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Dear George Dubya...

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posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 10:50 AM
William Rivers Pitt has written this blistering letter to George Dubya. Thot I'd share for those who have a problem with his leadership.

Brain Dead, Made of Money, No Future at All
By William Rivers Pitt
t r u t h o u t | Perspective

Tuesday 17 August 2004

To: George W. Bush
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear George:

A pretty awful joke has been making the rounds lately. Some might say it's an awful joke because of the comparison. Most, however, think it's an awful joke because it isn't funny. It's too close to the truth to be funny.

The joke: What is the difference between President George W. Bush and President Ted Bundy?

The answer: Bush killed more people than Bundy.

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 12:40 PM
Thanks for that link.

That letter is deep and to the point, I wonder why more people has not post in your thread, Williams Rivers is outstanding.

I think EastCoastKid you can break this letter down and make new threads on the points he wrote down.

I was telling my husband yesterday that I wonder how Bush junior look at his father eyes after the mess he has made of Iraq, I wonder what bush father had to said on the subject.

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 12:50 PM
I wonder how people such as the author of this letter will react if GWB is re-elected to office? Once he is no longer restrained in his actions, able to form his policy as one of a last stand, no future elections pending and no one able to truly hold him accountable. I obviously support Kerry but have to be realistic that the race today is close, so close it could go either way.

What will become of the anger in this country towards GWB? Will people rise up? Will there be anger in the streets?

Today I ask myself this. If half the country hates GWB and the other half hates Kerry no matter who wins, this country will most likely lose in the long term...

Such a hateful and divided nation we have become. Only history will show who we hold accountable for this.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 11:54 AM
Excellent questions, for sure. Only God knows what will happen under four more years of Bush/Asscroft. I really don't want to find out.

Hey Marg - I bet George Sr. is so embarassed of his f**k up son. He turns everything he touches to shyte.

Good thing George W. took us out of the International Criminal Court. He, Rumsfeld would be sitting there in the dock right shortly if we were still a party to it.

Looking back, George Sr. was a helluva commander-in-chief. He trusted his military leaders explicitly, told them what he wanted and then he let them go and do their jobs. It was probably the most successful war we've ever fought.

That probably adds to George W.'s inferiority complex. Knowing he's the exact opposite of his old man. And always will be.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 12:33 PM
That letter. I was amazed. We had people die? In a war? Unreal.
I simply cannot believe we had people die. I bet if Kerry was in there, not one single person would EVER die. Not one single person would get hurt. We could let them all kill each other over there and just forget them. Maybe wall up the USA and just shut out the world. While they die and bomb each other, destroy oil pipelines, and kill Kurds...we could build great big schools to teach our children about how to change the not doing anything of course.

Seeing a woman getting raped in the street? Forget it. Why risk being hurt? Why risk anything? If you were to say "hey, stop that" and the guy just said FU back...then lock up all the doors and windows, turn on the tv and rock back and forth thinking about how safe you are. That is the way to do it.

GB Sr. DID roll up Iraq easy. I mean, he didn't have to oust a dictator or help rebuild the country or anything like that. He only had to kick the agressors out of Kuwait, but that was a tough thing to do. Jr. should have just kept his cool and let Saddam continue his FU to the world and the UN. That would have been much better that trying to do anything.

You know, this letter reminds me of watching sports with my friends. My friends always know the play that should have been made. They always know who was open for a pass or who could have caught the ball. We need a President like that. Someone that says, here's what I would have done. I would have not ever made a mistake like that. Sometimes it sucks because if my friends were playing...the sports team would never lose a game. Shame really.

Oh, and comparing Greenland to Iraq was masterful.

Such a great letter.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 12:50 PM
Alright ZED, go Bushco!

I got two words for you: ABU GHRAIB

'Nuff said.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
Alright ZED, go Bushco!

I got two words for you: ABU GHRAIB

Oh yes! If Kerry was there...there is no way that prison thing would have happened. In fact, I can't wait to get John "Magic Bullet" Kerry into office so that all the bad things in the world can just stop. All the bad decisions will just cease to be. It will be like Eden. Nothing ever wrong. Of course with Time Warner & Co. being such large Kerry campaign contributors...we can get our "all is fine tv" rather than see the real thing. That will be so great!
It will go a long way to help us block out the world's problems.

Go Kerry! Hurry up so I can drink my kool-aid and chant "the world is ok, the world is ok". Hmmm...I think Kerry is Jesus reborn. I mean, he will save us all from evil. If you don't believe it, just ask him. He will. Really...

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
Alright ZED, go Bushco!

I got two words for you: ABU GHRAIB

'Nuff said.

Look, you don't have to be a Bush supporter to find the many flaws with that letter. It is written out of extreme hatred and biased, and there's nothing wrong with that, but let's not treat it like it's the perfect account of the Bush administration.

You can write one of those letters about every war time president in history. There is always one side to the story and if you on the opposite side, you are gonna have no problem agreeing with the contents of that letter.

I won't be voting for Bush for all the obvious reasons. And I won't be voting for Kerry for those same exact reasons. Neither are fit to run this country, and I won't sell out my vote just to be a part of the "lesser of two evils" or the "anyone but Bush" crowds. I will vote for who I see best fit to run our country. Bush is a moron, a poor leader, and an insufficient ware time pres...but, he should not be compared to Ted Bundy. That's just IMO.

Also, does anyone really think that Bush gave direct orders down thru the ranks to torture the prisoners in Abu Graihb? I sure don't.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 01:25 PM
Abu Ghraib, while pretty lame, is not the only thing wrong with this war. Saddam was CONTAINED. We had him boxed up in the no-fly zones. We were watching his every move, we had decimated his army, and he was NOT a threat to anybody. How often have you driven by some smart@ss little kid who tried to stare you down or give you the finger for no reason? Do you pull over and beat the little kid down? I hope not, the kid is obviously no threat, he has NO chance of beating you in a fight and he certainly wouldn't ATTACK you. Sure, Saddam snubbed his nose at the UN, but who wouldn't? If the UN demanded to come into the USA and inspect, would we allow it? Not to defend the bastard, but Saddam was by far not the most imminent threat to the US. And as for human rights violations, again, Saddam was by far not the worst. There are plenty of other countries killing civilians RIGHT NOW and Bush supporters are sitting around patting themselves on the back because they ousted an already defeated dictator. Theres alot of women being raped in alot of streets (i.e. the Sudan) RIGHT NOW Zed, why is Super-Bush not dawning his costume in a phone booth and flying to their rescue? Because theres nothing in it for him, that's why. It was never a matter of helping the Iraqis and you know it.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 01:27 PM
Yeah, invading Iraq this time around was the equivalent of a superbowl-winning pro-football team kicking the shyte out of a peewee league team. What a farce.
It would be laughable if it weren't so tragic.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
Yeah, invading Iraq this time around was the equivalent of a superbowl-winning pro-football team kicking the shyte out of a peewee league team. What a farce.
It would be laughable if it weren't so tragic.

The only difference is the peewee team get's to call time out and run into the nearest mosk for safety

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by ZeddicusZulZorander

Oh yes! If Kerry was there...there is no way that prison thing would have happened.


Because Kerry would not attacked Iraq & taken his eyes off the prize in Afganistan. But since we're engaging in armchair quarterbacking & you're inaccurately painting Kerry's position - Follow me here, I know Dubya and his minions don't do nuance:

- There would be no PNAC authors in cabinet positions under Kerry/Gore/Mcain, the men who've been/are our presidential alternatives to Dim Son - so no misdirected focus on a "New American Century" and "Hegemony of US Interests in the ME"

- Kerry, actually having had a command & been in a governing body long enought to know how to play nice with other & listen to subject matter experts, would not have abandoned the Powell Doctrine ( the way Bush did over the objections of the last 3 Generals to head CENTCOM - Shwartkopf/Zinni/Franks)
THUS, you would not be in the position of taking untrained individuals and making them prison guards.

Pitt, if you look at the body of his work, has done the deep researched, fact filled articles that have dissected the Rove Republican malfesance. Does a writer need to bring up the encyclopedia of his research each time he writes an opinion piece? It's like at ATS: you'll have someone here responding to a post and demand facts....after they've been here for 5 minutes & have not back read the poster, who let's say it's me, HAS put link ad infinitum to support my position.

Now, when we have the bubble being popped all around this pResident's silly little head, we have Republicans becoming purveyors of fine whine , renching their hands over "hate filled" speeches or gatherings or , well, anything really, as long as it's calling out the myriad of foillables ,,,it's hate filled.

I think Pitt covers the resonse to the drama nicely in the article: " Too many people have been playing patty-cake with you over the last three years, George. Too many journalists looking to keep their sweet seat in the press crunch at the White House, too many television news anchors who think research and context is for other people, too many media outlet owners - read: 'massive corporations' - whose profit margins are intimately wed to your suicidal policies, and, frankly, too many politicians for the 'loyal opposition' who have been tested in the forge of true crisis these last years, and been found to be sorely wanting.
So let's not have any patty-cake between us, George. Let's get down to brass tacks. Your people compared Senator Max Cleland to Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein during the 2002 midterm campaign. Cleland left two legs and an arm in Vietnam, but your people did that to him anyway. A little hard talk, East Texas style, shouldn't be anything new to you.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 02:53 PM

You just oppened another can of worms with that letter

I still like the letter the author is occurs is bias but it hit the spot on bushes policies.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 03:13 PM
Thanks for the support, Marg. Opening cans of worms isn't always a bad thing. When you do that, you get people riled up - like ZED; on the other hand, we get plenty of intellectual whupAss, too - compliments of Bout Time.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
Thanks for the support, Marg. Opening cans of worms isn't always a bad thing. When you do that, you get people riled up - like ZED; on the other hand, we get plenty of intellectual whupAss, too - compliments of Bout Time.

It looks like we'll be able to write letters like this for the next four years too. Since it will either be Bush or Kerry in office, we'll have plenty more opportunities to hate our president, whoever it will be.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 03:22 PM
Actually the first two years are ok, then the attacks to the administration starts about the beginning of the third year peaking by the end of the fourth year just like now, everybody is on the edge and ready to strike each other including family members that's how powerful politics are.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
Opening cans of worms isn't always a bad thing. When you do that, you get people riled up - like ZED.

There is your position which is right, and then just everyone else I suppose (which includes me). Well, I am glad your ideas are always so perfect. You should be running with Kerry instead of Edwards. That would be a great ticket.

No getting riled up here. Like I said, can't wait for the great "cure" to all of our problems. Kerry is running to save the economy, environment, war on terror, war in Iraq, healthcare, social security, etc. I can't wait, so that for the next few years, we can discuss how everything is so wonderful.

Looking forward to it.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 03:30 PM
I don't think things have been this nasty politically since Richard Nixon's last term in office. I'd rather argue than be quiet, tho.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
Actually the first two years are ok, then the attacks to the administration starts about the beginning of the third year peaking by the end of the fourth year just like now, everybody is on the edge and ready to strike each other including family members that's how powerful politics are.

True, True...I sorta hope Kerry gets in there so we have some fresh complaints, instead of all the same boring Dubya complaints. "He's so stupid", "He's illiterate", "He's a murderer". blah, blah, blah....Come one people. We need a change. Let's get Kerry in there so we have some new stuff to bitch about.

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 03:37 PM
ha, ha, ha, this thread really is making me laugh how people get tickle for just a letter, I can wait also to see who wins the elections and how ATS is going to peak during that time with the winners and the losers taking their sides.

I think I am going on vacation if bushes win the elections because is going to be impossible to stay around ATS during that time.

And if Kerry wins well I will feel sorry for the bushes sympathizers.

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