to spread freedom and individual liberty to others.
Upon further research, I uncovered the writings of Robert Anton Wilson. It is with great comfort I found his writings to be helpful, in that, perhaps,
I wasn’t mind controlled and that maybe I had been contacted by beings from Sirius. One of the things, which led me to believe this, might be true
is that the night before everything happened to me I had this intuition or gut feeling that I would be contacted by extraterrestrials
What leads me to believe that I was mind controlled, you might ask? Well, much of the videos I was watching at that time were shown to me through
someone hacking my computer and sending me videos, and it thoroughly interested me. Of course, after the night that I had that “gut” feeling I was
“manic”, and if you aren’t familiar with the term “manic” in psychology it means, “Mania is a state of excessive or abnormally high
arousal, mood and energy levels. Mania is often association with bipolar disorder, which was known as manic-depressive disorder in the past. People
with bipolar disorder experience cycling periods of mania with alternating periods of major depression.” Before this period in time I had never
exhibited any form of bipolarity. I was not and currently am not diagnosed as bipolar which is odd considering before this event I had never
experienced anything like that, and I have yet to experience it again.
Anyways, so I stayed up all night and day watching these videos. I had come to the belief that I was being recruited by the Illuminati, but what these
people who are doing this did is leave hints of what they can do. By reading Robert Anton Wilson, it occurred to me that the “gut” feeling I had,
had been introduced to me somehow through an unknown technology. I had had this “gut” feeling previously one night when I was 17, right before I
saw a UFO. I don’t believe that UFOs hacked me, what I do believe is that aliens are somehow working in conjunction with/or are in opposition to the
government. The government hacked me. I do not know whether they sought to deprogram me or what but I have never been the same since. Another
interesting tidbit worth mentioning is that I was in-line to accept a highly classified position with Cambridge International Systems, Inc. and they
also work with SAIC and many others. So, I know I was mind controlled and that something odd happened to me, but they made my life much easier by
doing so. So to them, I say Thank you.