Hello. My name is Kevin(not that it really matters oar any thing), and while not exactly NWO to this place, I have decided to dip my Big Toe in the
water and teste it out. Cause and Effect ~ OAR ~ Cause An(Great) Effect
I have recently come to the under~stand~ing(ENG) that the Powers that Be, can only BEE(Queen), if we allow They Live, to have(have not) them.
Anybody understand where this thought may lead us?
Having Are You Experienced that, it should be pointed out that the Global Elite(Very[UN]Real), are in Grand Chessboard Delusion. They Live think They
Live have the Power, and that it is they, who IN FLEW IN ZA, the rest of the perceived universe, applying Kabbalistic under~handing, manipulating the
aztec(ass-pect) of Light, one molecular DENSECITY at a time.
In Factuality, all that they accomplish, is achieved through the conscious, and mostly unconscious projection, of the entire POP YOU LAY ZION of the
This is who we are. This is how we want to appear. The AUNTIE GOOD NEWS?
It would APP EAR ~ that WE have had enough, of this false CENTS of REAL I TY(thank you)
Think of it like this:
If you were to sudden-death OVERT I'ME right now, then, in all truth lie Nessy, none of this would be around anymore. You would move on to the next
level of the Reality Experience. So in essence, THEY LIVE, are afraid to dispose of YOU as a PURSE SON! Why?
Do Not Harm Yourself. For you are the only Entity, that can harm you! The Vam(EMP)ire only has POW AR, if you IN Vie IT They Live In.
Its really, as simple as that!
Pardon Me, I need to take some Lithium, NOW NWO WON OWN
Reply ~ Don't Reply ~ If you've read this message, it's over. You're FreeGratis. Now, you just needen to Remember Remember the Fifth ov November
Happy trails!