I played that. Tell her to save a lot. It glitched on me and became unplayable. My last save was like three hours earlier. I basically said "forget
this" and gave up.
The wound in the side of Open Source: who really has the time to debug all this ****?
On the plus side, I have a buddy who still plays Thief mods. Which means that this stuff has major staying
power, and therefore is more likely to be de-bugged by frustrated fanpersons maybe years after the mod was made.
edit on 1-8-2011 by mistermonculous because: Gender neutral sub.
My glitch was a scripted event wouldn't happen. It made me mad. A guy was supposed to lead me somewhere while talking to me...nope. He didn't do it.
Made me mad.
Tell her when she gets to chapter two (or him don't know) to save. Often. Always. Save everywhere. Make lots of backups. lool