posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 08:01 AM
I'm replying to all threads about this so the truth gets out.
This is mainly young people around 13-25 or possibly a bit older using the
death of the guy killed who is well known throughout his area, like in world
war 2. The main reason is because the governments cuts have reached
a certain point and now poor community's are suffering. Due to cuts
like the EMA and increase in pensioners money which is ridiculous.
So that is what actually ignite the whole thing, enough is enough for them.
Its not just black people or any other ethnic minority but every young
person who has any confidence will grab anything they can even though they
will be deported sooner or later. They haven't come to my street which is lucky
since we have lots of parked cars here . Turkish people have armed themselves
in Haringey area so if that place is to get attacked there is going to be a massacre.
All I can say is those who are not in the now called "Riot" are those who can afford
a home for themselves and live in luxury compared to immigrants who cannot find
a job unlike what they say that they do not want jobs, bull unemployment has
increased by far, this is putting pressure on young people and cuts is causing
frustration and anger in the younger population. The police can just arrest a few
and young won't listen to them, things are not gonna be under control untill I guess
martial law is declared.
Sincerely: A voice from London