I'd like to elaborate upon a few thoughts I've had regarding probability and it's pure properties as well as the feasibility of applied mechanics
using these properties. Let me stress that I am not an educated physicist.
The atom, as we presently model it, consists of a nucleus of protons and neutrons and an electron cloud that orbits the nucleus in many different
shapes (e.g. the F orbit, S orbit, etc.). These clouds are clouds of probability as an electron has very little mass and moves rapidly around an atom.
It is difficult to measure speed or position and impossibly to measure both simultaneously (Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle).
(Electron orbitals)
(The equation describing the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle)
I hypothesize that electron clouds and electrons themselves can be mathematically viewed as a universal manifestation of probability itself.
This hypothesis implies that nothing perceivable is real but only possible. By this logic, to move objects or otherwise affect them physically one
must, in some manner such as pushing an object, change the probability parameters of its locality within the universe. By throwing a ball, one is
making it more likely that the ball (a group of electrons, made material by electrons) is on the ground away from the hand than in the hand of the
thrower. Conversely, one is making it less likely that the ball is in the hand rather than anywhere else. It is through this method, which is at the
base of all laws of physics, matter, and energy are governed in the universe. Any and all physical interactions function by fluctuating probability
What if this probability could be altered more specifically using methods that are more than physical? What if a time travel (temporal displacement)
or teleportation (any method of instantaneous travel) passenger bypassed more conventional, theoretical facilitations of these methods (machines,
etc.) in favor of the source of all physical interactions? As stated, to affect probability, one must affect electrons. This is only achieved by, at
the heart of electron particle interaction, utilizing polarity repulsion.
To explain this, let me use the concept of the infamous Philadelphia Experiment. Whether it was a hoax or not is irrelevant as I am using it merely
to explain the idea. The Philadelphia Experiment or Project Rainbow was, allegedly, an experiment in electromagnetics carried out by the United States
government to investigate the feasibility of military applications of electromagnetic fields to displace radar waves during World War II. The end
result was projected to be a “cloaking device” of some type, used on-board military craft such as a warship, facilitating the avoidance of radar.
Theoretically it works; electromagnetic fields can interfere with the paths of radio waves and other types of radiation, though not including visible
light as shown by James Clerk Maxwell's equations regarding the physics of electromagnetism. (Also note that Faraday's law is involved with these
physics.) Large electromagnetic field generators were placed upon the ship U.S.S. Eldridge and activated to perform the experiment.
The alleged end result of the experiment's final occurrence was the total physical disappearance of the destroyer-class warship used in the
experiment as well as a brief change of location to Norfolk, Virginia. When the ship reappeared in its original location, several persons aboard the
ship had been fused into bulkheads on the ship while others were unharmed and yet others had vanished completely.
As mentioned, to affect probability is to affect electrons and vice-versa. I postulate that the interactions of the energy of consciousness, the
mind, electric process configurations in the brain, or any combination of the three, interacted with these powerful electromagnetic fields, provided
that these fields reached a required power level for such an interaction to occur. (I can't really speculate on what that power level or other
properties of electromagnetic fields might be). With this logic, it can be reasoned that crew members who wanted, perhaps subconsciously, to be
somewhere other than the ship were transported there. Those who wanted to be on the ship were fused to it while others who might not have had any
desire to be anywhere in particular remained on the ship, unharmed. In short, their state of mind changed the probability configurations of electrons
at several points within space and/or time. Let me restate that my use of the Philadelphia Experiment was used for explanation only and is not a
statement as to its occurrence, whether true or false.
I hypothesize that temporal displacement (time travel) or spontaneous locality alteration (teleportation) function most easily upon the concept of
probability alterations regulated by the mind (as we change probability everyday using the mind as it acts through the body) If one (or manypersons),
by generating the appropriate electromagnetic interference whether mechanically or biologically, simply makes it more likely that they are in 1776
rather than 2011, in New York City rather than Tulsa, Oklahoma, or a dragon is present where there was none, the universe will act accordingly and
compensate (through mechanisms upon which I do not herein speculate) for the changed probability (electron) configuration by transporting the being to
that space-time locus.
If this method, which I call (remote) intentional probability alteration, can be utilized and adequately mastered, space travel, faster-than-light
speeds, and time travel will not require ships or other technologies. I encourage discussion on anything I haven't mentioned as well as anything I
have ignored.
As always, I implore the reader to keep such discussions intelligent, on topic, and civil.
(If a more appropriate placement of this thread is in the "Science and Technology" thread, I encourage it's replacement.)
edit on 8/6/2011 by Lifthrasir because: Added a bit of punctuation.
edit on 8/6/2011 by Lifthrasir because: Adding even more