posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 05:04 PM
Hi everybody,
I've been lurking around here for a few years now, and finally decided to get in on the conversations... wanted to start off with a quick
introduction and take some time figuring out how everything works before really getting into it, but there are a lot of things I'm excited to talk
I'm an Atari generation American, living in the Midwest after spending time moving all around the country growing up. I've been fascinated with
alternative news, ancient histories and conspiracy theories since I was a kid - I think the earliest spark I can remember was a third or fourth grade
project on Stonehenge that started the wheels turning... then a (probably) imagined encounter with a UFO in my backyard, vague memories of shadows or
ghosts, and a healthy obsession with the idea that there were things in this world that lay outside of what I understood to be the “accepted”
sense of reality.
In high school I started devouring research on the Kennedy assassination, discovered that the Gulf of Tonkin incident never actually happened, and
became aware of the dark corners of history and the role that deception can play in shaping common perceptions of pivotal events. All this gave me an
undeniable bias as I watched the news coverage of Sept 11th 2001, and that itch to see behind the curtain has led me over the last decade to explore
theories involving The Powers That Be, from false flags to FEMA camps to Nibiru...
I don’t believe in theories easily - when I say I’ve been exploring theories I’m not implying I believe in their accuracy, but only that I enjoy
kicking ideas around and considering evidence that leads to strange places. I’m well read, well educated and fiercely rational, and I like to think
I can spot a hoax as well as anyone, but I still have that feeling that things are happening behind the great wizard’s curtain, and I get excited
about going through the looking glass and seeing where it leads...
I’ve never joined a forum before - I’ve spent time reading a lot of them, but never felt compelled to be a part of an online community until I
found ATS. There’s a sense of civility and a general interest in digging for truth here that really appeal to me - even in the most contentious
threads, people who disagree are usually doing it with respect and with honesty. I know there are some exceptions, but they really seem to be the
exceptions and not the norm. I dig that, and I’m looking forward to throwing my voice into the mix.