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Some features of ATS will be disabled while you continue to use an ad-blocker.
1. What are “relevant ads” as they relate to Yahoo!7 Mail?
To make our ads more relevant and useful for you, we make educated guesses about your interests based on your activity on Yahoo!7’s sites and services, as well as provide ads that are contextually relevant to the page they are being served with. When you use the new Yahoo!7 Mail our automated systems scan and analyse all incoming and outgoing communications content sent and received from your account (such as Mail and Messenger content including instant messages and SMS messages) to detect, among other things, certain words and phrases (we call them "keywords") within these communications. This might result in ads being shown to you in Mail for products and services that are related to those keywords. In addition, these keywords may contribute to the interest categories we assign to your browser for interest-based ads that we show throughout the Yahoo!7 Ad Network. No additional ads are shown to you, just more relevant ads.
2. How does Yahoo!7 Mail message analysis work?
While many features in the Yahoo!7 Mail are new, the underlying technology that supports them is the same as the automated systems that already scan and analyse your inbox for spam, viruses, malware, and phishing scams. This technology looks for patterns, keywords, and files in Mail, Messenger, and other communications content. In order to bring you the newest Yahoo!7 Mail, , Yahoo!’s automated systems will scan and analyze all incoming and outgoing email, IM, and other communications content sent and received from your account in order to personalize your experience. This will result in both product enhancements as well as more relevant advertising in addition to a safer, less cluttered Mail experience.
etc.. etc...
Originally posted by Frontkjemper
Star and flag from me. I don't know what else to say honestly, other then this feels too personal. I don't like it and hope it stops.