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Highest Radiation Ever Detected At Fukushima: 10+ Sieverts An Hour

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posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by Phage

Explanation: Heres what I have found...

Japan tries to plug crack at nuclear plant (Posted: Apr 3, 2011 1:41 PM by CNN Wire Staff ) []

Asked about the radiation levels in the shaft on Sunday, TEPCO executive Junichi Matsumoto told reporters that it could not yet be determined, because the devices officials were using, dosimeters, do not measure higher than 1,000 millisieverts per hour.

That amount alone -- 1,000 millisieverts per hour of radiation -- is more than 330 times the dose an average resident of an industrialized country naturally receives in a year.

Above the shaft, the level was 250 millisieverts per hour. The shaft lies at the end of a long channel that has been filling up for days.

Please note that was several months ago...

And ...

Tepco Says Highest Radiation Detected at Fukushima Dai-Ichi (Sunday, July 31, 2011 With assistance from Shunichi Ozasa in Tokyo. Editors: Amanda Jordan, Reed Landberg) []

Geiger counters, used to detect radioactivity, registered more than 10 sieverts an hour, the highest reading the devices are able to record, Junichi Matsumoto, a general manager at the utility, said today. The measurements were taken at the base of the main ventilation stack for reactors No. 1 and No. 2.

Tepco sent three workers around the ventilation stack today after a gamma camera detected high radioactivity levels in the area yesterday, Matsumoto said. The workers were exposed to as much as 4 millisieverts during the work, he said.

So what changed in that time period?

They stopped using dosimeters which max out at 1000milliseiverts/hr [aka 1 seivert/hr] and they started using proper gieger counters which max out at 10,000milliseiverts/hr [aka 10 seiverts/hr].

Also lets look at that 4milliseivert dose those 3 workers got exposed to... how long were they there for?

3600 seconds in 1 hr ... 4milliseiverts is = 2seconds of exposure... so they ran in and their gieger counter peaked and they wisely RAN AWAY VERY QUICKLY!

Personal Disclosure: Game Over!

edit on 1-8-2011 by OmegaLogos because: Edited spelling

edit on 1-8-2011 by OmegaLogos because: edited to fix buggy emoticon :shk:

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by OmegaLogos

Actually, assuming the level was "only" 10 Sv/hr (where the counter maxes) it would be 1.4 seconds to reach 4 mSv.

Something still seems screwy.

edit on 8/1/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by Phage

The exposure levels seem more unbelievable than the overall measurements. History is on the side of the 10 Sieverts/hr figure.
That reading is very much on par with readings around Chernobyl. History is also on the side of things being far worse than they are reported as being by TEPCO based mostly on the fact that they consistantly change their story to the worse as this has continued to unfold. Remember, in the first weeks of Fukushima, all we supposedly had was a flooded nuke plant with the risk of a sunburn-like injury to the workers exposed. That has officially been revised to a major disaster with the abillity to flat out kill. One can't help but wonder, if they understated the danger so badly in the first place, how much are they still understating it today?

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by Phage

Explanation: Maybe its just a very localized hot spot!

Prestigious doctor: US nuclear 'Baby valley of death,' Millions to die (thread by Mdv2 posted on 20-6-2011 @ 01:27 PM, post by OmegaLogos posted on 21-6-2011 @ 10:42 AM) [ATS Japan Forum]

Explantion: Yes ... but statistically... if 100kg of mox fuel was ejected...

And a bit further on in that thread... [pg 14]

This is not simulation data ... its real data!


And from that same post ...

Here is VISUAL of why we are discussing this ...

Sure ... just ignore that fallout cloud that is clearly OBVIOUS and BIGGER than the place that it originated from!

Personal Disclosure: I hope that helps!

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 04:37 PM
Geiger counters in Japan post-Fukushima: The disturbing discoveries made by those living here

View the map of Japanese Geiger counter videos in Google maps - link is in the youtube video (just go to youtube to find it)

edit on 1-8-2011 by MidnightTide because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 04:58 PM
I think a dosimeter is more of a badge type device to monitor exposure after the fact.
a geiger-counter gives live readings.
I could be wrong.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by OmegaLogos

Actually, assuming the level was "only" 10 Sv/hr (where the counter maxes) it would be 1.4 seconds to reach 4 mSv.

Something still seems screwy.

edit on 8/1/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

2seconds of exposure=1.4 seconds,,,,,,,,,when your running.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by OmegaLogos

I'd just like to remind everyone of a critically important fact while being reminded of that explosion. Open, unprotected ocean water was right at 200 yards from the center of that blast.....and they haven't even talked about open water contamination as a passing thought yet, let alone move to do anything about it.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by OmegaLogos
reply to post by Phage

Explanation: Maybe its just a very localized hot spot!
Prestigious doctor: US nuclear 'Baby valley of death,' Millions to die (thread by Mdv2 posted on 20-6-2011 @ 01:27 PM, post by OmegaLogos posted on 21-6-2011 @ 10:42 AM) [ATS Japan Forum]

Explantion: Yes ... but statistically... if 100kg of mox fuel was ejected...

And a bit further on in that thread... [pg 14]

This is not simulation data ... its real data!

And from that same post ...

Here is VISUAL of why we are discussing this ...

Sure ... just ignore that fallout cloud that is clearly OBVIOUS and BIGGER than the place that it originated from!

Personal Disclosure: I hope that helps!

and this dont forget,,,,,

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 07:12 PM
Its better than walking into the ruins of Megaton after you blow it up from Tenpenny Tower.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 08:02 PM
Seafood food supply must be suspect. That's a give me. We need to see current charts and what fish moves past that area on a regular bases.

But if the U.S. Government won't even admit that workers at the 9/11 sight have been exposed to heavy doses of asbestos,thus causing cancer,how in the heck can the Japanese Government admit to anyone outside the "control"area they're dieing a slow cook errr exellerated cook by radiation poisoning?

I guess it's better to not create panic and call for evacuations,then admit defeat to this ticking time bomb.

To deny the exposure, and let them die early,when they could have moved, will be criminal.

I'm sure this discussion has been ongoing.

What's panic, and whats reasonable safety, at what cost to the monetary system, and the infrastrucure and to the society and loss of lfe.

Tough call I tell ya.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by OmegaLogos

Actually, assuming the level was "only" 10 Sv/hr (where the counter maxes) it would be 1.4 seconds to reach 4 mSv.

Something still seems screwy.

edit on 8/1/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)


Here are the readings for Fuku 1, 2, and 3 direct from

Looking forward to your comment and further communication.


Hope this helps.

In Peace, Love & Light


posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by thorfourwinds

Thanks. Those readings were pointed out here:

Do you know where in the complex the readings were taken?

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by BobAthome

and this dont forget,,,,,

I see no problem with this. More meat, right?

[Sarcasm waz here]

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by Maxmars

Sadly, the Japanese government is reportedly forbidding this kind of news story in that it "contradicts the official story."

Those poor people in Japan must have certainly been alarmed by such a move.....

Yeah, we're not getting any news at all these days. Unless you count newspapers, TV, radio, internet, and cellphone newsfeeds, of course. Everything else is being censored.


福島第1で10シーベルト観測 過去最高 事故時のベント作業影響か

 東京電力は1日、福島第1原発1、2号機の原子炉建屋間にある屋外の主排気筒下部付近で、毎時10シーベ ルト以上の高放射線量を観測したと発表した。敷地内で観測された線量で最も高く、急性被曝(ひばく)で死亡 するとされる7シーベルトを42分で超える値。東電は周辺を立ち入り禁止にし、遮蔽する。

 東電によると、作業員が同日午後2時半ごろ確認した。約3メートル離れた場所から棒の先に計測器をつけて 測ると、測定限界の10シーベルトを超えた。計測した作業員の被曝線量は最大4ミリシーベルトだった。


The measurement was taken at two in the afternoon yesterday (it's a little past 10:30am on the 2nd as I type this). About 3m from the fuel rods. The worker was given a dose of 4 milisieverts.

I expect there will be some updates to this on the news at noon.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 08:52 PM
I live in japan and have been following this news.
At the press conference by tepco, they reported
that the workers put the radiation detector on a long pole
to measure this incredible 10sv. Apparently, they knew the
area would be highly radioactive because there was some incredible
reading from the special camera they use to see which place is dangerous
without actually going there.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by MidnightTide

This event is far worse than reported. From the day the event took place,to today,and no doubt well into
the future. Only when deformed plantlife,animals,and children are witnessed,and the inevitable increase of cancer in the overall population, will they understand the extent of this unspeakable tragedy.
Acts of nature are unavoidable, but the totally irresponsible method of storing massive amounts of contaminated
waste (fuel rods) directly above a reactor in a fault zone is just insanity.

You cannot "clean up" long life nuclear contaminated waste once it enters the natural cycle (food chain).
Spills,etc. can only be collected and stored. The only thing that truly cleans up radioactive waste is
time. Which in some cases is 20,000 years plus.

See Half Lifes of radioactive elements here :


and Here : Link

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by Maxmars

Tepco sent three workers around the ventilation stack today after a gamma camera detected high radioactivity levels in the area yesterday, Matsumoto said. The workers were exposed to as much as 4 millisieverts during the work, he said.

The numbers don't make sense. If the radiation level was 10 Sv/hr. The workers could have only been there for a few thousandths of a second.

The readings are for the vent stack. It is unlikely the workers were in this area but in a much less radioactive area.
As for the readings, we have entered new territory in nuclear trouble and the simple fact is no one really knows what is happening to those cores or how they are reacting with their new surroundings.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 09:43 PM
hows this area doing?,,,or are we aloud too hear only????

"Fukushima University-affiliated kindergarten in Fukushima on May 8, 2011"
they allowed too publish any new updates?

Source: Mainichi Daily News

Fukushima schoolchildren's radiation exposure estimated at half of upper limit

A worker from the Japan Atomic Energy Agency measures radiation levels in a sandbox at the Fukushima University-affiliated kindergarten in Fukushima on May 8, 2011. (Mainichi)
Schoolchildren's cumulative radiation exposure a year in Fukushima Prefecture would be about half the limit for their outdoor activities, if calculated under the current standards, according to the education ministry.

The finding has prompted the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to convene a meeting to seek advice from experts on whether the outdoor activities of schoolchildren in the prefecture should be restricted.

University of Tokyo professor Toshiso Kosako has resigned as a nuclear adviser to Prime Minister Naoto Kan after criticizing the dose limit as too lax.

On the assumption that the hourly amount of radiation is 3.8 microsieverts -- the current standards for limiting children's outdoor activities during school hours -- the ministry calculated the levels of schoolchildren's cumulative radiation exposure, taking into account their activity patterns.

edit on 1-8-2011 by BobAthome because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 09:54 PM
That report is dated May 8th.

A major offical resigned too. So where are we?

We wait for official releases of information by paid Japanes officials?

We don't have a choice and neither do the Japanese people?

HHmmmmmm Now what?

Or am I over reacting like the reactors?

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