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International online child pornography ring busted

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posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 02:05 PM
So here we have an investigation that took over two years to complete.

International online child pornography ring busted

Dubbed Operation Delego, the federal law enforcement action began in December 2009, targeting more than 500 people around the world allegedly participating in Dreamboard, a members-only online bulletin board that officials say was created and operated to promote pedophilia and encourage the sexual abuse of very young children.

They even tell how you had to upload child porn in order to gain access, and had to keep uploading it to stay a member.

"In order to become part of the Dreamboard community, prospective members were required to upload pornography portraying children under 12 years of age or younger," Holder said. "Once given access, the participants had to continually upload images of child sexual abuse in order to maintain membership.

So our own law enforcement had to be participating in this horrible act in order to investigate the perpetrators. Now how sick is that? How sick is it that they spent that much time contributing and viewing this filth. Reading the story tells how the images had to be ones never before posted on the board. So where did they get them from?


posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 02:15 PM
Maybe they used photoshopped pics...i hope cuz otherwise i wouldnt wanna know how they got the pics

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 02:18 PM
might be already confiscated pictures from arrested pedophiles computers

Still don't understand how so many people are pedophiles, maybe just me being naive...

Atleast, hope they can find more of these (in a less weird way than becoming a member of them sites and upload pictures) scumbags

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 02:33 PM
I like to hear about these stings though...This is one group of criminals that no punishment can be considered too severe.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by haarvik

I suppose if you want to dance with the devil you need to act the part. Holder & law enforcement did what they had to do. I don't see an alternative. we all see movies, etc. where young looking agents infiltrate some high school campus to bust a drug ring. it's probably along those lines. these stories creep me out. I have to say though, I often wonder about all these kids that go missing across the USA & the world everyday ....... do they end up being victims of these twisted psycopaths. I don't think there is any better example of something very dark adrift in this world. God only knows how we destroy it.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by LooksLikeWeMadeIt

Oh, don't get me wrong I know we have to do some to get to the end. But c'mon, two years? I think there are some pedophiles in the justice department. It should not take that long to investigate this and find the ring leaders.

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