DANGER: Ludicrously Long Post Alert!
Notes on Protocol
I debated as to whether or not this may be suited to a different forum, notably the new BTS predictions incarnation, but decided this was more a
matter of observations and questions related to paranormal studies than dreams or predictions per se. More importantly, I am hoping to see if any
students of the paranormal might be able to shed light on this one way or another, and there are plenty to be found in this particular forum.
This topic doesn�t seem right for the War on Terrorism forum as I understand it, although maybe it wouldn�t be bad to lump the �paranormal� WoT stuff
with the �normal� WoT stuff. Definitely a judgment call, especially in light of the number of topics addressed, and my judgment may admittedly be
wrong in this case.
If the mods don�t share my appraisal, I encourage them to place this thread where it best belongs (including a fiction section or the trash can, if
need be
). With apologies to topical style -- especially in light of the outlandish length of this diatribe -- there are at least three different
discrete topics wound up within this post, but I think they interrelate enough to excuse my sloppiness in including them all, because they all work in
support of a theory. Again, I defer to the mods for guidance.
The background on this is that I have been trying, through various means with which I am most certainly nothing better than the basest neophyte, to
somehow locate members of Al Qaeda, and Osama bin Laden in particular.
I am not a psychic, and most (but not all) of my experiences in the �paranormal� realm have been unexpected and incidental. Only recently have I
decided to return (another story for another thread) to the realm of the spiritual for further study.
Thus I expect and prefer that those reading my posts understand that I do not, in any way shape or form, present myself as an �expert� on any of this,
or that anything I perceive or claim should be believed without corroboration. Hopefully, my signature sufficiently reflects my philosophies about
that. I am always at The Beginning, which is my place.
Also, I am going to ramble more afield in this post than I usually like to, and hope you can excuse that in light of the subject matter. There�s some
sort of connection, I think, if not an obvious one. Now, on with it�
The Wall
My recent attempts are effectively new variations on previous exercises (I�m adding attempts at remote viewing [RV] to the mix), but all of them are
based on some form of meditation and visualization. Most recently, I have been meeting obstacles, but not the usual obstacles.
My dilemma in this task was brought to the forefront of my mind by my chancing to notice the following thread, which seems to echo my experiences:
When the chatter stops!!!!.
Without speaking to the specifics of
kimberlynn�s posts or that thread topic, it seems as if her observations have some similarity to mine.
Specifically, from my point of view at least, it seems like it has become hard to �see� Al Qaeda members lately, more than before -- if that makes any
Does anyone else encounter similar experiences when attempting to �see� Al Qaeda targets?
But wait, there�s more�
The Guardians
Normally in the past, when I read something like I am about to relate here, I�d roll my eyes and move on. So if you do the same, I�ll understand that
you�re a kindred spirit, and I�m with you buddy. Having said that�
I live in a rural part of Northwest Nevada. As luck would have it, on a recent trip, I had occasion to drive both down and back up on U.S. 95. This
highway passes to the west of the huge Nellis complex, which I am sure most ATSers have some familiarity with.
The trip down was uneventful and made during the daytime. The trip back was made at nighttime, and that fact, plus my state of mind, probably is what
made a big difference.
On the way down, I was focused mostly on trying to sense law enforcement down the road as a supplement to my radar detector. Sounds silly, I know, but
it�s a fun game and keeps me alert as I cruise down the motorway. And I like to drive fast, if not recklessly (drive as many Nevada two-laners as I do
and you�d drive fast too).
On the way back, I did the same at first, but eventually my attention drifted after I left Indian Springs and moved onto the two-lane portion that
begins at Mercury. Of course, I was listening to some loud music as I drove (a mixture of Yes and U2 as of late), so I was mainly focused on driving
and singing along with the music, not a care in the world, hardly anyone else on the road at that hour (it was late).
As I came into the Amargosa Valley, my attention wandered around in a sort of casual way, sometimes I �drift� like that. I thought, �Hey, Area 51 is
northeast of me. I wonder if they�ll be doing any test flights tonight?� I decided to let my mind wander over in that direction to �see� if anything
was going on.
That�s when I became aware of �them�. It was not something I was expecting -- I was planning to try �visualizing� the Groom Lake base, and this was
sort of a shock in being much different than what I was looking for. I�ve driven through around the Nellis range on all sides plenty of times -- I
love Nevada -- and this was the first time anything like this had happened. This is going to sound really dumb, I know, but here goes�
�They� appeared as an image in my mind, like a thought, but nothing obscuring my driving or anything. I hate saying this, but they looked like classic
�grey� aliens with the bald heads, big eyes, tiny mouths and pointy chins. I don�t think they were really aliens, though, I think they were humans.
Call it a hunch.
There were three that I �saw�, but I felt there may be others with them, maybe five in all. Maybe they work on shifts? They were very stoic, did not
move or blink (almost like a still image), and never �said� anything that might be mistaken for words, but one thing was eminently clear to me: they
were not going to �let me in�. They projected no emotion at all, other than the idea that their �appearance� was the best I could hope for at that
time. No Hangar 18 for me tonight!
I don�t know if they were at Area 51, but there seemed to be a connection to that area. I haven�t yet tried �returning� to see if they are still there
(maybe I�ll try that later tonight or tomorrow morning as I meditate), but I am left with the impression that someone, or something, is being employed
to protect either Area 51 or a place like it from �prying minds�. I had never even considered the idea that �blocking thought� was possible until that
night, but they stopped me cold.
So what does this have to do with�
Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda
In recent months, and most recently last night, I have tried to visualize members of Al Qaeda, with an emphasis on Osama, since he is such a public
figure and easiest to visualize. He has a very distinctive face and air about him, so it would seem like cake. Not so.
In past months, when I would try to �find� Osama, I would get a lot of seemingly random images of people in Pashtun garb and rocky landscapes that
were almost certainly just residual images in my mind from videos he has appeared in. Never anything useful, but I wasn�t trying to use remote viewing
techniques then, just my trademark and wildly inaccurate �intuition� method.
Last night was the first time I�d tried in a while, was also the first time I tried an RV method on the problem, and was different from any other
attempt. As before, I focused on images of his face and my senses of his personality in my mind, but this time, I �hit a wall�.
What was weird about the wall was that it seemed to be deliberately placed, and �conscious�. With the wall, which seemed more like an invisible
barrier of will, I got an impression of a huge genie with his arms crossed (Hassan� chop!) who seemed to be barring my way. It seemed oddly stylized,
like someone�s personal touch.
Puzzled, to say the least, I decided to try quieting my mind of this and taking a stab at the remote viewing version instead. I�m very new to RV so
it�s sort of an add-on for now, since I rarely �see� anything this way.
Last night I �saw� something RV-style while thinking of Osama, and got a visual image of kind of a box-like thing that became a more complex set of
connected boxes which I ultimately took to be a Pashtun-style fortress, like the kind found in the Tribal Areas. It appeared in classic �RV gray� at
first, but as it rotated in my behind-the-eyelids vision, my imagination or whatever took over and added �details�.
This one was not very large, and it was very isolated -- no other buildings except the walled compound itself. It is in a valley, but didn�t seem like
a rocky valley. Surprisingly smooth, actually, with mild foothills curving up to a wall of very tall mountains. The valley and a good portion of the
mountains are covered with many trees, mostly deciduous with conifers on the mountains.
The compound is very isolated, with very few roads -- almost all jeep trails around it. It also seems �clean�, with few inhabitants, not some huge
command center or heavily guarded. I saw no evidence of heavy weapons of any sort. There seem to be orchard rows among the trees, but no plowed
fields. Unlike with other �visions� of mine, I was not able to determine compass point direction, which is very unusual, since I habitually and
subconsciously keep track of direction wherever I go.
Again, as I pondered the RV-inspired �impressions�, �Hassan� appeared, and distracted me so that I saw no more. He really was reminiscent of the Bugs
Bunny character. Inside joke?
I don�t think Osama is dead yet, by the way, but I do think he is in failing health, and will die soon. Of course, I have no way of knowing if any of
this is even close to reality, but that�s what I have for now.
The Theory: How All This Might Fit Together
My working theory for now is this, with all the caveats attendant thereto: That Al Qaeda may be using some form of psychic or spiritual protectors to
secure their operations.
I think it is possible that they may now be aware that the U.S. and other governments employ psychics to aid in investigations, and have acted to
counter this vulnerability. I do not know how or if Islamic fundamentalists might come to employ or even tolerate psychics, but I think they may be on
to the game.
For those who have persevered through this shockingly long (but hopefully not too terribly dull) post hoping to find something of substance, I must
apologize, because I truly don�t know if there is anything to this or not. I am not an authority on anything, especially matters such as these, have a
vivid imagination, which I treasure, but which sabotages my receptivity to thoughts outside my own, and I have a horrid track record when it comes to
my �impressions� of events.
So what�s the point?
My hope in posting what may be no more than a weird tale of imagination is this: To ask those of you out there who are more enlightened in these
matters if any of this corroborates anything you have �seen�. Does this make sense to anyone? Heck, I�m not sure it even makes sense to me, but it�s
all I have for now.
If anything in this article rings a bell for anyone, please let me know. If you think it�s utter nonsense, I think we can all accept that as the
default case, but feel free to chime in on that score as well, if you like.
Any and all feedback of any kind will be cheerfully appreciated.