I cant believe no one has ever posted this before. I found this amazing mode of transportation many years ago and found it amazing. Its like
snowboarding without the snow. Hub-less wheels your feet fit through and a throttle in you're hand.
A top speed of 16- 20 mph and a run time of one hour on one tank of gas. ( 1 litre or roughly 3 pints) The engine size is 49 cc and many models to
choose from.
And here is a mans own version he made himself.
and here is some free styling on a Wheelman
and then there is this guy, he is just nuts.
Sure many may have already seen this somewhere but I'm sure not a lot have.
I want one!!!
There seem to be a lot of knock offs of the original wheelman .Its an Australian invention and they are hand made in Queensland. Trail riding on one
of these must be a blast!
Take care enjoy.
edit on 2-8-2011 by enament because: (no reason given)