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Scare at State Fair: witnesses describe mobs and attacks

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+8 more 
posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by summerbreeze.ddp
...I am not saying what they did is right, I condemn what they did- I am just saying I understand...

Thank goodness for that.

I wonder who you are? Are you one of those white folks that don't know any blacks so you think you know all blacks? Or are you an embarrassed black-folk that's just watching your own culture destroy your own people and anyone else that gets too close?

Either way, your opinion and understanding of the "root cause" will not detour the self imposed destruction of their own humanity.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 09:59 AM
I would not be at all surprised to find out in the next day or two that this was a government op with the purpose of creating social unrest.

They SOOO want people to start a violent revolution to justify the crackdown they are just drooling to enact, but the peeps aren't playing ball...the protests have all been peaceful.

+27 more 
posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by BadMagician

There IS a deeper cause. The total and complete, LBJ 'Great Society' destruction of the African American family. AfAm fathers were REPLACED by an entitlement check...big Daddy Government--who provided free food; housing; total support. We are on the Third or fourth generation of 'Generational Welfare' which rewarded fractured familes (better off 'benefit wise' if a 'single mom head of household' as opposed to a married, nuclear family.

Almost fifty years of that mindset has given us the feral "youth" of today. How many of the "youth" (note NOT perps) came from two parent families that live off a paycheck instead of a welfare check?

Standing in a circle and singing ''Kumbaya" is not the answer...that has been tried. Its failed. The entitlements that bred this need ceased.

+16 more 
posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 10:00 AM
Don't buy into this crap. They want us to be DIVIDED. It is our duty to STAY UNITED.

We are ALL of us, every single one of us, victims of the crimes and deceit of currently (and not for much longer) in power.

There are two sides only - TPTB and US

Divided, we can be overcome. United we can NEVER be overcome. Unity is the only way forward..

edit on 5-8-2011 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-8-2011 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by summerbreeze.ddp

I knew all the data you presented, but a thought hit me as I read your post.

It sounds like a Nazi experiment that has gone horribly right. I say that from the scientists point of view, not mine.

It is like a real life horror movie when you add all the numbers.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by Glinda
reply to post by BadMagician

There IS a deeper cause. The total and complete, LBJ 'Great Society' destruction of the African American family. AfAm fathers were REPLACED by an entitlement check...big Daddy Government--who provided free food; housing; total support. We are on the Third or fourth generation of 'Generational Welfare' which rewarded fractured familes (better off 'benefit wise' if a 'single mom head of household' as opposed to a married, nuclear family.

Almost fifty years of that mindset has given us the feral "youth" of today. How many of the "youth" (note NOT perps) came from two parent families that live off a paycheck instead of a welfare check?

Standing in a circle and singing ''Kumbaya" is not the answer...that has been tried. Its failed. The entitlements that bred this need ceased.

Absolutely spot on, Glinda!

But the government fears what would happen were the SS checks not go out more than they fear not paying the military or cutting into their retirement pensions. Interesting, don't you think?

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by TreadUpon

Originally posted by joyride0187
reply to post by ShaunHatfield

Wow and I was thinking of going to the Wisconsin state fair tonight. Looks like I'll be cancelling my plans.

Tonight you'll be okay. There aren't any black music acts to draw all the rif-raf.

Not just the draw to the musical events, perhaps the content of the music as well. It's not just anti-war protest themes in the music anymore.

Could it have been in part the music that triggered this event? Was there such an intent in mind?

edit on 5-8-2011 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

+15 more 
posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by ShaunHatfield

Can't go shopping in Philly for fear of getting beaten.

Can't send your kid to summer camp in Detroit for fear of your kid being held up and his sneakers stolen in an armed robbery

Can't go to a beach in Chicago on a hot day for fear of getting caught up in mob violence

Can't grab a burger for fear of being attacked

Can't go grab a stack of pancakes at a Denny's for fear of getting caught up in the mix

Can't go to a state fair in Milwaukee for fear of getting a beat down

No wonder they sell so many x-boxes. It's getting so that in order to escape wanton urban violence you just need to stay home.

At some point cities and towns are going to have to do one of three things. Either deny public gatherings/permits for events, provide massive police presence at them, far beyond what they currently or admit that they simply can not provide security and going is an at your own risk thing. They absolutely should inform the public what their protocols are should something like this happen, which in most cases is just let it play out, so if you're in the mix, too bad. There is only one reason why there are not dozens of folks in jail - because they purposefully did not arrest.

I find it odd that there is no amature video regarding this anywhere I could find. With the size of the mele, you would expect there to be quite a few out there.

No matter. This will no longer be news by tomorrow. The fact that our cities are turning into cauldrons of mob violence is not as important as some kid who got trapped in some sand castle.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by TreadUpon

Originally posted by summerbreeze.ddp
...I am not saying what they did is right, I condemn what they did- I am just saying I understand...

Thank goodness for that.

I wonder who you are? Are you one of those white folks that don't know any blacks so you think you know all blacks? Or are you an embarrassed black-folk that's just watching your own culture destroy your own people and anyone else that gets too close?

Either way, your opinion and understanding of the "root cause" will not detour the self imposed destruction of their own humanity.

These sort of incidents must be therapeutic for a connoisseur of racially motivated hate such as yourself. I wonder who you are. Are you one of those whit folks that only know a couple of black folks are perhaps one stole your girlfriend so you think you know all black people? Or are you an embarrassed white-folk that's just watching your own culture destroy other cultures so you are just grasping for any verification of another culture doing harm to yours to alleviate your own sense of responsibility?

Don't pretend you aren't the problem.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by Dreine
reply to post by summerbreeze.ddp

Why should they feel hopeless?

The Welfare State will pay them for each child they have, will give them opportunities based solely on the color of their skin, will educate them because of bleeding-heart dreamers who live in a world filled with rainbows and ponies!!!

The people that want to succeed try and usually do. And then they're ostracized and criticized by those who do nothing and milk the system. Success in minority communities often breeds hatred from within.

Hopeless because they know there is a better life out there and knowing that they are being excluded from participating in it. They see it on TV they hear about it on the radio. There is a life where they can be educated in a school with new books and computers, but their schools don't have good teachers or equipment. There is a life where they can live in a house that is not falling apart and they are excluded from that because their parents got the same crappy education that their kids are getting and they are being graduated from high school unable to read. They are unable to move to a decent neighborhood because banks have higher standards for black applicants than white applicants.. Hopeless because they can commit the same crime as a white dude and the white dude gets off and they get time and jail and a felony record that keeps them from getting a good job FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES. How would you feel? Welfare state? How many old people rely on SS for medicine and medical help? How many people are collecting unemployment? How many other entitlement programs do we have in this country, but you are mad at the "Welfare state" for taking care of this small segment of the population. Black folks still only make up let than 15% of the population.

BTW, I see one of the other posters asking who I am. I am a black female who grew up on the welfare state for 6 years until my dad came and got me and my sisters and raised us by himself by holding 3 jobs.
edit on 5-8-2011 by summerbreeze.ddp because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 10:14 AM
This is the type of racially motivated crime that the media will eagerly promote and discuss because it puts black youth in the spotlight as animals, very much like the mind controlled effort of Hollywood's latest movie, "Rise of the Planet of the Apes."

I cant be the only one that sees this Hollywood mind control effort to paint blacks as monkeys intent on destroying the planet once they break free of their slave masters prison.

I contend that the movie along with active negative racial news reporting from the media types will promote this type of racially motivated crime to further stigmatize blacks in America. With reports of senseless beatings and violence on whites alone, it is this type of hyped hate crime that will fuel the subliminal mind control images that Rise of the Planet of the Apes is suppose to conjure up.

Make no doubt about it, such crimes are just that, crimes, but when any group begins blatant racial hatred and begins attacking others, well that is when soon, it will be more than acceptable to begin killing the apes in the street before they take over the planet. It is this kill them all because their only animals and monkeys subliminal message that is being promoted with their mind control products to everyone who is not black in America.

Hollywood has done it again and has brought this race baiting, race hating movie into the minds of Americans just at a time of great economic and financial difficulties for everyone. How timely indeed.

Once the economy collapses and chaos breaks out in the streets of America with serious racial overtones, it will be movies like Hollywood's "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" and incidents like this one being reported that will make it very easy for others to begin killing blacks because of course their latest imagery of blacks would be like Planet of the apes and of course such apes or wild animals must be killed like the wild animals they are, before they take over the planet and kill all humans.

Oh well, it is sad to see the NWO pushing hard for efforts to promote racial hatred, but it appears that the one group that just doesn't get the message is the blacks that fail to understand that all this juvenile acts of black violence is going to come back on the black community with guns blazing, and everyone trying to kill every black that walks or talks. It will be what will be needed to further separate the races and keep the races fighting among themselves while planet earth self destructs around us from the dangers that face the world.

We will see more of these types of reports, not just because they are criminally motivated by race, but because it is already beginning to feed those whose hatred of blacks, Hispanics, Asians, anyone not white is going to be the racially motivated excuse to begin killing the animals that they feel blacks and other people of color represent.

I am certain we will see much more of this type of hate crime reporting in order to support the hidden agenda of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" that has been covertly begun by Hollywood moguls and of course those that would use such division among the races to create problems and to suggest a "kill them all" solution to anyone that will listen.

Thanks for the thread, but just so you know, I have added this racially motivated incident to my list of "See I told you so" items.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by wcitizen

I disagree.

We are divided...NOT by race. That concept is so easy to foist upon the populace. The divide is producers (taxpayers) vs. those (who 'take'--and have been raised with the thought they are 'entitled' to take...a welfare babymama or a tax, tax, tax pol. Same difference.)

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 10:17 AM
This is what happens when people think they are safe. If people were packing heat in the crowd, this would never happen. If a 70 year old woman pulls out a 357 and says get on down the road, what do you think they would do? Then if they gave her crap, another 33 year old pulls and backs her up.....................The government is leaving us defenseless.

Gutless SOB's.

They need the fear of life and death put into them......And not by another "gangbanger" wannabe......By some old lady that is trigger happy and high on life.

+18 more 
posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by summerbreeze.ddp

Racial disclaimer........speaking in generalities, there are DEFINATELY exceptions!!!!------btw, my wife is part black, therefore so are our children

The odds of a white being attacked by a black are 9 to 1..

the fact black youth unemployment is so high???? about their lack of respect, attitudes, grammar, lack of propper fitting pants, "somebody owes me" attitude, "Im gonna get mine" attitude, etc..etc..etc..

did you know there have been numerous studies over the last 30 years that show:

1. a much higher % of inmates nationwide are black in relation to population than whites
2. the rate of violent crimes (murder, rape, armed robbery) among black Offenders BLOWS AWAY ANY OTHER GROUP, asian or native american or latino or white...

the "leaders" such as Sharpton, Jackson, etc.. are probably gleefully thinking "good, this is payback time" with regards to all of the cases of black on white non-justified violence...

+16 more 
posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by summerbreeze.ddp

I am mad because an entire segment of our population demonizes those members who try to do something with their lives other than what is considered normal for them.

How many times have you heard a black person who becomes, say, a lawyer or doctor, and this person tries to be a pillar in the community and stand up for what they think is right.. called an "Uncle Tom"? Does Colin Powell or Condeleeza Rice ring a bell? A successful black person in the professional fields is criticized for not being 'black' enough. How absurd is that?

That is what annoys me. It's not 'the man' keeping them down, it's the majority of their culture who idolizes thugs and decries the successful.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by Glinda
reply to post by wcitizen

I disagree.

We are divided...NOT by race. That concept is so easy to foist upon the populace. The divide is producers (taxpayers) vs. those (who 'take'--and have been raised with the thought they are 'entitled' to take...a welfare babymama or a tax, tax, tax pol. Same difference.)

It's so bizarre to me that somebody could have lived in the USA for the last five years and still be so blind as to who the "takers" are. The wealthy eat up more government money through capital gains tax, corporate subsidies, and war profiteering (contracting) than can even be counted.

"Producers", hah! The only producers we have left are being stomped down, outsourced, laid off, or deported.
edit on 5-8-2011 by Cuervo because: need. more. coffee...

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by summerbreeze.ddp

Welfare state? How many old people rely on SS for medicine and medical help?

How many of those "old people" paid into Social Security or Medicare for 35-40 years or more? I think I understand what you're getting at but I'm not sure those are the best examples to use to illustrate your point.

Make sure to read all the comments in this thread. A good point was made about how the Welfare Check replaces the male head of the household, seemingly by design. It may have started with good intentions but that roadway is not leading us to Utopia.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by rebeldog
reply to post by summerbreeze.ddp
The odds of a white being attacked by a black are 9 to 1..

the fact black youth unemployment is so high???? about their lack of respect, attitudes, grammar, lack of propper fitting pants, "somebody owes me" attitude, "Im gonna get mine" attitude, etc..etc..etc..

did you know there have been numerous studies over the last 30 years that show:

1. a much higher % of inmates nationwide are black in relation to population than whites
2. the rate of violent crimes (murder, rape, armed robbery) among black Offenders BLOWS AWAY ANY OTHER GROUP, asian or native american or latino or white...

I agree the numbers are dismal and disheartening. I cry that this is the case. As another poster said though, it is economic. Pit the have against the have nots and watch the madness ensue. I have always thought of black folks, myself included, as canaries in the mines. Back in the day, miners used to carry birds with them into the mines, so if toxic gases escaped, the bird would die and seeing that would give the miners time to get out before they were overcome with gas too. The metaphoric gas is coming...

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 10:34 AM
One thing I think we can all agree on is that the trap is beginning to spring on all of us... white, black, religious, athiest... all of us.

And I think we'd all do well to have a plan going forward, because when that trap is sprung, it doesn't matter who you are or what you believe, we're in this together.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by ShaunHatfield

This is why I have a concealed carry permit. I have a responsibility to myself, my family and my fellow man to protect them from harm if it all possible.
The world is decaying into a cesspool more rapidly that I would have ever guessed. All I can say is that the warning signs are obvious. Arm yourself or be prepared to be a victim.

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