posted on Sep, 13 2011 @ 10:55 PM
The greyhaired Producers sat stony faced across the ridiculously long board room table. The young writers opposite from them sweated noticeably "Our
script is called 'Invasion'" gulped writer one. "It'll be like battle for LA meets day after tomorow" sputtered writer two. "Hmmm, that sounds like it
will involve a lot of expensive CG" said the head producer. "Our studio is broke right now, which is why we've been green-lighting mainly romantic
comedies with unknown actors."
"Oh." said writer two clearly downtrodden. "B-but our aliens are just made up of electricity and half of the time they are invisible." retorted writer
one. "I'm listening." purred the producer. "Yeah they are invisible most of the time and we can save money in other ways by only showing the after
effects of the disasters. We can steal scenes from that zombie movie where those cars were all sitting unoccupied in the middle of the road." said
writer one gaining confidence now. "Yeah that was a real powerful scene, did you see it?" added writer two. "No... I don't like movies. But go on."
Said the producer.
"Well we could shoehorn in some allegory about energy consumption. No maybe not seems a bit cynical." said writer one more to himself than anyone
else. "No no we love cynical here at inescapable box productions. But the name is no good... Hmm how about 'darkest hour'? It's clever because there
wont be any power, get it?" mused the head producer as his underlings jockeyed for best forced laugh. "Sign here and here to sell us your souls and
give us full merchandising rights."
edit on 14-9-2011 by FEDec because: (no reason given)