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The Tea Party Republicans Are Responsible For The Ratings Downgrade

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posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by Violater1

I have condemned Obama more even that the Tea party, therefore your troll reference is what is invalid and insulting.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by inforeal

They didn't need to raise the debt ceiling to pay for the interest on the debt. It was in the $200 billion area. We have over a trillion coming into the treasury in taxes. If we defaulted, it would have been Obama's fault

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by professornurbs

Tea party is not a third party. They are just fanatic republicans who threaten and put pressure on less fanatic republicans if they don’t follow the official dogma.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 02:06 PM
As I said all parties. But you want to know what gets my goat about Teabaggers? They was trying to pass an Amendment to the Constitution without going through the proper channels. I remember them waving a copy of the Constitution around screaming "This is IronClad!". I never had much respect for them anyways, cause most of them are hypocrits, that just sealed the deal for any trust from me. That shows what they say and what they are willing to do can't be trusted.

BTW good post Crime.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by inforeal

We can thank the fanatic liberals and their Democratic lackeys for the first downgrade of American bonds in history.

There, fixed it for you.

Nothing like Spend!, Spend! Spend! and Tax!, Tax!, Tax!

When are you going to stop blaming just one party when it is obvious and documented that both parties are at fault.

You are starting to sound like a seminal caller.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by inforeal

Hey, inforeal, the Tea Party was also on the grassy knoll. I mean, if you're going to blame us for this, why not just go nuts!
(we also faked the moon landing)

No they weren't. They were with Bigfoot, taking care of the Lindbergh Baby.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by inforeal

Again you are wrong. Republicans did not finace the Tea Party.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by inforeal
reply to post by professornurbs

Tea party is not a third party. They are just fanatic republicans who threaten and put pressure on less fanatic republicans if they don’t follow the official dogma.

Yeah, that's why Democrats are at the rallies and part of the tea party as well.

But, just omit that like page 8.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by inforeal

I am afraid you are not accurate. If there was no threat to make the US default by the Tea party republicans THERE WOULD HAVE NOT BEEN ANY DOWNGRADE! It’s that simple:

And you have been to busy trying to blame the tea party for everything to pay attention! The US down grade was waiting to happen and everyone KNEW IT period!

THESE are articles I "Clipped" from before I ever heard of the Tea Party when the economy was crashing in 2008/2009

Stewart Dougherty, a specialist in inferential analysis, agrees. It is now "statistically impossible for the United States to pay its obligations".

And here is an explanation how the Fed controls boom and bust cycles to their benefit:

I am amazed that the US government, in the midst of the worst financial crises ever, is content for short-selling to drive down the asset prices that the government is trying to support....

The bald fact is that the combination of ignorance, negligence, and ideology that permitted the crisis to happen still prevails and is blocking any remedy. Either the people in power in Washington and the financial community are total dimwits or they are manipulating an opportunity to redistribute wealth from taxpayers, equity owners and pension funds to the financial sector.

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury

With that type of stuff floating around a couple of YEARS ago, do you really think S&P wasn't paying close attention well before the Tea Party came on the scene?
edit on 6-8-2011 by crimvelvet because: fumble fingers

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 02:08 PM
Another one? You make a new thread every other day blaming the tea party for something.

I flagged your thread just so I could unflag it.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by Lemon.Fresh
Another one? You make a new thread every other day blaming the tea party for something.

I flagged your thread just so I could unflag it.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by inforeal
reply to post by SpaDe_

I am afraid you are not accurate. If there was no threat to make the US default by the Tea party republicans THERE WOULD HAVE NOT BEEN ANY DOWNGRADE! It’s that simple:

Read the words of why S&P did it:

the downgrade reflects our view that the effectiveness, stability, and predictability of American policymaking and political institutions have weakened

When they can’t predict that there will not be a default because a group of political players ( Tea Partty Republicans) are threatening default then no longer is the American system reliable, therfore they are downgraded.

No democrat or Obama threatened to default the US economy.

edit on 6-8-2011 by inforeal because: TYPO

Let's face it Inforeal, the govt and liberals in both parties have spent us into oblivion. Blaming the very people who want to stop the endless spending spree shows how little you know about economics. I don't know if you are deliberately doing this just to shift blame to Obama's opponents or if you just don't understand the real dynamics. I'm inclined to think that you are ideologically attuned to leftist policies and politics, and therefore must blame the most conservative people. Leftists are claiming Obama is not Left enough, so basically you are throwing him under the bus to achieve your goals.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Hey, inforeal, the Tea Party was also on the grassy knoll. I mean, if you're going to blame us for this, why not just go nuts!
(we also faked the moon landing)

NO, NO, the Tea Party SHOT Santa!!!

Well the liberals think he did

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 02:12 PM

the only thing the teaparty didnt do

kill bin laden

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 02:14 PM
To the OP, how is trying to stop the democrats from continuing to send trillions around the world to people who would like to see the end america? They would expect us to foot the bill with increased taxes.
How is trying to stop the debt ceiling raise when we had plenty to spend before Bush took office and started using scare tactics to increase that? Spending has more than tripled since Bush took office.
Our credit rating is being lowered NOT because of our debt. It IS because of how much we're spending. It is unsustainable now matter what the gov does to get us to pay for it. The credit companies know all this. They know we're about to go down. Hard.
These stories are taylored for people like you. Those whom are more interested in what's easy rather than what is right.
That or you're DHS looking for radical elements. It requires about the same amount of intelligence. No disrespect seriously. But know what the heck you're talking about before you open that holster.
I would like to make an observation. The Tea Party started as a constitution party, not republican. It was born in protest to a republican presidents incompetence.
edit on 6-8-2011 by Hillbilly123069 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by inforeal

I'll answer the troll thread. Show me were the tea Party created any of this debt and have not payed it off? Have they made a budget? I would rather they would make a budget since we have been still waiting for one from Obama.
The downgrade is way overdue. it is about time someone stands up for the people and actually listen to us, neither party has done so.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by inforeal
reply to post by professornurbs

Tea party is not a third party. They are just fanatic republicans who threaten and put pressure on less fanatic republicans if they don’t follow the official dogma.

Lol! Hilarious. And just what is official Republican dogma in your view?

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by Lemon.Fresh

Another one? You make a new thread every other day blaming the tea party for something.

I think it is reverse Psychology. He generates GREAT support for the Tea Party and lots of good rebuttals.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 02:20 PM
Inforeal, why don't you post the whole statement from the S&P on the reasoning behind the downgrade. You took a portion of it and gave a biased opinion. The downgrade was because the compromise did not really address the issue of spending. A cut of 200 bil was not even close to the cuts needed to keep our rating AAA.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 02:20 PM
All this noise doesn’t come close to refuting the simple facts I posted. S&P stated in their official reason for the downgrade:

predictability of American policymaking and political institutions have weakened at a time of ongoing fiscal and economic challenges to a degree
Now look closely at the statement and see:

Predictability refers to the fact that in the past, although there has been dispute along political lines, nevertheless the politicians at least had the sense not to threaten default in the past.

Who in this instance threatened default?

Unfortunately you folks are merely defending something you have inwardly become attached to. This is making you not see what is clear and simple. Shouldn’t we here try to DENY IGNORANCE and be objective?

Who in the budget dispute threatened default? The answer is the Republican Tea party. Infact many of them said default was no big thing, such as Michelle Bachman.

Obama bent way over, many believe too far over to placate their demands, and they still threatened to default the US economy if they didn’t get their way.



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