posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 10:32 AM
Wow this live coverage of President Obama is just appalling! Admiral Mullens speech was just to patriotic for me.
My question is is your self sustaining society going to work when you keep shipping your jobs and your money to other countries? How is the
common man going to keep these companies afloat with purchasing products when there are no jobs to feed anyone let alone buy any of these products
that Americans are having made, then shipped back to the Americas to be purchased? This makes no sense whatsoever, and it is why China has surpassed
almost all countries to date fiscally speaking.
What you need to do is stop making the companies exorbantly richer, and bring back the jobs to our economy.
And stop with this Veterans pushover sidestepped detour poor excuse of a speech. Get to the heart of it all and explain why all the jobs are gone and
explain HOW you are going to stop this immediately from moving forward and bring back the companies to the heart of America. China has enough people
to allow China to continue to operate just fine.
Remember your Veterans would not be receiving purple harts or saving 10 men in a combat zone,and saving people whom your aircraft had just bombed if
you wouldnt have sent them there on false pretenses in the first place. You should be disgusted with yourself. Even more your countries people should
be disgusted that they allowed this to happen.