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Koch-Backed Group Accused Of Voter Suppression In Wisconsin Recall Elections

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posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by neo96

In about six to twelve months or so, chances are pretty good to high that you'll be talking about the "former" US of A, if they , and by they, I mean Congress and the neoneowhatevertheyare conservative business interests keep cutting everything in sight.

DOW down 512 today, S&P -60, NASDAQ -105 because suddenly the rich are nervous.

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by Janky Red

janky your way? the former soviet russia hence "FORMER"

visa is a trillion dollar corporation only one in existence

i will be happy when more trillionaires are born they will be paying people to work not sit on their butts and get fat and cry about how poor they are.

janky people age healthcare costs rise poor people rise you think that 200 trillion aint going to happen?

um yeah ok
edit on 4-8-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

My way is U.S.A 1950's when there was balance, where workers counted, where businesses
were put in check by the fear of their employees potential revolt. Now business's have mastered the art of slash and burn... Now more and more business owns government and they both slash the workers, when yall are in the driver's seat

You know Neo, business does not have a brain, did you know that Neo??? Neither does government for that matter. Point is you are ignoring the common thing about both that makes them both reckless. There is no crisis of wealth for the people you are defending Neo, they can eat very well, that is another very important distinction when picking sides in the matter. The people you love also help build government, thats right Neo,
the people you are passionate for work against you, who do you think lobby's Washington NEO, hobos and lazy welfare people??? No Neo, the people you serve are the only people who can afford to do that, doesn't that make you so mad?

Your way is Europe circa 1327 less the titles of nobility

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by wasco2

Originally posted by Indigo5
It was the Bush administration that dropped the charges. Facts are inconvenient to idealogical passions.

Wrong and probably a lie but you might not know better.

That article you cite is an "opinion" piece by John Fund in Murdochs WSJ. It predates the congressional testimony of those involved. Not accurate

Try facts and testimony

there's a specific data point that has been lost in all the breathless coverage of this case and whether or not it represents a racist agenda from the Obama administration: The decision not to file a criminal case occurred before Obama was even in office.

From the testimony of Thomas Perez, head of the Civil Rights Division, before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in May: (see link)

This means that the case was downgraded to a civil case 11 days before Obama was inaugurated, 26 days before Eric Holder became attorney general, and about nine months before Thomas Perez was confirmed as head of the Civil Rights Division.

Also see here

•The Bush administration's Justice Department -- not the Obama administration -- made the decision not to pursue criminal charges against members of the New Black Panther Party for alleged voter intimidation at a polling center in Philadelphia in 2008;
•The Obama administration successfully obtained default judgment against Samir Shabazz, a member of the New Black Panther Party carrying a nightstick outside the Philadelphia polling center on Election Day 2008;

The difference between what I cited and what you cited is that my sources contain substantiated facts and testimony from Bush appointees that handled the case, while the WSJ opinion piece is just that, "opinion" and one based on falsehoods at that.

edit on 4-8-2011 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by Janky Red

nobility? i didnt put obama or the government on a pedstal think they are god and king and the savoirs of the republic.

the 50s? a vast industrial base existed less people less welfare medicare and medicaid didnt exist

on second thought yeah lets go back to the 50s fine with me.

woohoo no medicare and no medicaid!!!!!!!!!!!!
edit on 4-8-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by Janky Red

nobility? i didnt put obama or the government on a pedstal think they are god and king and the savoirs of the republic.

the 50s? a vast industrial base existed less people less welfare medicare and medicaid didnt exist

on second thought yeah lets go back to the 50s fine with me.

woohoo no medicare and no medicaid!!!!!!!!!!!!
edit on 4-8-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

You guys are ones who are mad that Obama can't save the economy, that is the truly ironic part.

"Damn you Obama, you are not saving the economy enough, you suck!"

1950's, 90% tax on the top 1%
edit on 4-8-2011 by Janky Red because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 08:01 PM
...and groups like this disappearing corporation donate to make sure candidates have enough money.

The firm was formed in March and then dissolved in July, with no record of any shareholders, executives or business activities in between, according to MSNBC, which first reported on the company’s hazy background. The entire arrangement was handled by a Boston lawyer who specializes in managing wealthy estates.

a way to make illegal contributions, well, probably still illegal

I'm going to believe that most people on ATS are not as ethically challenged as the people who make a living coming up with dirty tricks and shady deals in political campaigns. There certainly seems to be honor among political thieves, but it is certainly far from the honor of your average voter.

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by neo96
um oh now where did i hear that the koch brothers employ over 50 thousand union people?

hrmm oh and all not at the taxpyer expense unlike oh whats that state now? oh yeah wisconsin.

seems to me that if unions have millions they get to throw at whatever poltician they want(democrats) seems to me they arent poor and they are charging too much in dues oh agian all at the taxpayers expense.

gotta love that "socialistic" goodwill.

edit on 3-8-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

Sometimes I wonder if you even read the threads you post in. Do you have anything to say about the OP? I am curious how you would approach that subject without inserting Obama or Democrats into it.

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by Janky Red

I failed to mention that the propagation of mindless factitious collectives should be regulated to what ever extent makes sense because they receive legal protection in exchange for the collective status. I understand "sense" is a vast subjective concept, but some sense should be applied like it applied to driving and even the senseless, war.

If every solution you have is to buffer and maintain the power of fictitious entities, even if it is so through a passive approach, what is the use in trying to curtail government? IS the solution, boost the position of the already empowered, look the other way, or deny there is any detriment at all??? Americans like me cannot have my representative government act on my behalf because it is impossible to do so, it is socialist or childlike, I need a mother and all that malarky, I say that notion is an excuse to insult someone into submission. If business is passing on their costs to me WyTF should I have to pay for it, all of it, I don't own 2,000 trucks that drive 1,500 miles a week each. Yet somehow these collectives of people should be exempt, while I own 1 car and pay for the maintenance of the roads, the accident risk assessment on my insurance, the wear to my car. It is only the hard line items that can even be examined do to willful ignorance being applied to discussion...

If we have to put up with any creation that is dreamt up, what is the point of a government, why not a constitution and a government that is totally static and unchangeable? The Koch brother are interested in consolidating private power because the believe in such an idea (oligarchy) and because they will benefit from it.
I don't have the cash to retain a lawyer, I NEVER have the cash to do that, you guys want an America where money is the official law, go for it, try it, see how it works for you.

edit on 4-8-2011 by Janky Red because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by Indigo5

When I saw mediamatters I knew there had to be more to the story:

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by wasco2
reply to post by Indigo5

When I saw mediamatters I knew there had to be more to the story:

How does an editorial on a blog refute the facts?

edit on 5-8-2011 by Kitilani because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 12:58 AM
And most people on ATS says Anonymous are useless

"Governor Walker's union-busting budget plan contains a clause that went nearly un-noticed. This clause would allow the sale of publicly owned utility plants in Wisconsin to private parties (specifically, Koch Industries) at any price, no matter how low, without a public bidding process," they explained. "The Koch's have helped to fuel the unrest in Wisconsin and the drive behind the bill to eliminate the collective bargaining power of unions in a bid to gain a monopoly over the state's power supplies.

Think whatever you want peeps, but we seriously kick some butt everydays

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by Kitilani

Well, first, National Review is not exactly a blog. And second, he's not disputing the facts, he's saying they don't have the significance the left wing media is attributing them. And third, he's an attorney and worked in the Civil Rights division of the DOJ.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by jefwane
You know I'm sure the US Attorney General will be all over this case of voter suppression. I really am. I am sure of this because DOJ REFUSED to prosecute the New Black Panther party for voter intimidation after armed NBP members showed up at a polling place in '08. Eric Holder has proven himself to be the most ineffective and seditious member of Obama's cabinet. I am nearly100% positive he will be personally involved in this, and I only say nearly because there is an off chance he might be to busy trying to cover his ass from "Fast and Furious".

Thank you for bringing up the ' Top Cop's ' general performance. And a five star performance
it is. When sedition at the highest levels is so common it's unreportable for fear of media
saturation, we're done for. Joe Stalin would be busting out of his tunic laughing at the vote
fraud machines... the whole population is irrelevant to these monsters now, and it shows
in at least their demeanor.
"We'll just do a little light dusting here-- right after a direct hit from an F4."

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by Janky Red
The Koch brother are interested in consolidating private power because the believe in such an idea (oligarchy) and because they will benefit from it.
I don't have the cash to retain a lawyer, I NEVER have the cash to do that, you guys want an America where money is the official law, go for it, try it, see how it works for you.

Indeed! And the mantra to us "little people" from oligarchists like the Koch Bros has been "govt is the problem", which really has meant "get govt off the backs and out of the pockets of us oligarchists, but to do this we need to convince the 'little people' to vote for us and put us in power, and if we can't convince them, we'll use dirty tricks!' "

Under the auspices of Americans for Prosperity, the Kochs have become one of the fastest-growing lobbying forces in U.S. politics, spreading the gospel of low taxes, no unions and small government one state at a time.


“I’m a farmer and I just want to farm,” said Colby, who lives in Waldoboro and started a Tea Party group in his area last year. He said government regulations interfere with his farming, without providing specifics.

a good read

In 1980 David Koch received 1% of the vote. I always wondered how Hitler could rise to power in Germany, but it is very clear to me now. The extremist element in the GOP rouses and uses fear in the populace, squelches dissent in their own party, repeats their extreme views loudly and repetitively, all in order to take power away from the people and consolidate power in their hands. And its all wrapped in red, white and blue and religion. And just like the farmer, specifics aren't needed, just an emotional appeal.

Dirty tricks seems to go back a ways in this country, as one of the reasons for the Declaration of Independence was the following accusations against King Georeg III:

He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their Public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by desert

Yep. In 1980 David Koch ran for VP...His declared platform..This is what they declared - no BS.

The Clark–Koch ticket promised to abolish
Social Security,
the Federal Reserve Board,
minimum-wage laws,
corporate taxes,
all price supports and subsidies for agriculture and business,
and U.S. Federal agencies including the SEC, EPA, ICC, FTC, OSHA, FBI, CIA, and DOE.

Plutocracy fantasy at it's finest...notice he didn't want to abolish the DOD, dictators need a strong military to subdue populations at home and abroad, more so when they are working as virtual slave labor absent any minimum wage or regulations and getting cancer from the food and water they eat.

Having discovered that the average American wasn't on board with a billionaire madman and his cronies ruling them, he opted to take over government the old fashioned way - with cash and propaganda.

Several dozen Koch PACs and Koch Companies pay the politicians, finance their campaigns and crush opponents.

ALEC is their org that literally writes the legislation and tells the politicians they own to pass it.

The Kochs aim? See David's failed campaign platform above...

Strong Military
No taxes (for the welathy and corporations - still want to collect from the middle class though)
No FDA, EPA etc. Abolshed all together. No more wining from average citizens having thier water and food poisoned,
No SEC or FBI to get in thier way. Survival of the fittest...or at least the most successful and morally bankrupt criminal minids.

A slave class...No Min Wage, No OSHA, No Unions. Get to work or die...stop whining that some factory machine ate your hand.

Money rules...screw anyone that wouldn't kill there neighbor for a nickel.

These guys make Dr. Evil from Austin Powers look lovable.

Even their own brother, William, accused them of extortion, bribery and theft...stealling oil from government owned indian reservations etc.
edit on 5-8-2011 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-8-2011 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 01:11 PM
Good article here

Charles Lewis, the founder of the Center for Public Integrity, a nonpartisan watchdog group, said,

“The Kochs are on a whole different level. There’s no one else who has spent this much money. The sheer dimension of it is what sets them apart.

They have a pattern of lawbreaking, political manipulation, and obfuscation. I’ve been in Washington since Watergate, and I’ve never seen anything like it. They are the Standard Oil of our times.”

Read more

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by Indigo5
Whatever side of the political aisle you lean toward, I hope we can all agree that stealing elections is not OK.

I'm just now hearing that the return address on a group of ballots was not for a govt office but for Wisconsin Family Action.

The Gazette reports that it was Appling’s group that was responsible for many of the phony ballots, working in conjunction with Americans for Prosperity, (AFP), a right-​wing group funded by the infamous Koch Brothers. The ballots even had her WFA return address. And, did I mention there was an admission? “We’re part of a coalition, and we’re doing this,” Ms. Appling announced proudly, and she stuck to that line right up until the time she was warned the ballots constituted mail fraud. At that point Appling suddenly denied any knowledge of the campaign and claimed AFP had used her group’s return address without permission.


And this in regards to robo calling requesting ballots be returned, but not to a govt office as it ends up...WRTF in this paragraph is an error, should be WRTL, Wisconsin Right to Life...

When I asked: "Do you turn in the absentee applications when people send them to you?" WRTF answered: “No, we don't. People send them ah...and then their city clerk gets them and then clerk will send the ballot back to them.” She further clarified that someone looks at the addresses and sends them to the appropriate clerk, who then sends the ballot to the expectant voter.


How many ballots were sent to these phony addresses and never forwarded to govt voting clerks?? Even if such excluded absentee ballots were not enough to change election results, the bottom line is that this recall election was not a fair election!

Unless the fight is fair, even the winner is tarnished, and so is the very democracy these supposedly goodly and Godly people supposedly care so much about. If someone can be criminalized for fixing a sports match, then these people need to go to jail for sure.

Morality AND patriotism are both the last refuge of the scoundrel!

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