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I am sorry

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posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 05:17 AM
For those of you who I have hurt I am very sorry. Have you ever believed in something so strongly that you get a smack in the face when the truth is revealed? I am not saying that Freemasonry is good, I am saying that I am sorry for accussing masons for being bad. I am not going to be posting about masons anymore because it is very unneccesary and rude. Who am I to pass judgement on something I do not know of? Again, I am sorry and I hope that you all accept my apology. Please do not secretly feel hate towards me.

Again, I did not stumble upon any truth other than me attacking a bunch of people is wrong. From now on I am going to try to do nothing but love people. No more acussing people of bad things.

I am sorry AlexKennedy and Theron. Please forgive me. Please do not think I am crazy either. I was just in a situation in my life that I needed to get myself out of.

Again, I am not claiming that what Alex or Theron say is true. I just wave my old statements against Freemasonry and hope that you all accept this.

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 05:55 AM

I've never seen anyone who's against Freemasonry do this. I'm truly shocked.
I, for one, feel no hate toward you (or anyone who's against Masonry) I just wish you'd pick up a copy of a book written by two friends of mine it's called:

Is It True What They Say About Freemasonry, by Art de Hoyos & Brent Morris.
Or read it here:

The ENTIRE book is available on-line and VERY informative and unlike many anti-Masonic publications, it's HIGHLY documented with numerous foot notes and end notes and extensive bibliography, etc.


posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 06:11 AM
I wouldn't be so apologetic � if you go through most of these threads you�ll see that they are all pathological liars and cowards in the very least.
The only difference is that if you are in a Blue Lodge you may just be genuinely stupid and not necessarily evil.
The same can�t be said for anyone who has taken the higher degrees.

Best dirt on the Masons is written by themselves - "Morals & Dogma" by Albert Pike and "The Book" by Charles T McClenechan are the 2 books they don't really want you to read.


posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 06:28 AM

Originally posted by MrNECROS
Best dirt on the Masons is written by themselves - "Morals & Dogma" by Albert Pike

I can only speak to "Moral & Dogma" and I find it to be a phenomenal book which standing alone has resulted in my interest in becoming a Mason. IMHO reading it with an open mind without any preconceived notions is a definite prerequisite. If you read it searching for demons, you will certainly find demons, your own. It has my highest recommendation.

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 08:05 AM
Geez Necros are you still at it? Don't you have anything better to do than come here and sling poo about people you don't know? I mean honestly, I come here to try to get som insight and learn something from men who are more knowledgeable than I, why do you do it? Just to aggravate and annoy good men and call them liars? Seems pretty juvenile to sit here day after day and do nothing but pick fights and arguments and make wisecrack insults. Ah, but I am wasting my time...

You should get a hobby, seriously.

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 09:23 AM
Lets keep things civil, MrNecros.

[edit on 17-8-2004 by LTD602]

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 09:28 AM
So you would recomend joining Al Queda or the Nazi party before saying anything about them.
Be serious.
I've had 3 years of constant harassment out of these people, it would be hard to say anything nice about a bunch of wackos who lurk in the shadows until they have you drugged senseless and outnumbered 20 to 1 before going in for the kill...on your toilet.

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 09:30 AM
I'll go out on a limb here Mr Necros. I, and this is my personal opinion and not that of ATS the website or any of it's constituent members, think you, sir, are an idio.....

Ah, bottled it at the last minute. Bum.


[edit on 17-8-2004 by HeyThatsMyBike]

[edit on 17-8-2004 by HeyThatsMyBike]

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 09:45 AM
To compare the Masons to Al Qaeda and the Nazis is wholly inappropriate, for obvious reasons. You DO understand those reasons, don't you?

In fact, some of our best evdience for Nazi behaviour/activities has come from former Nazis or those that worked for them. Some of these Nazis were instrumental during the Nuremburg Trials.

The problem with your logic is that you are listing groups that are openly and obviously destructive. If you truly want to, you can prima facie pass judgment on them, although Al Qaeda are also seen as Freedom Fighters by some. In any case, I'll agree with your view on Al Qaeda.

The evidece against the Masons, however, is not so open or obvious, nor is it provable (at the very least, you haven't manages to prove anything.) No Mason has openly harmed you, no Mason has prevented you from making your own decisons, and no Mason has caused harm to your family. In fact, you have been allowed to epxress your unfounded theories quite freely here. I'm surprised.

In any case, your argument is weak. Please strengthen it. You will be taken seriously then . . . at least I WILL take you seriously. Sound fair?

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by DetectivePerez
For those of you who I have hurt I am very sorry. .......... I am not saying that Freemasonry is good, I am saying that I am sorry for accusing masons for being bad. I am not going to be posting about masons anymore because it is very unnecessary and rude. Who am I to pass judgment on something I do not know of? ......

I really appreciate this apology. I respect your opinion on the masons (although, I do disagree), and I thank you for your apology. I think that this world is made up of many different people, cultures, religions, ideas, and anything else. That is what makes this world so great at times as well. We may disagree in our paths in life, but I think all men/women can get along together. Thanks for the apology, I truly respect you for that.

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 09:48 AM

I look forwrd to your future posts. Putting your bad feelings/actions aside can only help you to find what you seek.

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 09:58 AM
Reasons you can't compare The Freemasons to Nazis and Al Queda?
Actually I can't see any reason not to, the principle is the same:
What do you REALLY know about either of these groups if you are not going to site published works?
You really know nothing (by Freemason logic) about the Nazis - have you ever spoken to one, if you have was he a current and regular member?
For all you know they maybe just the target of a huge Jewish Anti-Nazi plot?
And of course you can't read Mein Kampf because you simply wouldn't understand it unless you were a Nazi, because you would be trying to find evil in it when you read it and you would not see the beauty of Hitlers vision of great brotherhood of man...etc...etc...etc...

Of course this sounds ridiculous, even to you but the idea that Freemasonry is somehow different....doesn't that strike you as odd?

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 10:01 AM
I too would like to commend DetecetivePerez. It takes guts to do what you did. That does not mean that you have to let go of your beliefs or "sell out", but it means that you are

1.) Willing to give people the benefit of the doubt and assume innocence before proving guilty.

2.) Willing to have an open mind and return respect that you have been shown.

3.) Willing to LEARN

4.) Willing to consider viewpoints other than your own.

5.) Willing to debate in a healthy manner.

Good stuff, Perez.

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 10:11 AM
I'll agree with you on the importance of citing published works.

It has, however, been proven that the Nazis had gas chambers, that Hitler DID advocate some form of ethnic cleansing in Mein Kampf (I HAVE read it), and that the Jews WERE sinlged out by the Nazi regime and at the very least, persecuted, run out of business, stuck in ghettos. This we KNOW. How do we know? Well, Mein Kampf for one, Hitlers' invasion of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Russia. The countless (I mean COUNTLESS) documentation proving the same, and the public confessions of former Nazis (I don't have any documentation on this, but those are easy to come by.)

Freemasons? Well, what do you actually KNOW about them, MrNecros? Compile a list. Being snapped back on these boards does not count, though.

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by LTD602
Well, what do you actually KNOW about them, MrNecros?

He knows absolutely nothing.

But don't be too harsh on our pet troll. He's had a hard time of it of late - he's been shown to be an ignorant liar so many times over the last few weeks, it's only natural that he might feel a little peeved.
And constipated.

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 10:26 AM
I've been reading this site for a while now, but I've never posted anything. I saw this topic and read the gentleman's initial message of apology. I expected to read replies of a positive nature since I assumed most would be impressed that this man would have the integrity and fortitude to publicly offer an apology. I then find several individuals making the thread into their own forum for negativity. What an incredible disappointment.

If you don't like a particular group, ideal or concept, that's fine. Post a message regarding that where it's appropriate. This thread was about a man doing something honorable. Several of you walked all over that. You should be ashamed of yourselves. I'm ashamed of you. I'm sure your parents, spouses, children and friends would be ashamed of you as well. What a disappointment.

To the gentleman that posted the original message of apology. Good for you, sir.

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 10:27 AM
You really don't understand the point do you?
By Masonic logic You don't know any of these things because you aren't a Nazi - you are misinterpreting the facts and being misled by Anti-Nazis.

As for my own personal experiences with Freemasonry:
They drug you
They steal from you (sometimes they put the things back much later on, but not always.)
If they want something (like your girlfriend) they will do anything to get it because they "deserve it" even if they are incapable of obtaining it in any case.
They are pathological liars - i.e. do not know the difference between fact and fantasy, as long as everyone agrees then its right.
They are craven cowards, they will sit in front of you any deny their afilliation until the cows come home and won't ever do anything to you unless they have you grossly outnumbered.
If you say you don't want to join and you work for a Mason boss he will go to great lengths to dismiss you regardless of your proficiency, you will be overlooked for all promotion and be given the least rewarding tasks in the company etc...
They vandalise your property (car, motorcycle, toilet...)
They steal your mail.
They interfere with every part of your daily life they can....and if they can't get to you directly they will go after your friends and family.

I have had 3 years years of their BS, for a time I had the "I pity the poor deluded Blue Lodgers..." ideology but now I see them as just being a different kind of evil.

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 10:29 AM
Well, I wouldn't call him an ignorant liar, just maybe someone who is a little too wedded to his opinions . . . which makes a converstation with him very hard to handle, beause of his inability to consider two opposing ideas at the same time. I noticed he runs that Freemasonrywatch website. In light of this there's probably no point in debating with him.

I am, however, interested in continuing my current debate with him, because his inlcusion of Nazis and Al Qaeda piqued my interest a bit. I consider it an inappropriate inlcusion and a bad turn for his argument, but I'd like to see how far he goes with it . . . as long as he keeps things clean.

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 10:34 AM
Necros your a funny man , in the Lodge i am about to join the brothers there wouldnt even be physically capable of committing half of those atrocities
..........can anybody say gummers?

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by WilliamFHouse
.......I expected to read replies of a positive nature since I assumed most would be impressed that this man would have the integrity and fortitude to publicly offer an apology. I then find several individuals making the thread into their own forum for negativity. What an incredible disappointment.
...............What a disappointment.

To the gentleman that posted the original message of apology. Good for you, sir.

I agree with you 1000000000%..... Such a shame that people want to ruin such a nice thread.

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