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Is HIV Actually Harmless??

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posted on Aug, 22 2004 @ 02:16 PM
A doctor in Spain injected himself on National TV to show that HIV does not cause AIDS. AZT is what causes the problems. I just read about it yesterday while surfing but I can't find the exact place. I was on I think think thats were I had read the info.

Of course the major news media here wouldn't pick that up.

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by myconsumerclub
A doctor in Spain injected himself on National TV to show that HIV does not cause AIDS. AZT is what causes the problems.

When and where did this happen? Whats the doctors name and how/where did he get the virus?

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by jrod
I do know a few people who have been diagnosed and gave the drug treatent the middle finger because they feel healthy and all they have done is watched their diet, generally all natural foods, quit smoking and drugs, and excersize heavily. Those I know who follow that lifestyle with the virus are still healthy today and are not aging prematurely. This is just a small number of people I have observed so its not scientific, but still an important observation IMO.

Were they diagnosed with AIDS or having HIV? How long have they had it? Its supposed to have a long incubation period. Have they participated in any research studies on the subject?

I know if things really go against me and one day I get diagnosed with HIV, there is no way I am taking the "drug cocktail" that is used unless I am sick and dying.

AT that point it will be too late and you will unfortunately die of AIDS. The 'drug cocktail' is a mix of numerous anti-viral drugs that control the population of the HIV virus inside your body, amoung other things. By the time you are sick the virus has proliferated and destroyed your white blood cells. The reason you are getting sick is becuase you don't have anything in your body that can effectively fight off other infectious diseases. At that point azt isn't going to be much help for you

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 11:34 AM
Apparently a doctor in Florida injected himself back in 1994 as well:

Not sure how he's doing..

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by mongoose
Apparently a doctor in Florida injected himself back in 1994 as well:

mongoose - This guy's reasoning and methodology seems pretty suspect. From the link you posted.

Instead of HIV, Willner believes AIDS is caused by malnutrition and drug use - both street drugs and prescription drugs, specifically AZT, the first drug to be approved for treatment of patients with AIDS.

He makes an exception for hemophiliacs, who have contracted AIDS in huge numbers. He said their disease is the result of contaminants in factor 8, the agent, made from dozens of blood donations, that hemophiliacs must inject so their blood will clot.

This is the worse kind of science. If AIDS was attributable simply to drug use and malnutrition - then it would never have affected hemophiliacs. But rather than admit that his hypothesis was incorrect, he attributes AIDS in hemophiliacs to contaminants in Factor 8 itself. What kind of researcher is this man? Certainly not one anyone should put any faith in.

Several other points I noticed in the article you linked - this doctor was the same one who supposedly injected himself with HIV in Spain and he also had his license to practice medicine revoked prior to his little stunt.

Oh and just because its pertinent - I noticed the "doctor" did not inject himself with HIV blood, he merely pricked his finger with the needle. That speaks volumes about how much faith this guy has in his own theories.

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
Were they diagnosed with AIDS or having HIV? How long have they had it? Its supposed to have a long incubation period. Have they participated in any research studies on the subject?

The two that died were diagnosed in the early-mid 80's and I am not sure if it was HIV or AIDS, i thought they were the same thing with the only difference is its not AIDS until they are on the death bed, and both passed away in the past 3 years. They were IV drug users and to my knowledge did not participate in any research studies, and as I said before continued to smoke and use drugs after being diagnosed and both got lung cancer that spread fast througout their body.

The other ones were diagnosed about the same time with HIV and sexual contact, specifically gay sex was the cause that was cited and they're still healthy and living normal lives with the exception of eating healthy and excersizing 6+ times a week.

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by jrod

Originally posted by Nygdan
Were they diagnosed with AIDS or having HIV? How long have they had it? Its supposed to have a long incubation period. Have they participated in any research studies on the subject?

i thought they were the same thing with the only difference is its not AIDS until they are on the death bed

HIV is the virus that causes the syndrome/complex of symptoms called AIDS

[quote]The other ones were diagnosed about the same time with HIV and sexual contact, specifically gay sex was the cause that was cited and they're still healthy and living normal lives with the exception of eating healthy and excersizing 6+ times a week.

Of these two people are infected with teh HIV virus and have been since the mid 80's and show no symptoms of the disease AIDS and haven't taken any mediciation then they need to go to a doctor or specifically one of the thousands of people doing AIDS research and let them study them and what has been keeping them alive.

Its been theorized that there might be some people who are immune to the virus naturally. The virus also normally takes a long time to develop into 'fullblown' AIDS (sometime 10 years if I recall correctly). Since this is 20 years, obviously there is something going on with these people, something that might be helpful to other people.

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
Its been theorized that there might be some people who are immune to the virus naturally. The virus also normally takes a long time to develop into 'fullblown' AIDS (sometime 10 years if I recall correctly). Since this is 20 years, obviously there is something going on with these people, something that might be helpful to other people.

I know this guy's work is very preliminary and significant additional research is necessary before drawing any conclusion, but it is fascinating nonetheless.

Double Immunity

Recently, scientists were astonished to find that some individuals did not become infected with HIV, even after repeated exposure to the deadly virus. For some reason, they were immune. A long and difficult scientific search, using blood samples from hundreds of HIV-resistant patients, finally teased out the genetic explanation. Resistant individuals had in their cells two copies of a mutation that disrupted the entryway through which HIV viruses entered white blood cells. People who inherited just one copy of the change could become infected, but their disease progressed more slowly.

If there is ever a cure it will come from what we can learn about these rare individuals who can reject the virus completely.

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by mongoose
Moreover, many gay men in San Francisco apparently hit antibiotics really hard (for some reason.. not sure why.. I think there might be antibiotics that kinda get you high or something).. abuse of antibiotics is (very well) known to weaken the immune system.

Isn't it that we carry chlomidia(sp?) in our colon, and that's how it's contracted... through anal sex? I think it's claps, but I could be wrong. This would be the reason behind antibiotic abuse. Buttpumpers (gay AND straight) really just need to use latex instead of antibiotics. BTW, there are alot of antioxidants that help the immune system build antibodies for a huge range of viruses, and antioxidants are found in alot of the foods we already eat.

When I get sick, I don't pump full of medicine, but rather I up my zinc and vitamin-e rich foods, and chug green tea. I already have a strong immune system, so I usually am only sick (flu, cold, viral, whatever) about 1/3 the time that others are with the same illness.

Here's a really interesting thread that got NO REPLIES!

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 11:07 PM
4 years ago I was listening to the radio and it was only for a minute or two but researchers said they had found a cure for aids......

Citric acid.......

It went by so fast, and since then I never heard a word about it.

They put the virus in a petri dish with the acid and the acid ate it....
I'm assuming they have to figure out how to disperse this through the body in a safe fashionable manner.

Pretty neat huh.....

Also I heard on the radio one time that there is a bud on the tobacco plant that cures something too, but now I forget......

I guess they sweep this stuff under the rug to keep it under wraps......bastards...

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 01:03 AM
While we're at it, can I suggest that we try some Noni Juice? That might just do the trick right there I tell ya. That might just do the trick...

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 03:24 PM
I have to say that ive been living with hiv for 22 years, with out taking any medication..I am perfectly fine..have had a child who is also negative. I have watched friends die from the medication, I know for a fact that they are toxic, i have refused to take them. AZT is a chemo drug, and causes more harm than good, it not only kills hiv cells, but all of the cells in the cannot know the difference between wich cells to destroy, because hiv lives in cells. I am a survivor, not a survivor of aids, but a survivor of misinformation. Oh i must add that i was infected from a blood tranfusion at birth.

[edit on 30-8-2004 by charlie1]

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 03:51 PM

Have you ever thought about finding out if you have Double Immunity? What genetically makes you different than others who have HIV?

My curiosity is sincere - I have lost too many friends to the disease. Some were on the cocktail and some weren't - it made no difference.


posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by Earthscum
Isn't it that we carry chlomidia(sp?) in our colon, and that's how it's contracted... through anal sex?

I think you mean Chlamydia, and specifically Chlamydia trachomatis:

Genital tract infections

a. C. trachomatis (biovar: trachoma) is the most common sexually transmitted bacterial disease in the United States (4 million new cases each year) and 50 million new cases occur yearly worldwide. In the United States, the highest infection rates occur in Native and African Americans (Figure 4A) with a peak incidence in the late teens/early twenties (Figure 4B).

b. C. trachomatis (biovar: LGV) is a sexually transmitted disease that occurs sporadically in the United States but is more prevalent in Africa, Asia and South America. Humans are the only natural host. Incidence is 300 - 500 cases per year in the United States with male homosexuals being the major reservoir of the disease.

The page doesn't mention the colon though. Cervix, urethra and oviducts are mentioned. If you want, I can look into it more to see if there are any medical papers on chlamydia in the colon. You can also try on PudMed.

Clinical Syndromes


5. Urogenital infections - In females the infection is usually (80%) asymptomatic but symptoms can include cervicitis, urethritis, and salpingitis. Postpartum fever in infected mothers is common. Premature delivery and an increased rate of ectopic pregnancy due to salpingitis can occur. In the United States, tubal pregnancy is the leading cause of first-trimester, pregnancy-related deaths. In males, the infection is usually (75%) symptomatic.


Up to 40% of women with untreated (undiagnosed) chlamydia will develop pelvic inflammatory diseases and about 20% of these women will become infertile. Many untreated cases (18%) result in chronic pelvic pain.

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 04:24 PM
Ive never heard of double immunity..As for those who have died and didnt take meds..i think its all in the mind too..If you beleive your sick and gonna die, you will. If you keep a positive attitude, i think you'll be better off.

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 12:16 AM
I can give you a quick answer.

Originally posted by deafence#
mongoose has brought up an interesting article, though id like to point something out. everyone nowadays is pretty much convinced that if you get HIV/AIDs, your pretty much f#cked, well, there are so called treatments, but just think about the fact of how everyone percieves it. how will we ever find a cure for something that we mostly believe to be cureless?

Case: Africa
Cultural Belief: having sex with a virgin cures AIDS. This is a belief that's as strong as a fundamentalist Christian's belief in salvation.
Result: babies being raped and coming down with HIV. Please note that babies can't understand "faith" and so anything you treat them with or don't treat them with is something that can't be affected by faith.

such is the power of suggestion, or so this is how i see it. in that sense, this duesberg may just be onto something. think about it.

Have a look at the death rate in Africa before these drugs. Then ask yourself if Duesberg really knows what he's talking about.

and since we're speaking along the lines of the immune system, is anyone aware of the product "transfer factor" by 4life? im just curious, as to peoples takes on it, is all. i've taken it before and have been virtually healthy all the time during it, no sick, no cold, nadda, zilch. hmmm, or am i just on another trip of this power of suggestion?


Quackery, and the power of suggestion. If you take that stuff and hang out with a group who catches the flu, you'll get the flu. If you take it and have frequent sex with someone who has herpes, you'll get herpes.

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 12:34 AM
A lot of Africa is in poverty and I am sure STDs get around because mnay less fortunate do not have any education about them. This is why there is an AIDS epidemic there, when someone gets sick they do not have the necessary food nutrients and medicine for them to get better.

This may not be relevant, Charlie2 do you know your blood type? I would like to know if there is any correlation with blood type and HIV diagnosis and full blown AIDS, like are some blood types more prone to full blown AIDS than others.

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by charlie1
Ive never heard of double immunity..As for those who have died and didnt take meds..i think its all in the mind too..If you beleive your sick and gonna die, you will. If you keep a positive attitude, i think you'll be better off.

When was the last time you were tested for aids/hiv?

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 08:10 PM
Wow Charlie --

that's an amazing story.. have you ever thought about speaking out more about this in public? This is the type of information that needs to brought out into open, IMHO...

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 08:30 PM
Check out what Gary Null has to say about HIV

What's Wrong With H.I.V. Equals AIDS?

"In a nutshell, the idea of AIDS is a phony construct," states Lauritsen. "It ties together 29 old diseases along with the presumption of H.I.V. infection.... This is not caused by H.I.V., the retrovirus."

"As applied, the H.I.V. theory is ... useless as a medical hypothesis," asserts Mullis, winner of the 1993 Nobel prize in chemistry for inventing the polymerase-chain-reaction test for detecting the human immunodeficiency virus.

"I am well convinced that H.I.V. is harmless," states Dr. Fabio Franchi, a specialist in infectious diseases and preventive medicine.
Why do these scientists and hundreds of others doubt the official story on AIDS? Thomas, Mullis, and Johnson offer three reasons:

"First, after spending billions of dollars, H.I.V. researchers are still unable to explain how H.I.V., a conventional retrovirus with a very simple genetic organization, damages the immune system, much less how to stop it. The present stalemate contrasts dramatically with the confidence expressed in 1984. At that time Gallo thought the virus killed cells directly by infecting them, and the U.S. government officials predicted a vaccine would be available in two years. [Eleven] years later, no vaccine is in sight, and the certainty about how the virus destroys the immune system has dissolved in confusion.

"Second, in the absence of any agreement about how H.I.V. causes AIDS, the only evidence that H.I.V. does cause AIDS is correlation. The correlation is imperfect at best, however. There are many cases of persons with all the symptoms of AIDS who do not have any H.I.V. infection. There are also many cases of persons who have been infected by H.I.V. for more than a decade and show no signs of illness.

"Third, predictions based on the H.I.V. theory have failed spectacularly. AIDS in the United States and Europe has not spread through the general population. Rather, it remains almost entirely confined to the original risk groups - mainly sexually promiscuous gay men and drug abusers. The [rate] of H.I.V.-infected Americans has [increased more slowly] instead of increasing rapidly as predicted, which suggests that H.I.V. is an old virus that has been with us for centuries without causing an epidemic."

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