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Just what IS the purpose of the United States Government?

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posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 04:50 PM
A lot of people here seem to think that the purpose of the Government is to hold your hand from cradle to grave and kiss all your boo-boos and make it all better.

A lot of others seem to think it is to take care of every country in the world feed their people fight their wars and basicly hold their hand and kiss all there boo-boos.

Still others thank that it is to tell you who you can sleep with, what you can smoke, eat or drink, what to think, read, write, etc.

NO where in the Constitution does it give the Government this kind of power. The Government ONLY real purpose is to keep OTHER governments off your back and allow YOU a CHANCE to make the best out of YOUR life.

When did we turn into a bunch of weakkneed sissies that needed to be lead around by the hand and protected from everything and everybody?

Not only from what people might do to us but from "gasp" what they may say or think?

Dont get me wrong I love this country, hell I have bleed for this country and would do it again without hesatation.

People can say this is the freest country on earth and that is debatable but we should always strive for MORE freedom not less. Everyone else can lay down like a good little sheep but I for one will begrudge EVERY right that is taken away and every right that shopuld be allowed.

Our forefathers came over here to be FREE not to hand there lives over to politictions to decide what is best for them.

But enough of my ranting what do you think the governments purpose is?

What in the Constitution backs you up?

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by Amuk
The Government ONLY real purpose is to keep OTHER governments off your back and allow YOU a CHANCE to make the best out of YOUR life.

Serving the people? I just don't see it. Serving itself? That sounds more like it. The US governments only real power coming form the people of the country being too apathetic, indifferent, ignorant or hopeless to see that things can change for the better. But that sort of thinking could be construde as terrorism so it becomes a name best not worth muttering. Who is guilty of this? We all are because we don't come together and do something about it.

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by Jonna

Serving the people? I just don't see it. Serving itself? That sounds more like it.

I am asking this question because I hear over and over we need to be doing this and we need to be doing that and I was Just wondering just exactly WHAT most people thought the government was susposed to be doing.

Where in the Constitution does it say we should invade a country to save its people?

Where does it say Gays marring will destroy the world?

Where does it say we cant smoke pot?

Where does it say we have to feed the people of another country?

People can bitch about it not being 1776 anymore but to me that does not lessen the truths and the wisdom behind that document in the least, some things like freedom are timeless

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 06:23 PM
If "the people", were willing to actually do something, it could be done.

United We Stand!

The rest isn't an option.

Has anyone seen one of those commercials, where a group of individuals are all standing around complaining, a peice of garbage or a sink running?

Then along comes some body who takes care of it, does something about it. Who ever thought up those, should be working on political versions.

Talk is cheap .

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 06:36 PM

I agree 100%

Thats why I AM politicaly active

The only ones that DONT have a right to complain are those that are to lazy to get up off their ass and do something about it.

On another thread I was told to change with the times or live in misery, what a joke, I chose a different option to make myself heard whither they like it or not. Its easy to do........

Join or start a group
Dont let them decide for you

[edit on 16-8-2004 by Amuk]

posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 11:06 PM
Just what IS the purpose of the United States Government,

Perhaps to amuses itself with his own power.

Just a joke.

Really, can somebody truthfully answer this question? The government in US is not about the people but the interest groups that help to elect candidates, that is what all is about.

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 05:00 AM
Amuk - While we disagree on some points, I agree wholeheartedly with the spirit if not the letter of your position.
What is the government supposed to do?
Secure the nations security from invasion, and attacks.
Maintain the infrastucture, I.E. roads, power grid, etc.
Maintain the domestic police forces.
Enact laws which reflect the will of the poeple.
Help those who cannot to support themselves I.E. the disabled the mentlly handicapped

What isn't the government supposed to do?

Pass laws which restrict my ability to imbibe any substance which does not damage anyone other than myself I.E. alcohol. marijuana, (I do not include coc aine PCP or meth on this list due to the proven rise in agressive tendancies and violent outbursts it causes)
Restrict my constitutional right to bear arms.
Tell me what I can watch, say, worship, love etc.
Support those who are unwilling to support themselves. (welfare for able bodied/minded adults.)

But one point of disagreement between us Amuk is peacekeeping mission I.E. sudan Iraq, Afghanistan. The fact is unrest and massacres in these areas leads to violence in america. Would 9/11 have happened if we had taken a more proactive role in the middle east the last 20 years? I dont think it would have. Humanitaran missions are our duty as free men and women, as well as our right, how many times has our country been threatened by regimes which came to power through a massacre? From the revolutions in Russia which led to the soviet union to the revolution in cuba which led to the placement of ICBMs 6 minutes fight from our shores, ignoring hostile dictators has always come back to bite us in the ass. Today the Janjuweed militia is slaughtering sudaneese blacks 20 years from now they are launching/smuggling nukes into America. Saddam did not apparently have nukes, but he could have devoleped them and would have happily sold them to Al queda. Had we allowed Patton to take on russia after ww2 the cold war never would have happened, which means vietnam, the cuban missle crises, the soviet invasion of Afghanistan, and the formation of Al queda and its subsequent arming by the U.S. to aid in there war against the soviets never would have happened. But Patton was ignored, and the Soviets allowed to grow in strength. So all I mentioned above did happen. The world we live in is interconnected and the injustices we allow to be comiited today will be visted upon us tomorrow.

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by Amuk

But enough of my ranting what do you think the governments purpose is?

To kill people and destroy property. Oops! I forgot. That's the military's job. But now that Bush is president....

Constitution? What constitution? Bush don't need no stinkin' piece of rotten paper to tell him what to do! He's got the big guy upstairs tellin' him what to do! And don't be questionin' him about it, either if ya know what's good for ya.
Uncle Asscroft might havta come and gitcher ayse and recalibrate yer way'a thinkin'.

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 08:29 AM

That was funny, I have to give it to you bush indeed have the biggest interest backing him up high above. That is way our goverment is been run by a loony.

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by marg6043

That was funny, I have to give it to you bush indeed have the biggest interest backing him up high above. That is way our goverment is been run by a loony.

Ain't it grand? It's a mad, mad world we live in, Marg!

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by mwm1331
Maintain the infrastucture, I.E. roads, power grid, etc.

Maintain the domestic police forces.

Enact laws which reflect the will of the poeple.

Help those who cannot to support themselves I.E. the disabled the mentlly

Can't all these things be done at a municipal/state level, instead of having federal government maintain forces, enact laws, help disabled et all through charities ect, and maintain infrastructure?? Afterall, at the municipal level they know alot more of whats going on, the needs, demands, and wants from people...
I'm having a hard time figuring out why they would want to take on this burden in the first place? Just imagine how much more money it's costing tax payers to have this kind of system when it would be a hell of a lot easier going by municipality and state. This way we would all see where our tax dollars are going instead of wondering where the hell it all went...

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by mwm1331
Amuk - While we disagree on some points, I agree wholeheartedly with the spirit if not the letter of your position.
What is the government supposed to do?
Secure the nations security from invasion, and attacks.
Maintain the infrastucture, I.E. roads, power grid, etc.
Maintain the domestic police forces.
Enact laws which reflect the will of the poeple.
Help those who cannot to support themselves I.E. the disabled the mentlly handicapped

The trouble with this is unless I am mistaken ONLY the first one is supported by the Constitution. The federal government was meant for the most part to just coordinate things between states not control the whole show.

And although I myself have no problem helping the handicaped, hell I do so on a local level as well, can you or any one else show me ANYWHERE in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights ANYTHING to support your last statement?

This is what I mean about most people dont really know the PURPOSE of the government as laid down by our forefathers. They made our Federal Government as toothless as possible for a reason.......

So we did not wind up with what they are trying to shove down our throats today, Big Government, Internal spies, rights being taken away at a whim, huge taxation, etc.

I would truly like to here from ANYONE who can compare what we have today with the intent of Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin?

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid

Constitution? What constitution? Bush don't need no stinkin' piece of rotten paper to tell him what to do! He's got the big guy upstairs tellin' him what to do! And don't be questionin' him about it, either if ya know what's good for ya.
Uncle Asscroft might havta come and gitcher ayse and recalibrate yer way'a thinkin'.

Not as long as he has a spineless population willing to trade their hard won freedom for a false sense of securty at the merest hint of terror.

I hate to admit it but I am ashamed at what my countrymen are turning into.

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by mwm1331

But one point of disagreement between us Amuk is peacekeeping mission I.E. sudan Iraq, Afghanistan. The fact is unrest and massacres in these areas leads to violence in america. Would 9/11 have happened if we had taken a more proactive role in the middle east the last 20 years? I dont think it would have. Humanitaran missions are our duty as free men and women, as well as our right, how many times has our country been threatened by regimes which came to power through a massacre?

Do you think 9-11 would have happened if we had have MINDED OUR ON DAMN BUSINESS in the Middle east? What would be the purpose of attacking the number one customer of whoever the hell sells the oil? The fact of the matter is these people have been killing each other for thousands of years and the only difference now is they are killing us also.

AS for Humanitarian missions nothing stops you from volunteering your time and money to help those of any country you chose, but again......

Can you show me ONE place in the Constitution that says it is our Governments job to bring happiness and freedom to ANY place in the world? To feed or protect ANYONE other than Americans?

If we were not meddling in there affairs can you tell me ONE country that would attack us?

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 05:46 PM
Amuk - You are still romanticizing America. The republic is dead man, we are all that's left of our people. The rest of our population aren't really Americans, they're slaves, drones, pieces of the hive-brain culture that is feeding the corporatations.

It's Shaitan Incorporated Amuk. Our government doesn't have any purpose anymore, it has no ideas for our future, no public announcements have come from anyplace inthe government having to do with any direction for our people. They are corrupted by the money of corporations, do the business of coroporations, make laws for them, and "regulate" them.

The America we love is dead, man. It is gone and you need to admit it. What are those brothers of ours fighting for in Iraq? Lemme tell ya what they are fighting for. They are fighting for the power of the companies, the industries, and the new order of the world. The elites and the powerful have formed their own little world, and they want to govern ours from it, and make us their slaves. There isn't any real America anymore, man. It's dead.

So admit it and stop talking like a dreamer. You are a good person, and you love the lie you have been taught when you were a little kid. because you were good, you kept that dream in your head. That's all America is to you, the real version is a terrible thing to learn.

Look here, we don't need our government. We haven't needed them in a long time. Here's all the law we need: Don't steal, lie, kill, or cheat in business. Don't use force or fraud in your dealings with others. Keep your marriage vows, love your children. Fight wars for peace and keep the peace with strength. Freedom of exchange, thought and speech. What else is to it? It's just a scam. There is no honor in our current system, or else it would destroy itself for shame.

Wake up and use your head. The system has taken over the country, and the people SERVE it now. It isn't going to change, its' going to FALL.


[Edited on 17-8-2004 by Arkaleus]

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 06:11 PM

I am starting to become worried about you. First, you post about the wonders of Islam, and the evil of America, never once denouncing the extreme evil of Bin Laden and his supporters, in fact you threatened us all to be bathed in the gore of our governments if we do not wake up and accept Islam. So, being as you're now posting that the USA will FALL, one cannot help but be concerned that since you claim to be a US citizen, you may be a threat to us all. I hope this is not the case, and if you were, you probably wouldn't be stupid enough to post it all over the internet. But still, if I were you I would be more careful as to the nature of your posts, do you think the government doesn't monitor these sites? You may have Tom Ridge knocking on your door, in case you're not aware of the state of things these days.

[edit on 17-8-2004 by 27jd]

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 07:31 PM

I can say whatever I will.

I am not one your drones, I am not your brother. You are a worthless slave of slaves.

I don't approve of my countrymen, my government, or anything that our modern culture has delivered to us. It is filth, corruption, and personal destruction. You are the product of fornication and vice.

You threaten me like as though my nation is owned by some kind of tyrant. May your mouth be filled with worms. I don't need to speak about Bin Laden, because that is merely your device to accuse me of things I have nothing to do with.

I am an American by birth, and my traditions are what is best in America. I am not a partaker of your filthy vice. I loathe your drugs, your sex, and your rock and roll. And if you tell me that is what America is, then I pray to God that it does fall, so that it can never be rebuilt.

I critizise my nation because it needs it, and because I love it. I am not some filthy foreigner.

27jd, you didn't respond to anything I said, or agree with any of the things I said. What kind of person are you? Do you have any sense of right and wrong at all? I doubt you will answer, and if you do, I doubt it will say anything meaningful. Can you speak like a citizen with me, and weigh matters of state and politic, or are you just another disco boogey?


[Edited on 17-8-2004 by Arkaleus]

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 08:04 PM
I can't help but wonder if you are serious, or if you're just typing non-sense to be funny. Nobody can possibly be as ignorant as you. If you seriously believe the way you claim to, then you are a poor, poor man, and I feel sorry for you. If you are just being a smart@$$, then you are doing a good job. If what others do really bothers you THAT much, then your in for a life of misery and hatred, and you'll probably end up hurting yourself or others. As for me and my mouth full of worms, I hear they're healthy and high in protein, so thanks for the well wishes.

[edit on 17-8-2004 by 27jd]

posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 09:29 PM
Perhaps I got rather angry at you. Sorry.

Here ya go, (hands you a bait tub)

Happy fishing.


posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 11:14 PM

First off, rock and roll died in the 70s, rock doesn't exist anymore, which is really sad, everybody seems to be drones for the sexist flimsy corny sex selling music companies. All the music is 2:50 seconds and shorter... And nobody ever rarely writes their music these days... Ask spears and Aguilera or whatever...

And sure America needs criticism but "constructive" criticism, name calling doesn't do anything and bitching and complaining doesn't either, if your such a patriotic countryman as you claim, do something... Are you doing anything to help change the direction of the US?

America ain't that bad if you can get past the dirty politics, partisanship, evil franchises that take business away from the small guys, and the music that doesn't do anything except turn our children into numbskulls.

This however does seem to be the "way" and I think it's time we "find another way"

Amuk isn't romanticizing, he's trying to restore dignity and truth which was once the foundation of this country, partisanship aside, I don't think it's really unrealistic, brainwashing is a specialty of the media, making you think that the old way is dead and would never work is a LIE... could the media do such a horrible thing? why the hell not, their in bed w/ the left and right.. .wake up. geez... It's bad enough as it is, pull your head out of the toilet and maybe you'll see idealism isn't just a dream, thats how # becomes real...

Romancing an idea, Dr. Atkins started the new low carb WAVE...though this is a health related subject, the theory of romancing an idea could be applied to politics...

My signature belows says what i'm trying to say in a nutshell, if you'd be so inclinded to look...

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