posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 10:35 AM
answers to posed question:
1. as a taxpayer, we have every right to know who is doing what with my money
2. when you act as an agent of my(our) country, you bring honor/dishonor to my country
3. as an owner (taxpayer) the business in which my organization conducts is rightfully to be known by said owner
4. if the Seals represented a flag other than US no problem, its not my business
5. took an oath to the constitution like I did multiple times
6. because what the Seals do impacts every citizen, example: the seals go into aforeign country and kill someone, rightfully (how can anyone be so
entitled unless they are god?) or not rightfully, doesn't matter. And the people, military, etc.. gets angry, exacts revenge by starting a war,
bombing my town / neighborhood / childrens bedroom then it is DEFINATELY my problem. kinda how if a brother starts trouble with a gangster, your whole
family pays the price..