posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 05:08 AM
The first dream i had involved me being at a nightclub with humanoids like us, only the outside enviroment did not look like our at all. I had my
camera with me in my dream and was too afraid for some reason to take a picture of a big star i was observing in the nightsky. I thought in my dream
it could be a malevolant spacecraft of some sort and would be punished if i took a photo. I also talked to an individual outside the nightclud about
the guests and about how materialistic they had become, feeling a connection to this person. Their outfit was similar to the typical ''night out''
outfits. My outfit looked weird and unmatching. This dream was not as lucid as my next dream.
My second dream last night was a different one. I was outside and the air was fresh and it was about to get dark. Nature was all around. I was
observing the sky, seeing several moons. I could count up till ten - fifteen moons in a cluster. The moons were identical. I met two boys. Brothers.
One was young and one older one who i felt very attracted to. I asked them if they wanted to come and drink whiskey with me, my boyfriend an another
friend tomorrow. (The whiskeyevening with my partner and his friend is an actual event that is taking place today)They said blatantly no and nothing
more. And from there i remember little.. only feelings of love, curiosity and joy before i woke up. It is not often a have lucid dreams like this i
can remember.
Is it possible i could have astral travelled to another planet, meeting humanoids looking like us - and communicated with them? Or was it just a
dream? Please respond if you have experience with lucid and astral dreams! Want to learn more!