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Scare at State Fair: witnesses describe mobs and attacks

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posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by summerbreeze.ddp

And you are proof that black people can succeed in the U.S..

We all face hardships.

I don't know if you ever noticed it, but a whole lot of people have prejudices against white people as well. A whole lot of people, including those who are white, and went to college like to look down upon whites who did not go to college, and think it is fine and dandy to discriminate against them.

That is because you were taught to ignore the reality that there are more white people living in poverty than blacks. After all, they are all trailer park trash, who fail to succeed because they are losers, not because by just being poor the odds are stacked against them. This type of bigotry the liberals like to teach is rampant and disgusting, and big reason for the growing divide, and the reason why true liberals are disgusted with the democratic party.

Do small white towns where the largest numbers of poor whites live have the rampant crime rates of the black ghettos? No, they don't, even though they are just as poor.

Why is that? Could it be that they aren't taught that their plight is due to racism. Although the republicans are doing a good job or advancing that propaganda.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 02:55 PM
I don’t think anyone here is saying the people who attacked these people are innocent. They are to blame for their actions; my point was as you said it. If I was trying to defend any side it is the human side because we are all born equal. I myself happen to be (Black/White), I'm very proud of both sides and my conscious, morals and beliefs are not determined fragmented because half of me is a stereotypical black person and the other stereotypical white.

I simply wonder if we can ever have peace if people with different colour skin can't even get along after however many years we have been around.

To sum up, those racist PEOPLE in the op are horrible weak minded individuals. White, Black, Asian, Hispanic and any other race should not be lowered to that same level just because the colour of skin matches.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by gougitousakusha
reply to post by summerbreeze.ddp

thats easy to explain. she shouldnt be put in a role model position after having a child as a student.
edit on 5-8-2011 by gougitousakusha because: (no reason given)

This is the world we live in. Teenage pregnancy is a disturbing reality, but despite this very large hurdle in front of her, she choose to succeed. I think that should be applauded.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 02:56 PM

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by summerbreeze.ddp
I am saying that they changed the rules to exclude her. The rules for valedictorian are that the highest GPA wins. She had the highest GPA and still did not win. I am aware that the world is not fair and I am sorry for anyone that is subject to this kind of behavior. I am a black person ans by your reckoning I should have had my education paid for by the government. I and my Dad paid for my education by working just like you did. I think it is messed up that things are the way we are- the hate, the violence, the lack of empathy and compassion. I keep hoping that sooner than later we all realize that we are all human and learn to start loving and respecting each other.

Look, I'm not disputing what happened to this girl was just plain wrong! It was completely F'd up! And again, my rants have nothing to do with the African American race as a whole. I live in a very diverse neighborhood and am blessed with phenomenal neighbors of many races, colors and creeds. I am only refering to the culture that permeates the inner-city black community; one that has an attitude created and reinforced by a liberal agenda.

We are in complete agreement, things are certainly messed up in the world. We are all in need of more love, empathy and compassion for everyone.

Peace my friend! have a great weekend.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by liejunkie01

You are confusing a music genre (hip hop) with a counter-cultural vehicle (hip hop culture). You are correct, the music was pioneered by a variety of people, mostly of African descent. However, the modern "gangsta" rap you see on television in contemporary society is engineered by the elite to deepen an already existing racist stereotype.

There are plenty of socially-conscious rap artists out there that do not belong to this category.

It's the subject of many sociology articles and I'm not coming up with the idea on my own. I'm surprised ATS isn't all over it, given the obvious "conspiracy" nature of it.

ps - I'm a metal head, too. But I'm also a student of music history.
edit on 5-8-2011 by Cuervo because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by 2012srb
reply to post by liejunkie01

Well, now we know where the garbage originated.

Now that is funny. I am still laughing.

I really meant to add more but hit the reply button too soon.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 03:01 PM
And Again I Say...

Some members are keeping us busy here. We're trying to keep things civil without "censoring" people or being heavy-handed, and believe me, that's not easy.

For anyone having trouble or is too keyed up to exercise self-control, please remember that good people can disagree on just about anything, including this, and that all members, regardless of who they may be, are welcome to share their opinions as long as they comport with the terms & conditions.

Members who truly respect their own opinions, and want others to as well, won't taint them with insults or other misbehavior.

We're trying not to persecute people for honest mistakes, but members who repeatedly ignore moderator requests and indulge in personal commentary targeting other members may end up being post banned, which is undesirable and entirely avoidable.

So please be nice and do your best.

edit on 8/5/2011 by Majic because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by Cuervo

Provide proof of this, otherwise it is only another "things that whitey does to keep the black man down"
Emulating prison dress is now hip and cool in the ghetto... OH WAIT .. let me do this one for you.. This is also "whiteys fault" The white man locked up the black man, forcing him to dress like this, knowing that the black youth would follow. In turn, this would exclude them from the job pool, due to appearance. See, I can play that cause and effect game too.. Mine is no more ridiculous than "Whitey started hip hop culture to bring down the black man".
edit on 8/5/2011 by ShaunHatfield because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by dolphinfan

Yeah, it was under the Nixon admin that the violent black ghettos were created.

And it was no accident.

This is a fact of history that too many people either do not know, or choose to ignore.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by poet1b

Not lies. You just can't handle the truth. What treaties did our government ever honor with the indigenous population of America who had lived here for many, many generations before the European colonists invaded? Who was authorized to give title to their land? Does might make right for you?

How exactly can you own another person and be moral? That was a hard one but with the help of preachers and preists they managed.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 03:11 PM

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by poet1b

No, it was under the Johnson when we began this crusade against poverty with tossing massive amounts of money to "end poverty as we know it". Money with absolutely no conditions created poverty of spirit. It always does, whether that money is given by a rich parent to a kid who has not earned a dime of it or it is given by the government to folks who have had to nothing to deserve it other than be poor.

I can only imagine what would have happened were Johnson to eliminate corporate taxes in urban communities, attracting businesses and jobs instead of throwing money at folks with no conditions.

It would be a totally different situation and we would have vibrant cities populated by all races in this country that folks wanted to live in instead of urban wastelands that folks can't wait to get out of.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by summerbreeze.ddp

The poverty, crime, unemployment, etc you mention are indeed a fact.

But those are the final result of racism AND of institutionalized racism, promoted by self aggrandized so called "civil rights" leaders ala Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, etc...

Take some time to listen to Rev. Martin Luther King's speech's. His was a message about calling what's wrong, wrong, and acting righteously and with dignity and integrity and uniting ALL people in a common effort of peace and brotherhood.

(Which is likely why someone thought him so dangerous. Can't have everyone EMPOWERED and TOGETHER. That would be a threat to "the plan".)

Then listen to most of the civil rights leaders that came on his coat tails, after that awful day in Memphis. They espouse a COMPLETELY different message of divisiveness, and black vs white, and ALL blame going to whites.

Essentially, the drone from those neo civil rights leaders was "you can't do better at (education, jobs, economics, etc...) because the white man has you down." Yes... those things were true to a very great extent...but theirs was a message of dis-empowerment and victim-hood, and it too became institutionalized in the black community.

Yes, racism was a huge causative factor...and yes, Jackson, Sharpton and others have spent much of their time telling American blacks that they are inferior and disanvantaged... and that is a straight up lie that some, now, have spent their entire lives listening to.

These thugs at the fair are 2 or 3 generations of youngsters whose parents and grandparents have been immersed in the dis-empowering message of Jackson and company.

Black communities all over the U.S. have a huge lack of leadership and mentors to help these youngsters. They are lost generations, and their actions and the lack of direction from their elders will likely condemn them to poverty, incarceration and/or death.

They are also at the affect of media, like the rest of the population... a media that promotes "thug life" as having some kind of heroic "was a criminal and a thug, then I made it big." Hard to get past a message like that.

As summerbreeze said... I understand it... but I can't relate to how anyone could slip down the ladder of humanity so far as to believe "super-violence" against bystanders is okay in any way.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 03:14 PM
*Duplicate post removed.*

Mod note: Don't worry, it's a weird bug that happens to everyone now and then, including admins and mods. -- Majic

edit on 8/5/2011 by Majic because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 03:16 PM
My wish for us all is to agree that this was a messed up situation and that there is enough blame on all sides to go around. Lets stop pointing fingers and start learning to get along. Anger and hate just creates more anger and hate. Peace and Love ATS! I am off to start my (hopefully) non violent weekend..
edit on 5-8-2011 by summerbreeze.ddp because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by Primal Scream

I love it how so many replies to this story are people just fanning racist hatred. With elaborate speculative scenarios about how whites will be blamed every time a black person or people do something racist
Is it probable that there will be some ignorant and bigoted black authority figure who is going to blame white people somehow for something like this.....Probably. Who cares? You see liberals and black people have their versions of Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh too.....There are people on both sides that make a living on other peoples ignorance and bigotry. That's one of the darker results of having Free Speech. The positives of having Free Speech outweigh the negative, so you just have to live with idiots like that.

But that just goes to my overall point....why BECOME one of those idiots by saying ignorant and racist things about ignorant and racist people.....Yeah, ya know.....thats really going to help!
This is a story about a bunch of ignorant, bigoted, and racist black youths starting a flash mob at a local fair and taking out their aggression on innocents. Why act as if you've never heard of this before.....Other than the new fad of 'flash mobs', ignorant and bigoted white people have done the same exact thing since the first blacks came to this country (you do remember why they first came here right?)

This isn't about black people....this isn't about white people. This is about ignorance, stupidity and bigotry. It's mind boggling to me that some people can only respond to ignorance and racism with more ignorance and racism. Even a child will tell you that just leads to more hatred on both sides. It's also mind boggling to me that people can sit back and act as if this is proof that blacks are all ignorant bigots. Have they forgotten that it hasn't been that long ago when white people doing the same thing would have not only gone unreported, but would have been accepted in some areas of the country? Now if you think I'm justifying what these kids are doing, then you're getting the completely wrong message here....I'm only saying that you really need to remember fairly recent history of the way whites have treated blacks if you honestly are shocked by this. Racism is a product of ignorance and poor education.......It's incredibly ignorant to fight bigotry with more bigotry.... If you were truly bothered by this situation you wouldn't be trying to make it worse by trying to fan the flames of such ignorant hatred.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 03:19 PM
Ramping up the police presence may be one solution to the problem, but it could also spell the end. I'm originally from Ky, and the town near me has an event every year called Little Sturgis Rally. It's in Sturgis, Ky and draws [naturally] bikers. Last year the cops got so zealous that people were being jailed for Minor offenses. I mean like tail light out minor. This year it was talked about being cancelled for good. Of course, I would bet this would never happen at a biker rally. They would find themselves on the receiving end of butt kickin'.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by summerbreeze.ddp
... that there is enough blame on all sides to go around.

How about if we stay on topic and decide the blame lies squarely on the shoulders of these violent youths? How about that instead?

...I am off to start my (hopefully) non violent weekend..


posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by TreadUpon

Originally posted by summerbreeze.ddp
... that there is enough blame on all sides to go around.

How about if we stay on topic and decide the blame lies squarely on the shoulders of these violent youths? How about that instead?

...I am off to start my (hopefully) non violent weekend..


Star for both of you guys. No matter the social pressures or lack thereof, the ultimate responsibility lay in the people who committed the acts, themselves.

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