posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by Byrd
I respect you use your logic and weigh things the way you do Byrd. I think you point out very logical reasons why we all should be careful of sources.
When you have the Egyptians that began a new thought of following one God, I think its very possible that these priests began a new way of tradition.
I think its very possible that the Levites were originally a sect of priests who began in Egypt, and then took their beliefs and traditions elsewhere.
I think its very possible that we see the Egyptians begin the following of one God, began the traditions of the Holy of Holies and there, began the
traditions that we see become a part of the Hebrews. My reason being mainly, is that the OT seems out of whack, it seems to be retelling a
story....but in all, the story began in Egypt.
So sorry to get so off topic, sorry if this convo derailed this thread away from the Sumerian link to yehovah. My personal opinion, yehovah is not the
most high and this spirit used the 'word' and came in Gods name to deceive the masses. I think the Sumerian story about a 'mes' being stolen is
exactly what yehovah did. I think the story about the thieves stealing the cluster of grapes in the Bible shows this same concept. Something was
stolen from God...the holy name, sound, vibration, tone, octave (whatever you wish to call it) and surely, the Shadow/dark stole something and uses it
to claim theeself as GOD. Since Jesus comes as having this power in his name (yah/yaw)....then the dark spirit is ever so sly to connect themselves
with the one that will truly come in Gods name. To me, its the biggest deception on the face of this earth.
We are warned of a antichrist....the antichrist has been at work for for over 2000 yrs. claiming Gods name. We are warned about something that has
already happened! He has already came in Gods name, he has already led people astray and he has already soaked the true God in blood. Its another way
of getting people to think 'we better believe in the bible because we need to know the truth so we are careful not to follow the antichrist. But,
what if he has already came and tricked everyone...
Best intentions,